So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 999: Missing mystery

The ninth ninety-ninth chapter of the mystery of disappearance

Hey, this is a nerve-rack. This kind of thing can't be written in the memory tree. Otherwise, Zhao Ying will see it. He must feel that he is thinking, and the whole is not good.

Then, from the first time to Zhao Ying’s office, the King Kong that runs the flowers will start! Thinking of this, Yang Mingwen thought like a spring, and began to write a love story. From the first remedial class, to that moonlight night, the two together to eat noodles, face the gangsters, the moment of kissing, until the reunion after graduation... the coffee shop talks, pretending to be a boyfriend...

Yang Ming found that he really has a talent for writing. Thanks to the novels often written by a guy named the second generation of the fisherman, the level of composition has been greatly improved.

If there is a **** help in one go, after Yang Ming finished writing, he carefully checked it again before he carefully closed the memory tree. Of course, there are still some blanks left for Zhao Ying to add.

Yang Ming packed up the things on the table and was ready to leave the study room. The students in the study room were mostly devoted to learning. No one had to go to Yang Ming and went away. He didn't even look at him.

Out of the classroom, Yang Ming was also bored. He just turned around on campus. After passing through the teaching building, Yang Ming suddenly thought, would Xiao Qing be in school?

So I walked into the teaching building and walked to Xiao Qing's office. Before coming to the office, Yang Ming knocked on the door, and there was a voice from Xiao Qing: "Please come in."

Yang Ming’s heart is a joy, it seems that he is not white. Pushing in the door, I saw Xiao Qingzheng dealing with what the computer is doing.

"Xiao Qingjie!" Yang Ming immediately closed the door, and then quickly walked to Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qing thought it was the teacher in the department, but did not expect Yang Ming to suddenly look around and turn around: "Yang Ming, how come you? Now you haven't started school yet?"

"Yeah, I am bored and bored. I come to the school to see a classmate. She hasn't finished class yet, so I will come here and turn around and want to see if you have to go to work." Yang Ming came to Xiao Qing and hugged from behind. She whispered.

Xiao Qing’s body trembled. After all, this is in the office, not at home. Every time Yang Ming is intimate with her in the office, she has a very strange feeling, both nervous and exciting, but this feeling is really wonderful. It's a bit addictive.

"Quickly let go, what happens when someone comes in?" Xiao Qing twisted his body and shouted.

After Yang Ming listened, he smiled carelessly: "I have closed the door."

"You, that is, there is no seriousness. If you call it Cognac, you will not be mad at him?" Xiao Qing said with some helplessness. The relationship between myself and Yang Ming is a pain in Xiao Qing’s heart forever. There is no way to open it. It can only be sneaky for a lifetime.

Although I know Yang Ming is the first one, it seems that even Sun Jie is not as good as it is. At least Sun Jie can be together with Yang Ming without any scruples.

"I found out that I was not a brother or sister, and I was afraid of anything." Yang Ming did not care: "There is too much you think, there is nothing in the world, and the mediocrity is self-interesting."

"Don't worry too much about thinking too much, I am really afraid of others looking at my strange eyes..." Xiao Qing sighed.

Yang Ming nodded and expressed understanding. He also knows what kind of past Xiao Qing has. When he got married, the groom ran away. How ironic it is. If you change to a person with poor psychological quality, suicide is possible.

And myself, the younger brother in the name of Xiao Qing, if it is with Xiao Qing, the outsiders will definitely say something unpleasant, Yang Ming does not care, but Xiao Qing? Yang Ming can't help but think about her.

"I know, don't worry, I will be careful." Yang Ming said: "Xiao Qingjie, what is the body of the cognac?"

Yang Ming has a lot of things this time. In addition to the Chinese New Year, he went to Liu Weishan’s home to pay a visit to the New Year. This is almost a month away and has not been visited yet.

"My parents' body is not bad... just, they immediately went to Liu Tianqi's birthday, and their mood was somewhat low." Xiao Qing sighed.

"Liu Tianqi?" Yang Ming stunned, suddenly remembered, as if to listen to Cognac said, Liu Tianqi is the son of Cognac, suddenly silence: "Right, Xiao Qing sister, you and I talked about, what is Liu Tianqi's thing? What happened? I saw cognac and godmother are jealous of this topic, and I have been afraid to ask questions."

