Soon after Mu Zhian left the room, Bai Ruoxi comforted the oppressed girl and followed her out of the room.

"What are you going to do next?" She looked at Mu Zhian and asked softly.

Killing Gongsun Zan might be a momentary pleasure, but it would bring great trouble. The Mu family could bear such trouble, but it would still lose some interests.

Mu Zhian seemed to be thinking about something. After a long time, he suddenly came to his senses and said, "What should I do?"

Bai Ruoxi opened her mouth slightly and said, "It's... Gongsun Zan's matter..."

"What does Gongsun Zan's matter have to do with me?" Mu Zhian asked.

Bai Ruoxi was stunned for a moment, and then, as if she understood something, she said, "You want to leave this mansion secretly?"

Then, she shook her head again and said, "No, the servants of the Gongsun family have seen you enter the mansion. If you leave now, the news will be spread to the Gongsun family later."

Mu Zhian was silent, just walking quietly on the path in the yard.

"Do you regret it?" Bai Ruoxi suddenly asked.

Mu Zhian shook his head gently and said, "Give me another chance, I will still do it."

"Master Mu is such a good man." Bai Ruoxi said softly.

With Mu Zhian's identity, he didn't need to intervene in such things, because no one in Tianxuan City could do anything to him... But he intervened anyway, causing trouble for himself, but it was thankless.

"I'm not a good person, I just don't want to be a bad person." Mu Zhian smiled, "I can't stand seeing others do bad things in front of me."

Bai Ruoxi opened her mouth slightly, she wanted to say that you are also a bad boy with a very bad reputation, why is this necessary?

But thinking of what Mu Zhian had done in the past few days, she swallowed the words back.

If he really wanted to do something bad, Mu Zhian could have touched her in the carriage before... Although she might have refused.

Because when asking Mu Zhian, Bai Ruoxi didn't make up his mind at all.

Can people really grow up in an instant...?

If someone had asked Bai Ruoxi this question before, she might not have been able to answer.

But now, she could nod and answer the other party with confidence: Yes.

This dandy boy who was famous in Tianxuan City at the time has really changed.

Mu Zhian didn't know what Bai Ruoxi was thinking, but suddenly asked: "By the way, aren't you afraid that Gongsun Zan's servants will run away when you come here?"

Bai Ruoxi shook her head gently: "Miss Meng Rou is at the gate of the courtyard, and no one dares to leave."

No wonder she came in, it turned out that Sister Meng Rou was outside... Mu Zhian understood slightly in his heart.

"Master Mu, how do you plan to deal with Gongsun Zan's matter?" Bai Ruoxi couldn't help asking.

They originally planned to contact Gongsun Zan and get his words, but now the other party is dead, and Mu Zhian has also caused trouble... If this matter is not handled well, even the Mu family will have a headache for a while.

"Deal with it as it should be." Mu Zhian said.

"Cremation, water burial or throwing him out to feed dogs is fine."

Bai Ruoxi frowned slightly.

He is still joking now... Doesn't he know that he will have to face the trouble from the Gongsun family next...

As if he could see what Bai Ruoxi was thinking, Mu Zhian suddenly smiled and said, "In fact, Gongsun Zan is much more useful now than when he was alive."

Bai Ruoxi was stunned: "Isn't Gongsun Zan dead?"

"Miss Bai, you don't know this."

Mu Zhian turned his head to look at the big-chested and thin-waisted beauty behind him, locked eyes with her, and smiled: "Sometimes, living people may not be more useful than dead people."

Bai Ruoxi was stunned for a moment.

"Gongsun Zan is dead...but he is more useful than alive?"

She was about to ask Mu Zhian the reason, but the two of them had unknowingly walked to the front of the yard.

The servants who were confiscating the property were gathered in an open space by Wei Mengrou, and they were looking at Mu Zhian with horror.

As if looking at a demon.

They could vaguely hear the confrontation between Gongsun Zan and Mu Zhian from outside just now, and after that, Master Gongsun was silent... and the colleagues sent over were nowhere to be seen.

Mu Zhian... probably attacked Gongsun Zan!

"Sister Mengrou." Mu Zhian looked at Wei Mengrou.

Wei Mengrou nodded gently, pointed at the seven or eight servants, and said, "How to deal with these people?"

As soon as the words fell, the servants felt a chill in their hearts, and some even knelt down and begged, "Master Mu, spare me! I only came here to confiscate the house under the order of Gongsun Zan, I-"

"Forcibly attacking the maids in the mansion, is this also an order from Gongsun Zan?" Mu Zhian said with a sarcastic tone.

The servant was silent immediately.

"Don't worry, someone will convict you later, and that person is not me."

Mu Zhian glanced at the servants in front of him and said coldly: "I won't kill you either... Of course,"

He paused and asked: "What did you see in the mansion just now?"

"Nothing..." They answered almost in unison.

"No." Mu Zhian shook his head and said seriously: "You saw it."

The servants raised their heads one after another, with horror in their eyes.

What he meant was that he really didn't intend to keep them alive...

"You saw Gongsun Zan oppressing the women, and Mu Zhian stood up for him and stopped Gongsun Zan." Mu Zhian continued.

Bai Ruoxi subconsciously glanced at Mu Zhian.

This reason cannot explain the murder of Gongsun Zan... and they were seen by other people in Tianxuan City when they were walking on this street. When the time comes, the Gongsun family will know it by asking someone.

Mu Zhian continued: "After that, Mu Zhian left, and Gongsun Zan was killed by a mysterious black-robed man after the house search. Do you understand?"

Black-robed man...?

The servants looked at each other and saw doubts in each other's eyes.

But they still reacted immediately and nodded in agreement quickly.

Mu Zhian turned his head to look at Wei Mengrou and said, "Sister Mengrou, the rest is up to you."

Wei Mengrou said "um" softly.

The soul refining realm is to cultivate the primordial spirit. When it reaches the soul refining realm, Wei Mengrou can modify the memory of others, or more accurately, to give psychological hints to the enemy.

Of course, this also requires the cooperation of the other party.

At the moment, these servants have no other choice... After all, they don't care what Gongsun Zan is like, as long as they can survive.

Bai Ruoxi was still a little worried, and walked to Mu Zhian and whispered: "The patriarch of the Gongsun family may not believe this."

After all, no one would believe the existence of the so-called black-robed man before seeing him, let alone the shrewd Gongsun patriarch.

"Just like this, the patriarch will certainly not believe it completely."

Mu Zhian smiled: "But if he saw the black-robed man with his own eyes, would he still not believe it?"

Bai Ruoxi was stunned.

"A mysterious master of the Refining God Realm sneaked into Tianxuan City silently... Such a big threat, everyone should be united at this time, right?" Mu Zhian looked at Bai Ruoxi's beautiful profile and smiled: "What do you think, Miss Bai?"

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