So, They Were the Protagonists All Along

Chapter 486 There is no Mu Zhian in the world 7.5K (1/2)

For Mu Zhian, although Gu Boxing is not a treasure-hunting mouse, he has replaced the position of the treasure-hunting mouse in a sense.

Last time, Gu Boxing was seriously injured in order to summon the spirit of the original witch...

And this time... he seems to be planning to send a big wave again.

"If it weren't for the secret letter sent by Princess Yongning, I probably wouldn't have thought that someone would set their sights on the original witch in the depths of the Southern Wilderness."

Mu Zhian sighed in his heart.

The black fog in the Southern Wilderness is difficult to approach, and even he can only jump over the black fog with the help of the "black box" and step directly into the depths of the black fog.

The original witch's true body in the depths of the Southern Wilderness is sealed by the Arrow of Heaven, and even Mu Zhian can't rescue her now.

Not to mention rescuing her, Mu Zhian even felt as if he was about to be purified by the Arrow of Heaven when he approached the original witch.

If Gu Boxing can really use some magic to summon the original would be perfect.

After all, he had harvested leeks like Ye Yu and Xiao Hua before, so Mu Zhian naturally knew what to do to maximize the benefits of this rare leek before harvesting it.

Now the only thing that Mu Zhian cares about is whether Gu Boxing can ignore the seal of the Arrow of Heaven and summon the original witch in the depths of the Southern Wilderness.

If he can really do it, the value of this treasure-hunting rat is really immeasurable...


To the north of the Dagan Dynasty, there is a mountain called Lianxin Mountain.

Some time ago, Gu Boxing sent people to build a colorful altar in Lianxin Mountain.

In the name of praying for the country, hoping that the Dagan Dynasty will have good weather and good harvests, but in fact, he is secretly planning other ideas.

And in the morning of the day after seven days, the Dagan Dynasty ushered in a carnival.

As early as about ten days ago, Gu Boxing had someone release the news that he would go to Lianxin Mountain to pray for the country and pray that the dynasty would have good weather and good harvests next year.

Most people in the mortal world do not know the true face of this national teacher, so they naturally admire this national teacher.

However, they obviously do not know that the so-called prayer is false, and refining the national destiny in the name of prayer is the real thing.

"Are all the things ready?"

Gu Boxing slowly opened his eyes and asked the Taoist boy beside him in a calm tone.

"The colorful altar has been set up on the top of Lianxin Mountain. The great powers in the South Wilderness, the Western Regions and other places have secretly set up magic arrays in Lianxin Mountain not long ago, waiting for the good news that the master has refined the national destiny." The Taoist boy said.

"Very good."

Gu Boxing showed a satisfied smile on his face, and felt that the anger accumulated in his heart during this period of time had dissipated a lot at once.

He was really too angry during this period of time. The furnace was sealed, and His Majesty's trust in him was not as good as before. As a powerful national teacher, how could he have thought that he would suffer such humiliation today?

He did not even offend the Green Emperor at the beginning, but just wanted to take away the maid next to Mu Zhian!

That maid is a body of misfortune, which will affect the fate of the dynasty. He wants to confirm what the problem is.

And all this is because of the little cultivator named Mu Zhian.

Even for him now, Mu Zhian is just an ant. Even if Mu Zhian practices for another ten years, he may not be able to catch up with his current achievements.

As a result, there is a person like Qingdi behind this ant.

Even the original witch he summoned in the past seems to have an unclear relationship with Mu Zhian.

How can a little cultivator in the realm of refining spirit stand at the pinnacle of life?

In addition to sweet talk to make women happy, what else can he do?

Gu Boxing, who has always been calm, finds it difficult to balance and even angry when he thinks of Mu Zhian's existence.

Most cultivators practice for immortality and to have a place in this nine states where the weak are the prey of the strong.

Mu Zhian was born with all of this. Although Mu Zhian's strength is not strong, the woman behind him can give him everything he wants.

Although some cultivators in Jiuzhou seem to be disdainful of soft rice, with an attitude that we cultivators should be self-reliant, if there is a female emperor who is obedient and obedient as a wife, I am afraid that they will hug her legs and not let go on the spot.

