So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 993: Miscalculation

Chapter IX Chapter Miscalculation

However, how could it be him? Yang Ming is somewhat puzzled. Isn't he, his brain puncture?

The person in the room was Liu Tea that was seen at the door of Shen Hua’s house that night. The father of Liu Tea is said to be a vice president of the ***. However, there are not many vice presidents, but Yang Ming is not. It is clear that Guo Jianchao has set up several vice presidents.

However, in the room, not only Liu Tea, but also a guy, Yang Ming saw at the concert of Suya, when one of his men seemed to be selling his own scalper ticket, according to Violence, This guy is the son of the deputy general of the famous entertainment.

These two guys come together, what are you going to do? However, it is not necessary to say that Liu Tea is too courageous. The son of this deputy general is obviously not a good bird. When two people get together and shake each other, everything can be done.

In the room, the fierce big man walked in, respectfully said to Liu Tea and the young man: "Tea brother, wealth brother, people caught."

"That's brought in!" The young man known as Cai Ge is called Qu Cai. He is indeed the son of the deputy general of entertainment, but Liu Tea is a classmate. The relationship between the two is good. "I'm going to take a look, what does the girl who is fascinated by you look like?"

"But... Finance, when the elevator stopped on the second floor, I accidentally broke into a man and a woman..." The fierce man said carefully.

"What about a man and a woman? It’s not like rushing out!" The fierce big man didn't finish it. Liu Cha waved his hand impatiently: "Hurry and bring people in, I am impatient."

"Tea brother, the key issue is that the two people know Shenhua, noisy, and they put Shenhua, we don't follow, they said they want to talk to you..." The fierce big man explained.

"Idiot, if you beat them, they won't have it!" Liu Cha said that he was very impatient when he was doing everything.

"But, they said that they want to call the police, I have to, I can only catch them first..." said the fierce man.

"Wait, you bring them in and let me see!" Qucai is more cautious than Liu Tea, telling the fierce man.

The fierce big man nodded and went out. Liu Cha said that he did not agree with Qu Cai: "Qu Cai, what do you do with the two guys, or find a way to help me get Shen Hua!"

"Do not worry, today I will definitely let you settle Shenhua!" Qu Cai's confidence was full, but his mouth was drawn with a cold smile.

"I am anxious!" Liu Chaxiao smiled.

"I am also for your good, afraid of extra-budgets, you did not listen to the two people said to call the police? If the alarm, your good things can be ruined!" Qu Cai said.

"Or you think thoughtful!" Liu tea nodded and said quickly.

Of course, the conversations and expressions of the two people, all of them did not leak into Yang Ming’s eyes. Yang Ming’s eyes were clear and clear, and the heart was strange. This song is obviously not like helping Liu tea, but it seems It is the same as him. However, with the IQ of Liu Cha, it seems difficult to find this.

Others, Yang Ming probably also understands that this Liu tea does not give up on Shen Hua, it is estimated that he and Wu Cai have chanted, and Qu Cai gave him such a bad idea, let him tie Shen Hua, the overlord hard attack.

The fierce big man has already come out from here at this time. Seeing that Yang Ming is still very honest standing there, his heart is loose, and the other two people say: "Take them in!"

"Go!" The savage big man and the silent big man pushed Yang Ming and others into the room. Yang Ming yelled and said: "Ha, very clever, and met again!"

Liu Cha and Qu Cai saw that Yang Ming was obviously a glimpse. Even Qu Cai did not expect to meet Yang Ming here.

When I saw Yang Ming’s aunt, the fangs were furious and went up to Yang Ming’s head. But I didn’t expect that my hand had not touched Yang Ming’s body and suddenly felt my belly. Pain, a strong force came and flew him out.

Yang Ming’s feet stood in the same place, as if they hadn’t moved. The fangs and the big man even Yang Ming played with their feet and didn’t see clearly. They suddenly felt awkward, and he was also a veteran, naturally understand this foot. The weight!

In fact, the strength of the kicking leg is much smaller than the strength of the front kicker, and the head is not so accurate, but Yang Ming is in one go, without any mud and water, directly kicking him away!

The other two great men saw Yang Ming kicking the fangs, and they immediately started to work. The face of Qucai was changed. He quickly stopped: "Stop!"

The two great men stopped listening when they heard the songs, but they were not sure if they would be Yang Ming’s opponents.

"Yang Ge, misunderstanding, huh, huh, a misunderstanding!" Qu Cai is like nothing, laughing and welcoming the past, holding Yang Ming's hand, chilling warm.

