So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 961: Ghost group

Chapter 916 Ghost Group

In recent years, there has been an emerging organization called the ghost group. The nature is similar to the killer organization, but it is not exactly the same, because this organization not only undertakes the task of killing, but also undertakes the task of stealing.

Whether it is a museum with strict precautions or a heavily guarded laboratory, as long as the ghost group takes over the task, then it has never been missed. Whatever you want, they can take things to you as they go to their own door. Come.

Of course, if it is the task of the ghost group refused to accept, then basically no one dares to pick up, because the ghost group can not steal things, others can not steal.

The organization’s base camp is located in Thailand and is said to have been built by a mysterious man with a billion dollars. But this behind-the-scenes person, except Liu Kaixi, the person in charge of the organization, knows that other people don’t know what the boss behind the scenes looks like.

This time, Liu Kaixi received a call from the boss and asked him to go to Songjiang to perform a secret mission.

"Head leader, what tasks are we going to do this time? How come there is no news yet? You can also pick up such a task?" asked the only woman in the organization.

"Li Lexin, don't talk indiscriminately, this task is a big man sent to me." Liu Kaixi said with a serious face.

"What big man in the end? Let's listen?" Li Lexin asked curiously.

"It's our big boss." Liu Kaixi said. This is not a secret. It is no harm to say it, but for the identity of the boss, Liu Kaxi does not mention it.

"Ah!" Li Lexin was a little surprised when he heard it: "The big boss? The big boss finally found us to do things?"

Liu Kaixi nodded and said: "So, this time the task can only be successful, no failure, or the cultivation of the boss."

Since the establishment of this organization, the boss behind the scenes has only quietly invested and technology, but did not ask them to do anything, so people in the organization feel a little embarrassed, one by one, waiting to help the boss to do a big job. field.

"Then we are still going to challenge what is going on, just go to perform the task directly?" Li Lexin asked.

"That is just the cover of our identity on the bright side. Without this layer of identity cover, if we just go to travel, it will not be possible to stay in Songjiang for so long." Liu Kaixi said: "In this way, we can use the preparation game. In the name of the Songjiang, I stayed for a while."


"Yang Ge, you actually signed up to fight the stage?" Li Dagang and Xu Peng were very surprised: "And, it seems that everyone is worshipping you!"

"That's yeah, your boss, I was Yang crazy, and I didn't want to fight. You didn't know." Yang Ming smiled.

"However, what kind of Thai boxing club is it very powerful?" Li Dagang asked with some concern.

"When I first started school, the presidents of the Taekwondo Club told me to fight, what is the Thai boxing society?" Yang Ming waved his hand. "Don't worry, there is no problem."

"Yang Ge, I really envy your college life! There are so many clubs!"

Liu Peng and Li Dagang and Xiaoying feel the anger of these college students, and their energetic side, very envious, but also a little funny.

After all, two people have been on the society for a long time. The behavior of these college students makes them feel naive. Since they don’t want to compare with it, it’s no big deal.

It was Xiaoying, who seemed to enjoy the feeling in school, and let Xu Peng take a lot of photos with her mobile phone as a memory of future memories.

"Since it is here, let's go to the cafeteria to have a meal at noon." Yang Ming said: "You can really feel the life of the students."

"Alright, I haven't been to the canteen of the university yet," Li Dagang said with a smile.

Although the school did not officially start school, but the cafeteria has already opened fire, but the people who eat here are not as much as when they started school. Five people came to the cafeteria and found that there were still a lot of vacancies inside.

This has to be changed to normal, there is no place.

Yang Ming handed his meal card to Xu Peng, let them order the food himself, and asked for a potato chicken rice. Wang Xiaoyu asked for a bowl of egg noodles.

"When you are going to be in the ring, will you kill that thing?" The people are gone, Yang Ming asked Wang Xiaoxiao.

"How is it possible, you want to call me a prison!" Wang smiled and said Yang Ming: "I just tempted her skills and gave her a lesson. It is not a deep hatred, just a small holiday."

"It turned out that I still think about waiting for them to do some small moves before the game, so that they become disabled before the day of the competition, see what they are still playing." Yang Mingxiao laughed.

"That is a matter of saving things," Wang Xiaoyan said, Yang Ming: "Why don't you say that, I will go with you."