Gu Boxing is naturally the same.

Therefore, he will feel particularly unbalanced.

Moreover, his furnace was sealed because of Mu Zhian.

The source of everything started with Mu Zhian, and now it should naturally end with Mu Zhian.

Refining the national destiny is bound to be noticed by the Qing Emperor. Whether the great powers in Jiuzhou will be willing to help with all their strength is still unknown... But at least, the formation they set up before can last for a while.

And this period of time is enough for him to awaken the real "immortal".

"Mu Zhian, this is your own fault, don't blame me..."

Gu Boxing's face became a little colder.

It was still unknown whether he could use the national destiny to unlock the seal of the Pure World Blue Lotus, and Mu Zhian was blessed by the Green Emperor, so it was impossible for him to take revenge.

So the only method he could think of was the soul-calling technique!

This secret method was obtained from the inheritance of the original witch in the past in the World Sea. Every time this secret method was used, the spiritual energy of the furnace would be reduced by 20%, and it would never recover.

This time, everyone, including the Emperor Da Gan, probably thought that he, Gu Boxing, was just doing this to refine the national destiny and unlock the seal of the Green Emperor's Pure World Blue Lotus.

But who would have thought that, from the very beginning, his real purpose was not for himself.

If he could rescue the quasi-immortal in the depths of the Southern Wilderness... Mu Zhian could rely on a powerful person, and he could do the same at that time!

Although he might have to sacrifice more than 20% of his spiritual energy this time, Gu Boxing didn't care about that now.

Anyway, the furnace has been sealed. If it continues like this, his blood will be exhausted, and when he can't even perform the soul-calling technique, he will really be helpless.

Only by taking advantage of the will of all living beings to cast spells, awaken the quasi-immortal, and remove the seal on her body, can he have a glimmer of hope.

"With all the spiritual energy in my furnace and the will of all living beings, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, it should not be difficult to awaken or even remove the seal on her body..."

That afternoon, Gu Boxing set out for Lianxin Mountain, attracting the attention of countless civilians and monks living in the city along the way, and they were all talking about something.

The masses are ignorant, but there are also smart people among them. They know that the Qing Emperor sealed Gu Boxing's furnace when he was clearing up the dynasty in the past, and this matter has also aroused many people's associations.

After all, the status of Yaochi Holy Land in Dongzhou is very important. The Qing Emperor used to protect Dongzhou and suppress the first generation of demon kings. That fairy is a synonym of holiness in the hearts of countless people in Dongzhou. They naturally believe that the Qing Emperor will not vent his anger on the national teacher for no reason.

I think this national teacher has done something, so he was cleared up by the Qing Emperor.

At this moment, Gu Boxing stood in front of the mountain top, with his hands behind his back, looking up at the colorful altar in front of him, and said with a little satisfaction: "You did a good job."

"Next, no one is allowed to enter without my order."

After he finished speaking, he drove all the people in Lianxin Mountain out of the mountain top, and then placed several precious medicinal herbs in strict positions around the colorful altar according to the Western Regions Buddhism he knew.

Then he sat cross-legged in front of the colorful altar, chanting complicated Buddhist teachings.

These materials are all very precious, but what is more precious is the will of all living beings that Gu Boxing began to guide out of his body.

This is a secret method that he accidentally learned from a monk in the Western Regions in the past. The cultivation methods in the Western Regions are very special. Some of the monks who have achieved enlightenment are only in the realm of refining spirits, but their combat power is comparable to that of returning to the void. The reason for this is the blessing of this "will of all living beings".

As long as the people in that area believe in a certain monk, that monk can collect the will of all living beings and bless himself.

The more people believe, the greater the will of all living beings.

According to Gu Boxing's guess, if the will of all living beings in the entire Western Regions is gathered, its combat power can at least double or triple.


The sky began to gradually darken, and a dark cloud in the distance was slowly moving towards this direction.

Not long after, several strange runes emerged on the altar, and the will of all living beings on the top of the entire Lianxin Mountain became extremely strong.

If a cultivator rashly stepped into it at this time, he would probably explode and die in a while.

