So, They Were the Protagonists All Along

Chapter 102 Your sister and ex-fiancée are both great! 3K

After Mu Zhian left the room, he was about to go out along the path in the yard.

At this time, he suddenly noticed Wei Mengrou who blocked her own breath not far away.

The maid had obviously also noticed the call of the spirit dragon this morning. At this time, she was looking up in a certain direction, looking like she was thinking about something.

"Sister Mengrou, what are you daydreaming about?" Mu Zhian walked to Wei Mengrou's side and took the initiative to greet her.

Wei Mengrou woke up from her sudden realization just now, glanced at Mu Zhian lightly, and said: "You have good energy."

There was no lack of ridicule for Mu Zhian in these words. Even without thinking, it was known that Wei Mengrou was talking about what happened between him and Bai Ruoxi last night.

However, Mu Zhian had gradually become immune to the ridicule of the maid, and even enjoyed her eyes that were enough to excite the M, and smiled: "In fact, my energy can be better."

"It's okay even if there is one more person." When he said this, he stared at Wei Mengrou with burning eyes, trying to tease the maid.

Wei Mengrou sneered, "If the sisters or senior sisters of the Ye family come to see you at night, I won't stop them. You'd better take care of yourself."

If the sisters of the Ye family or Lan Murian suddenly visit one night, and Wei Mengrou pretends not to know... then something big might happen.

After all, for Bai Ruoxi's cultivation, Mu Zhian is working hard every day and is willing to help others. It would be embarrassing if he was caught on the spot.

"Who would come to see me in the middle of the night?" Mu Zhian smiled, seemingly not caring.

In fact, he silently remembered this possibility in his heart.

This is Liangyi Sect, this mansion is not the Mu family, and there are not so many formations arranged. If someone comes in and Wei Mengrou does not stop them...

If they hear some exciting voices from Miss Bai outside the door...

Just thinking of this possibility, Mu Zhian can't help but feel a little cold in his heart.

It seems that he needs to find some time to learn the formation... At least he has to ensure that he can detect it immediately when outsiders enter the house where he lives now.

It's really not easy to be a master of time management...

Mu Zhian sighed secretly and changed the subject: "That was the sound made by the spirit dragon just now, right? Sister Mengrou, do you want to go out with me to take a look?"

Wei Mengrou hesitated for a moment and nodded gently: "Okay."

The two left the yard together. Wei Mengrou hid her existence early and followed Mu Zhian silently.

Stepping out of this ancient hall, what came into view were the mountains and ravines.

There was white mist everywhere, and sometimes white cranes with fairy spirit flew over in the sky.

That was the Eight Treasure Crane. As the name suggests, it was a crane with eight kinds of rich nutrients... To put it bluntly, it was an edible treasure.

But of course, no one in the Liangyi Sect dared to secretly take the Eight Treasure Crane.

Because this eight-treasure crane is a treasure raised by the current head of Canghai Peak to honor his master and occasionally to reward some outstanding disciples of the sect.

If the crane raised by the head of the sect is discovered, you don’t need to think about what the end will be.

The peaks are connected by a special golden talisman, forming a suspended "suspension bridge".

At this moment, in front of the suspension bridge outside the hall, there are already many disciples of the sect who are watching the cliff and trying to find the spiritual dragon in the cliff.

There are even some disciples who are ready to jump off the cliff to get an adventure and be appreciated by the senior spiritual dragon.

Of course, being ready does not mean that they will really take action.

After all, if they jump off this cliff, what if the senior spiritual dragon finds out that they did it for the "adventure" and does not send them back, won't they die directly?

No one wants to take such a risk.

"There are so many people... It will be even harder for me to contact Senior Linglong."

Mu Zhian frowned secretly as he looked at the many disciples in front of the suspension bridge.

I don't know why Senior Linglong suddenly roared like that last night...

Originally, Mu Zhian wanted to wait until the disciples gradually forgot about this matter before contacting Linglong and asking about the powder luck.

But now... so many disciples are staring at him, he doesn't want to be the target of public criticism.

I have to think of a way...Mu Zhian was thinking about this, when he saw a young man in a black robe in the crowd.

I recognized the other party's identity at first sight.

It was the chosen son, Ye Yu.

If it was Ye Yu, maybe he would be appreciated by Linglong...Mu Zhian couldn't help but think secretly.

Although Ye Yu's usual performance was indeed stupid, it is undeniable that his luck was indeed very strong...and there was an old man helping him in his body, maybe he could really get some immortal fate from Linglong.

When Mu Zhian just thought of this, Ye Yu, who was not far away, seemed to have noticed someone's gaze and turned his head slightly to look over.

He glanced at Mu Zhian and confirmed that there was no girl behind this young master Mu. He couldn't help but gloat a little, came in front of Mu Zhian, and said with a smile:

"It seems that what happened yesterday was also difficult for young master Mu?"

Eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, wanting Ye Qian but not willing to give up Ye Lingxuan, and even Bai Ruoxi... Mu Zhian deserves to be reduced to this state.

Mu Zhian was stunned for a moment, realizing the sarcasm in Ye Yu's words, and sighed softly: "It's really hard. It's not easy to appease Qian'er and Lingxuan at the same time."

He probably doesn't know that Lingxuan is completely disappointed in him... Ye Yu sneered secretly, but his face remained calm, saying: "Mr. Mu should be more focused in the future, don't end up being deserted by everyone, even Miss Bai leaves you."

A proud beauty like Bai Ruoxi will never allow the man around her to be a fickle guy...

If she was told that Mu Zhian went to find Ye Qian last night... Ye Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and a plan quietly formed in his mind.

At this time, Ye Yu noticed that Mu Zhian's breath seemed to be a little disordered. He looked at Mu Zhian for a few times and sneered: "It seems that Master Mu didn't sleep well after returning home last night."

That's right. If it were him, he would also have difficulty falling asleep if he encountered the same experience as yesterday.

Mu Zhian was not annoyed at all, but just smiled lightly: "After all, I have to accompany Ruoxi to practice double cultivation at night."

Ye Yu's smile froze, his eyes slightly focused, staring at Mu Zhian.

Soon, his face returned to the indifferent smile of the past, and said: "Master Mu, let's not talk about whether you and Miss Bai practiced double cultivation last night. Even if it is true, Bai Ruoxi now has nothing to do with me."

Mu Zhian nodded and smiled: "You are right."

He was not interested in sharing with others how smooth Bai Ruoxi was and how beautiful her figure was.

It was also interesting to let Ye Yu continue to satisfy himself with the illusion that he had "won".

Mu Zhian retracted his gaze and turned to walk along the direction of the suspension bridge.

He decided to go around today to see if he could find a place where there were no sect disciples nearby and try to communicate with Linglong.

Before leaving, Mu Zhian suddenly remembered something, stopped, looked over, and smiled: "By the way, Qian'er's rouge tastes pretty good."

Ye Yu just smiled faintly and didn't care.

Mu Zhian thought he had everything under control. If he hadn't gone to find Ye Lingxuan last night, maybe Mu Zhian would have really won.

After all, that simple cousin had been coaxed by Mu Zhian's sweet words.

But if Ye Lingxuan also knew about this, it would be completely different...

Ye Yu looked at Mu Zhian's back as he left, sneered secretly, and was about to look away.

At this time, he suddenly saw Mu Zhian raised his hand and took out a jade bottle made of blue and white porcelain from the ring.

On the surface of the jade bottle, he clearly saw a "Ye" character engraved.

That was... the Ye family's jade bottle!

Fifth-grade elixir... Bulingdan? !

How could he have the Soul-Replenishing Pill? !

The Ye family didn't have any fifth-grade pills, and even Ye Yu didn't have any fifth-grade pills, but Mu Zhian took out a Soul-Replenishing Pill so easily and took it.

Moreover, the jade bottle containing the Soul-Replenishing Pill clearly had the Ye family's logo engraved on it!

Obviously, Mu Zhian got the pill from someone in the Ye family.

Qian'er couldn't have such a precious pill.

But who else besides Qian'er could take out such a precious pill from the Ye family...?

The answer is already very clear.

The only girl who could easily take out such a rare pill and give it to someone else is Ye Lingxuan, who has a rather mysterious background.

The originally indifferent smile on Ye Yu's face froze slightly, and he stared at Mu Zhian's back, shouting wildly in his heart:

Lingxuan actually gave him such a precious pill? !

How could it be possible? After she knew about Mu Zhian's double-minded behavior last night, she would not have given him such a precious elixir!


This elixir may not have been given last night, but Lingxuan gave it to Mu Zhian a long time ago, but Mu Zhian only took it today...

When Ye Yu thought of this, he felt a little relieved.

At this moment, the corner of his eyes suddenly fell on the purple-skirted girl who was walking out of the hall.

In the sun, her face bloomed with a reserved and elegant sweet smile, and she walked towards here with her skirt flying.

Almost at that moment, many disciples of the sect could not help but look over slightly.

A beautiful woman like Ye Lingxuan, who is quiet and elegant, is rare even in Liangyi Sect. Even though everyone is very concerned about Linglong's time at this moment, they can't help but look at this girl's pretty face a few more times.

Ye Yu raised his head and was about to speak.

At this moment, Ye Lingxuan's eyes suddenly fell directly on Mu Zhian, and she called out in a clear and pleasant voice:

"Brother Mu."

After that, under Ye Yu's dull gaze, Ye Lingxuan trotted to catch up with Mu Zhian.

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