"Liu Tianqi, my brother, I also know, and we graduated from Songjiang University of Engineering. What is different from cognac is that Liu Tianqi is interested in bioengineering, and at a young age, she is already famous in the biological world. Liu Tianqi's article about bacteria The papers in the field have also won international awards and are a dazzling new star in the national bioscience community!” Xiao Qing said: “And his fiancée is his assistant and also has a great biology. The young couple, young and old, have a tendency to eclipse more than cognac in the academic world. Unfortunately, on the eve of the marriage, both of them disappeared mysteriously at the same time..."

"Mysterious disappearance!" Yang Ming suddenly had some incomprehensibleness. How did it look like in a movie? Can people suddenly disappear? Yang Ming strangely said: "Is there no alarm? Didn't there any news later?"

"Alarm, such a well-known scientist is missing, the police pressure is also very big," Xiao Qing shook his head and continued: "But, at that time, a lot of police force was used, and Liu Tianqi’s whereabouts were not found. This person is like It was the same as the human world evaporated. There was no news at all. At first, everyone thought it was a kidnapping, but they did not receive any phone calls and messages from the kidnappers. Later, they realized that things were unusual, even some special departments of the country. Participated in the investigation, and even suspected that Liu Tianqi was arrested by foreign hostile forces, but there was no result."

"This is actually like this..." This is the first time that Yang Ming heard the whole story. I didn't expect to have such a powerful son, so it was so strangely missing, the old man is strong again, and there are sad times!

"Yeah, so these years, we are not mentioning this matter in front of cognac, I hope that cognac can forget these unpleasant sad past events, but can this kind of thing be forgotten if you forget it?" Xiao Qingdao: "Every year When I arrived at the birthday of Liu Tianqi’s eldest brother, the cognac would go to the police station again to see if there were any new clues. Although he knew that there was basically no hope, if there was news, the police would inform him of the first time. But dry up or..."

Yang Ming nodded. This kind of feeling of losing loved ones is something that ordinary people can't understand: "I hope that Big Brother Liu can come back."

"Well, don't say this. In the future, I will try not to mention it in front of cognac, so that I will be sad if I am dry." Xiao Qing said.

"I know," Yang Ming said. "I am not that stupid."

"If you have time, go back and spend time with you. If you get old, you will be taken care of by your son." Xiao Qing said: "Okay, time is almost up. I have a graduate student today. New students meet, I want to go, you are not waiting for your classmates? You are staying in my office, just lock the door when you go."

"Yes, then go." Yang Ming nodded. Zhao Ying would definitely call back or send a text message if he received the message. Now there is no news, it proves that she did not have a class.

Xiao Qing packed up the things on the table, then took out a coat from the closet and put it out. When I changed clothes, I didn't avoid Yang Ming. After all, the relationship between the two people can be said to be intimate.

Xiao Qing didn't mention a word about Sun Jie and Yang Ming who had been together with him. Since she didn't want to say it, Yang Ming naturally wouldn't say it. Yang Ming thinks that Xiao Qing does not say that she has acquiesced in this practice on her behalf.

After Xiao Qing went out of the office, Yang Ming sat in Xiao Qing's position, played the computer, and opened the qq, but saw that there was a qq number on it, and saved the password.

Yang Ming was a little curious, this will not be Xiao Qing's qq number? Thinking of this, Yang Ming wants to log in and see who is on Xiao Qing's qq. It’s not that Yang Ming suspects Xiao Qing, but Yang Ming’s curiosity.

Yang Ming clicked on the login, qq quickly boarded up, took a look at the state, found that it is online, Yang Ming quickly set himself to be invisible, if someone talks to himself, they can not reply. .

However, Yang Ming’s hand was still a step later, “Drips”, and in the computer, there was a prompt to receive a new message.

Yang Ming had no choice but to open a chat window. The person who spoke is a woman, and the net name is "Xiao Jie."

"Dead Nizi, isn't it going to work? How do you open qq?" Xiaojie said.

Xiao Jie? Yang Mingyi, look at her tone of speech to Xiao Qing, will not be Sun Jie that fox? Think of Sun Jie's ***, Yang Ming is a smile of ***, clicked on her information and looked up.

The information was written very ordinary, a few strokes, nothing special, but let Yang Ming find the flaws! This Xiaojie e-mail address is actually the pinyin of sunjie!

Haha, it really is Sun Jie! After determining her identity, Yang Ming decided to tease her. So, imitating Xiao Qing's tone, I sent a message in the past: "Just finished the work, exhausted, just come up and see, it is you, a general manager, there is time to chat online? I just went on an instant Stealth, I was caught by you."

After finishing this sentence, Yang Ming stared nervously at the computer screen, waiting for Sun Jie's reply. In order to further determine the identity of the other party, Yang Ming tested it again.

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