Because such a surging wish power of all living beings cannot be directly absorbed, and even completely dissipates the nearby spiritual energy.

Next, it is to inject the huge national destiny into the altar.

Gu Boxing's forehead began to gradually ooze out cold sweat. His furnace is now sealed, and now he is completely using the wish power of all living beings to perform this secret method and refine the national destiny.

This approach has great side effects, not to mention that he has to hide this secret method as much as possible to avoid being discovered too early.

"Sure enough, for me now, this method of refining qi is still too difficult... But I have no choice."

Gu Boxing gritted his teeth, raised his hand through his chest, and slowly took out a ball of light emitting purple light.

This ball of light began to slowly spread, filling the entire world.

One-third of the national destiny!

Gu Boxing breathed a sigh of relief, and then he slowly stretched out his hand and was about to start refining.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a green light flashing before his eyes.

Then, a green lotus quietly bloomed in the air, and the vast and infinite spiritual energy fluctuations were emitted, as if the sky was directly pressing down, causing the spiritual energy of the entire space to produce violent fluctuations and explosions.

Gu Boxing's face changed slightly: "Green Emperor!"

In the air, I don't know when it started. The woman in the green gauze skirt stepped on the void step by step. Every step seemed to be accompanied by the humming of the avenue, like the Nine Heavens Mysterious Woman descending to the earth.

She looked down at the man on the top of the mountain from a high place, and her red lips opened slightly:

"Gu Boxing, I thought of your past contributions to protecting Dagan and cultivating the national destiny, so I spared your life. But it seems that you are still unwilling to be lonely. Dagan's national destiny is related to the fate of Dongzhou, and it cannot be used for your own selfish interests."

This fairy sound was like a heavenly sound, slowly ringing in the entire Dagan Dynasty, like a stone stirring up a thousand layers of waves, making countless people change color.

The soldiers in Lianxin Mountain were even more shocked. When they looked up, they couldn't help but reveal a deep sense of awe.


In the darkness, the eyes of several powerful people who were secretly watching here were a little more trembling.

They still underestimated the difference between the Yuhua Realm and the Hedao Realm. The last time Qingdi killed a Buddha in the Western Region, several powerful people including Yunzhou believed that it was because Qingdi activated some secret method, and the Buddha did not have the blessing of the will of all living beings, so he achieved a shocking scene of killing with one blow.

But now they saw the aura emanating from Qingdi's body when he arrived, and they realized how big the difference was between Yuhua and Hedao.

The 'Hedao Realm' that is not restricted by the rules of heaven and earth can be so terrifying.

"Why did Emperor Qing come to Lianxin Mountain?"

In the mountain peak, a group of Daqian soldiers looked at this scene, and finally couldn't help lowering their voices and asked.

"What do you mean by what Qingdi just said...? The national master is seeking his own personal gain?"

Someone quickly reacted and couldn't help lowering their voices to discuss what Qingdi had just said.

At this moment, there were many whispers not only in Lianxin Mountain, but also in the entire Daqian Dynasty.

All the monks were terrified. Although the fairy voice was melodious and intoxicating, every word she spoke contained a Taoist rhyme that made people resonate with her, as if their souls were trembling.

"Qing Emperor, you are indeed here."

Although Gu Boxing was shocked, it seemed as if he was still sitting cross-legged as expected, because now he had reached the critical moment to start refining the national destiny, and it was impossible to stop halfway.

"You are much calmer than I thought. Do you have any trump cards that you can prepare in advance?"

Yao Meng smiled indifferently, her beautiful blue eyes as clear as glass, and her voice was always soft and gentle, but in Gu Boxing's ears, he could clearly hear the murderous intention in her words!

The last time the Qing Emperor held back, it was because the destiny of the country was bound to him, and it was not worth damaging the destiny of the country by killing him. But now he took out the destiny of the country and poured it into the colorful altar with the intention of refining it... The Emperor Qing may not hold back this time.

However, instead of being afraid, Gu Boxing showed an interesting smile.

"I bet you can't kill me."

After refining the national destiny, he can fulfill his previous promises with Yunzhou, Nanhuang, Western Region and other places and hand over part of the national destiny to them.