"I haven't waited to say it, you will sign up." Yang Ming said a little wronged.

"Or you are slow to respond." Wang Xiaoyan digs hard.

"What is the reaction slow?" Yang Ming blinked, *** smiled: "Speaking, or the trick is not tacit understanding between the two, but also to work well for a while, in the bed to do a good job."

"Go to hell." Wang Xiaoyu was so angry and funny after listening to it. Yang Ming is a man who is not so serious, but once he is serious, it is amazingly lethal. Usually it is a harmless look.

Li Dagang and Xu Peng have already come over with their meals. Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu also stopped the topic about the killer and smiled: "You are quite fast."

"There are few people, and there is no need to line up." Li Dagang said with a smile: "However, the price of the food here is very cheap, much cheaper than the fast food restaurant downstairs in our company."

"You are not nonsense, too expensive, can students eat?" Yang Ming shook his head and took the potato chicken rice.

After the meal, Yang Ming sent Xu Peng and Xiaoying back to the billiard room, while Li Dagang took his own taxi back.

Xu Peng apparently was somewhat tempted by Yang Ming’s comments. On the way back, he also asked for Xiaoying’s opinion.

Although Xiaoying also thinks this is a good thing, after all, Yang Ming invests millions in, and if he wants to lose it, what should he do? Selling two people is worth the money.

After the two decided to go back, discuss it again.

"Dapeng, you don't have to worry about the money, and you have been doing this for so long, and you won't be bad with experience," Yang Ming said before he left. "When you think about it, call me." ""


Yang Ming drove back to the Chinese business district near the school. However, when approaching the villa area, he deliberately accelerated the speed.

"Do you have an underground garage in your home?" Yang Ming asked Wang Xiaoyu.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Wang Xiaoyan asked: "After a while, you still park your car in the library?"

"My two wives are at home, I am with you, I have seen them, not very good." Yang Ming said seriously: "Open the door!"

After Wang Xiaoyu heard some crying and laughing, he said: "I won't open the door for you. You park your car at the door."

"You are not harming me!" Yang Ming threatened: "I can tell you, let them know the tactics of the trick, they must let me move, and don't say that I will take care of your killer group." ”

Hearing the threat of Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoxi was helpless. He took a look at Yang Ming and had to open the door of the villa with a remote control, and then let Yang Ming park the car in the underground garage.

When Wang Xiaoyan opened the door, Yang Ming walked in and swayed, sitting on the sofa in the hall, and then smirked: "Look at what I said, here is my home now!"

Yang Ming said, lying on the sofa and kicking off the slippers, it was a refreshing stretch.

Wang Xiaoying sees that it is funny and good-natured. This guy is still vengeful. I didn’t say anything about him yesterday. I have to find it today. Some helplessly said: "Although I am your lover, but not your wife, I am me, you are you!"

"Is it? But I think it's almost the same. I thought you were all mine!" Yang Ming said bluntly: "It's good here. After I quarrel with Chen Mengyu, I will come to live here."

Wang Xiaoyu was speechless after listening to Yang Ming’s words. I really have never seen such a thick face.

The two were talking, and suddenly the doorbell rang outside. Yang Ming was shocked. Couldn’t it be that Chen Mengyu had just seen his car passing by and chasing the door?

Quickly glanced at the outside with his power, but he breathed a sigh of relief, standing outside the ceremonial company's florist.

Wang Xiaoyu heard the doorbell, so he went out and saw the flower clerk. He suddenly remembered the explanation before Yang Ming. He suddenly felt funny. The thing was so wonderful. One of his misunderstandings was that so many things happened.

It's hard to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, but there is no doubt that the killer group with Yang Ming's participation will definitely take it to the next level.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoyu’s mood was much better, and he took the flowers sent by the florist happily. Wang Xiaoyu’s good attitude made the flower clerk somewhat inexplicable.

In the past, every time I sent flowers, Wang Xiaoyan did not open the door. He turned and left, or he took the flowers and threw them aside. What's going on today? How is it so refreshing?

However, this has nothing to do with him. After sending out the flowers, he said "goodbye" and left quickly.

Wang Xiaoxuan took a bunch of flowers and walked back to the room and threw them on the sofa, Yang Ming’s body: "You do good deeds!"

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