Yang Ming sneered aloud: "Misunderstanding? You have to catch my brother's girlfriend, is it a misunderstanding?"

This song, Yang Ming has some headaches, and there is still no good way to deal with him. After the concert, Yang Ming learned about it in the violent Sanli. The vice president of this song can be said to be the old man around the violent Sanli, and he has some relatives with Lei Lei, so Yang Ming did not pursue him again. responsibility.

And this song is his son, in any case, Yang Ming even wants to start with the vice president of Qu, but also to find a suitable opportunity, or not to get a cold heart of a group of elders, it is not good to do three times.

But this time, it is an opportunity for the vice president of the lesson. Just look at how this song is done. However, it seems that Qu Cai has obviously changed the plan and is ready to serve softly.

I have investigated Qu Gongjun and Qu Cai, and this song will definitely investigate myself. After all, I also calculated the limelight at Shuya’s concert, and my identity is not a secret matter. know.

This song must also know his identity, so he can't be soft when he sees himself. After all, the weight of the famous heavy work is more important in the violent San Li than the singer.

Although I saw a few words from Qu Cai and Liu Cha with my eyes, there was no evidence. It’s just that I’ve seen it. If you don’t have conclusive evidence, you may be able to give someone a handle and a tongue.

"Oh, Yang Ge, you are talking about Shen Hua!" Qu Cai said with some helplessness: "This thing, blame me, I have not managed Liu Tea, Liu tea likes Shen Hua, wants to invite her to eat, But Shen Hua didn't come. Liu Ba was excited and made an irrational thing. I have already taught him!"

"Is that the case?" Yang Ming sneered and asked.

"Yeah, actually, Liu Tea has no other meaning. He just wants to ask Shen Hua to eat. It’s just a bit too aggressive." Qu Cai explained: "Is it ah, Liu Cha? Hurry to admit a mistake, later Don't be so impulsive!"

Liu Cha is not pure sb. He saw his father’s attitude toward Yang Ming at the door of Shen Hua’s house that night. Liu Cha also knew that Yang Ming was untouchable.

The backing of Liu Tea is his father Liu Shou. Since Liu Shou is a tempting figure, Liu Tea is even more uncomfortable. Therefore, when he sees Qu Cai, he is also a polite person, and he gives up in his heart. Thoughts about Shen Hua’s misconduct.

Before, it was stunned by Qu Cai, and some of them were faint. Now, calm down, and suddenly they are afraid. Shen Hua is Yang Ming’s younger brother and sister. How do you really give her what? I guess I am also finished.

Hearing Qu Cai called himself, Liu Cha quickly said: "Yang Ge, I was really impulsive before, I can't reach Shen Hua, my mind is hot, I used strong, Yang Ge, Shen Hua, can you forgive me... It’s not working, you will call me, I should be kidnapped... Although my dad and Shen Shushu are good friends, I made a mistake, but I can’t cover it. Shen Hua, let’s call the police, let me Go to jail..."

Looking at the performance of Liu Cha, Yang Ming is very funny. Are you pitiful? I thought that in the past, I was poor, but I have the strengths of Laozi! Are you too fake?

However, Shen Hua has never seen this battle. When Liu Tea is so remorse, she has some sympathy: "Yang Ge, if you have to, let us spare him, after all, his father and my father..."

Yang Ming snorted and looked at Liucha with disdain. However, since the party Shen Hua had made a speech, Yang Ming did not need to continue to pursue it. Even if he pursued it, it could not be the present.

Yang Ming doesn't want Shen Hua to know that he has too many things. Some things still have to be done. Some of them are good. Moreover, Yang Ming still has some intangibles. He doesn't know what he wants to do.

Now that you have discovered a little Ni Duan, continue to explore, and sooner or later you will find yourself something.

"That's it. If you go, it's all your own," Yang Ming waved. "It's a joke. Who is my dad? You should know that it's a brother company, so today's thing. I am not pursuing it."

"Yang Ge, see what you said, I will teach Liu tea well!" Qu Cai quickly responded.

Yang Ming nodded and said: "I will leave if I have nothing."

"Yang Ge, let's have some food together and go!" Liu Tea is also a little scared, and said hello.

Yang Bai waved his hand: "No, I just finished eating."

After that, he said to Shen Hua and Jing Xiao: "Let's go."

When Yang Ming left the room, Liu Cha grew a sigh of relief and sat down on the sofa. He couldn't speak for a long time. He is really a little scared.

Qu Cai shook his head helplessly, but did not expect that half of the plan actually killed Yang Ming, the process of biting gold, it is really miscalculated. ......

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