During this period, he would also secretly awaken the quasi-immortal sleeping deep in the Southern Wilderness.

He had deduced the secret before and knew the sleeping position of the quasi-immortal who was sealed.

Once he wakes her up, he will naturally have a chance of survival.

"Fellow Taoists, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to stop Qingdi!"

Gu Boxing shouted into the air, and his voice spread to all directions through the power of the will of all living beings.

And almost the moment he finished speaking, the space under the sky was distorted like a black hole.

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Immediately afterwards, a woman wearing a white dress slowly walked out of the space.

The iconic platinum hair rested gently on the seductive shoulders. Behind him, there was an extremely bright light, and a huge body of the avenue appeared, as if it contained the laws of space.

"God of Space, Shae!"

Many people were a little confused. They didn't expect that a 'sacrifice and prayer' would actually attract the current master of Nanhuang.

"As expected of the God of Space, the speed of his arrival is indeed much faster than other powers."

A faint smile appeared on Gu Boxing's face and he said: "Then please, Master Xue Yi, stop the Qing Emperor first——"

Before he finished speaking, he noticed that Xue Yi's eyes were always staring in a certain direction, and there seemed to be a brilliance in her beautiful eyes.

Gu Boxing was stunned for a moment, and when he followed that gaze, his pupils shrank slightly.

It was a young man wearing a luxurious black robe. He had been standing in mid-air for some time. The maid in a yellow skirt stood coldly not far from him.

Mu Zhian!

"Senior Xue Yi, why did you go all the way? I thought you would just stop coming."

Under Gu Boxing's incredibly dull gaze, Mu Zhian showed a gentle smile and said hello.

"You, you..."

This scene made Gu Boxing stunned. After realizing something, his blood almost surged and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, Gu Boxing, who was good at deducing secrets, felt the anger of being betrayed.

The God of Space broke his promise and didn't even care about Daqian's national destiny? !

How is this possible...?

Even a powerful person in the Hedao realm cannot care about the destiny of the country.

The anger in Gu Boxing's eyes gradually turned into calmness. Fortunately, he knew how powerful Qing Emperor was, so he was well prepared this time and did not just contact Nanhuang secretly.

"Fellow Taoists, how long will it take if we don't take action now?!" Gu Boxing roared in the air.

and no response.

Yao Meng's brows softened and she said quietly: "It seems that the powerful experts you have secretly contacted are not very reliable."

She originally wanted to take this opportunity to fight with these people to see which continent the powerful man who secretly attacked her in Yaochi's ancestral land was from, but it seemed that the other party was still careful enough, and even the 'national destiny' could not be controlled. The other party fished it out.

In other words, even if you deliberately restrain yourself in the Ascension Realm, you are still fearful.

Yao Meng's eyes swept around casually and said softly: "The Buddha in the Western Region, the princess in Yunzhou, and the Lord of the Underworld in the North? What is the purpose of these people coming to Dongzhou for no reason?"

"Qing Emperor seems to be very confident in his current strength, and he really has the airs to look down on all living beings."

A cold snort came from Yunzhou. The voice seemed to be that of a woman. Her voice was very cold. She must have been the 'Princess' in Yao Meng's mouth.

"Amitabha, Donor Yao, and the poor monk just saw someone trying to refine the national destiny and harm Dongzhou, so they came here to stop it."

In mid-air, a Buddha's light suddenly shone. The sacred light shrouded the entire land, causing many people to almost kneel on the ground and convert to Buddhism.

At this time, Yao Meng suddenly raised his fingertips, surrounded by fairy energy, and a green lotus appeared in the air floating in the air!

Almost at that moment, the Buddha's light disappeared, and the entire space seemed to be under the control of the Purifying Green Lotus. Chaos rose and fell, as if it could purify everything in the world into nothingness.

The Buddha's expression finally changed.

In the void, the 'Princess' and the Lord of the Underworld were also looking at this scene with uncertainty. Although they knew that the strength of the Ascension Realm reached the sky, the Qing Emperor's casual blow seemed to contain the laws of heaven and earth, which was really amazing.

"Do you guys have anything else to do?" Yao Meng asked calmly.

In the void, the fluctuations that originally exuded a faint aura of terror quietly subsided. Mu Zhian looked along and saw the three supreme beings from different continents.

The Lord of Hades in the North is a man who looks extremely tall, and his body seems to exude the aura of death.

There is a golden light behind the Buddha's head, making it difficult to see its shape.

As for the princess...he could only see the graceful curves of the woman's back in gauze, but he couldn't see her face.

"Could this be the wife of the Lord of Yunzhou...? Tsk tsk, just by looking at her back, you can tell she must be extremely beautiful..."

Just as Mu Zhian was admiring this, the woman in mid-air suddenly looked back inadvertently, with a faint smile that seemed to see through everything in her beautiful green eyes.

"Mu Zhian, it's you's you again!"

At this time, Gu Boxing suddenly let out a hysterical roar. He had already realized that the reason why the powerful people he had secretly contacted retreated was probably due to Mu Zhian's contribution.

The God of Space seemed to be asking for help from Mu Zhian, but the Medicine King from Yuzhou never showed up... There was not even a reply from the demon world.

Reminiscent of the past attitude of the Queen of the Demon Realm towards Mu Zhian, Gu Boxing has completely woken up.

In the past, he deduced the secrets of heaven and calculated everything in the Daqian Dynasty... But he never thought that one day he would lose to an ant whose realm was far lower than his.

But... no matter what benefits you promise to the God of Space and others, you must have this life to fulfill this promise!

With a hint of sternness in his eyes, Gu Boxing suddenly let out a low roar. The spiritual energy that had been sealed in his cauldron was actually surging, and along with the national destiny and the will of all living beings, it was injected into the colorful altar.

He's casting a soul-calling spell!

Such a desperate move, once the soul summoning technique fails, no matter whether he survives in the end, he will face the Qing Emperor, and even the entire East Continent's crusade.

But he no longer cares about so much, and now he can only find the possibility of a comeback by making a desperate move.

Gu Boxing was lying on the ground like a devout believer, chanting obscure incantations.


The monstrous national destiny is rushing towards the colorful altar!


Almost at that moment, the entire colorful altar exploded, and a dazzling beam of light shot into the sky!

The entire East Continent was in turmoil, making a deafening sound.

"It's true... it's true! My deduction is correct. You really exist and have never fallen!"

Gu Boxing stumbled towards the dazzling beam of light. He realized that the record in the bamboo slips was correct. The 'quasi-immortal' was really alive, and just as he had deduced, he was sleeping deep in the southern wilderness!

Mu Zhijing looked quietly in the direction of Nanhuang.

He was waiting for the arrival of the woman sealed by Heaven in the depths of the Southern Wilderness.

At this moment, the black mist in the entire southern wilderness was trembling violently.

Even Yao Meng couldn't break the seal of the arrow of heaven.

But the way of heaven originally originated from all living beings, and the fate of the country and the wishes of all living beings are symbols of all living beings. Perhaps, the seal of the arrow of heaven can really be unlocked... Mu Zhi'an held some hope in his heart.

In the secret realm where the original witch slept, the arrow of heaven that had been silent all along descended with the overwhelming will of all living beings. For a moment, it emitted a dazzling light, as if it had woken up and was struggling to escape. The body of the original witch.

It is really unimaginable that this arrow made from the origin of heaven has experienced the erosion of time, but it still contains incomparable terrifying power.

However, at this moment, the original witch, who was in deep sleep, twitched her eyelashes slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes.

He lowered his eyes slightly, looked at the arrow with a milky white halo, and said softly: "Be quiet."

As soon as he finished speaking, the signs of the Heavenly Arrow's struggle gradually subsided.

Until finally, it completely dimmed.

Only a ray of light from heaven floated out from the secret realm...

"No movement...?"

Mu Zhian watched the violent movement gradually subside, and couldn't help but frown slightly: "That's it?"

Gu Guoshi is not very good... I thought he could really break the seal of the Arrow of Heaven, but it seems unrealistic to rely on him like this.

Mu Zhian raised his head and looked at Gu Boxing, who was ashen-faced, and said, "Master Gu, is there anything else you want to say?"

Gu Boxing looked a little dull and murmured to himself: "How is it possible...according to my calculations, she should be able to come, why..."

He seemed a little unbelievable and seemed to have been hit in some way.

At this time, two elders from the Yaochi Holy Land quietly descended. At Yao Meng's signal, they activated the spell and brought Gu Boxing out of the mountain top.

"I thought he could really take this opportunity to release the last original witch's consciousness in the depths of the Southern Wilderness." Mu Zhian sighed with some regret.

Yao Meng stared at the direction where Gu Boxing was taken away quietly without saying anything.

"What's wrong?" Mu Zhian turned around and asked, he saw that Yao Meng seemed to be thinking about something.

"I was thinking, Gu Boxing's furnace was sealed by me, why did he suddenly have the idea of ​​fighting to the death? And why can he deduce where the original witch was sealed?"

Yao Meng looked back at Mu Zhian: "Where did the bamboo slip he was looking at come from?"

Hearing this, Mu Zhian couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Indeed, the things about the original witch recorded in the bamboo slips are true, but where did Gu Boxing find this bamboo slip?

Why would he go to the Jixian Pavilion to borrow this bamboo slip?

Mu Zhian's eyes flickered.

Maybe... someone secretly told Gu Boxing?

"Let's go back first, there are too many people here."

At this time, Yao Meng's soft and pleasant voice sounded, pulling Mu Zhian back to reality from his previous thoughts.

Mu Zhian suddenly came to his senses, and then he suddenly realized that a lot of cultivators had gathered at the foot of the mountain, and they seemed to be attracted by Gu Boxing's sacrifice today.

Mu Zhian also saw the eldest daughter of the Dagan Dynasty in the crowd.

Mu Zhian was naturally very good to the princess who provided information this time. He nodded to her calmly, and then left Lianxin Mountain with Yao Meng.

Because he had been in Yaochi for some time and had not seen his disciples for a long time, after learning that his disciple Ye Qian had just returned to the sect not long ago, Yao Meng took the lead in going to Dexin Garden not far away to see his disciples.

After that, you can also bring Qian'er to Tianhe Garden to find him together...

After watching Yao Meng leave, Mu Zhian took out the bamboo slips from his arms and read them carefully, trying to figure out whether there was someone behind Gu Boxing who was using him to drive him to refine the national destiny today.



The sound of rain sounded silently, and the raindrops hit the green leaves and fell on the floor. The floor outside the courtyard soon became white.

Then, I don't know when it started, the splashing water quietly stagnated.


"Master, why are you here?!"

In Dexin Garden, Ye Qian, who had just finished meditating, saw the fairy in the green skirt not far ahead at a glance. Her beautiful eyes immediately lit up and she immediately came to meet her.

The little fish in Mu Zhian's fish pond have been suppressed by the Green Emperor to a greater or lesser extent, except Ye Qian...

On the one hand, it was because the other party was a disciple of the Green Emperor, and on the other was mainly because Ye Qian's XP was really a bit strange, and it was impossible to suppress it at all.

"I haven't come to see you for a long time. I just heard him say you were here today, so I came to see you."

Yao Meng smiled charmingly and gently stroked the disciple's soft hair: "Where is your sister?"

"The restricted area will soon select the candidate for the restricted area master. My sister has been practicing in seclusion during this period." Ye Qian said.

Yao Meng said "Oh" meaningfully: "That's great, I'll take you to find your brother Mu."

"You've been practicing all this time, so you probably haven't seen him much, right?"

She bent her knees slightly, gently stroked Ye Qian's pure and charming face with her slender hands, and smiled: "Take this opportunity to teach you some interesting things besides practicing~"

Ye Qian nodded blankly at first, then looked at the woman who was holding her hand and about to leave Dexinyuan, and suddenly said: "By the way, Master."

Yao Meng looked back inadvertently, and seeing the disciple's blank eyes, she couldn't help asking: "Huh? What's wrong?"

Ye Qian tilted her head slightly, and then, under Yao Meng's slowly solidified gaze, she asked softly: "Brother Mu...who is it?"

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