So, They Were the Protagonists All Along

Chapter 597 Mu Zhian: I have an unwelcome request (1/2)

Do I have a better way to solve the Forbidden Land?

When Mu Zhian heard this, his first reaction was doubt. Then after seeing the joking look in Concubine Shang Yan's eyes, he immediately reacted and said seriously: "Sister Sect Leader, I am not the kind of person who takes things lightly. people."

If you want to solve the forbidden area, the best way is to divorce.

If I have to say it, it should be a honey trap.

Among the nine taboo places today, more than four taboo places have thoughts about Mu Zhian.

If it were known that Mu Zhian had chosen one of the taboo places, the other taboo lords would be anxious.

After all, except for the forbidden area where Ye Lingxuan is located, the other forbidden places are all similar in strength, and the addition of Mu Zhian is enough to change the current situation.

This is something that even the Lord of Taboo doesn't want to see.

In the final analysis, there are only two reasons why the Lord of Taboos would want heaven to come.

One is to hope that Tiandao can reshuffle the cards and reset everything, so that the strength of the major forces can return to the starting line.

And the other one is for Mu Zhian.

What if Mu Zhian took the initiative to surrender to a forbidden place?

Or choose two of the forbidden places and surrender... I think they would be happy to see it.

Concubine Shang Yan did not persuade Mu Zhian, but just looked at him quietly. After a while, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"Just a joke."

She withdrew her gaze, raised her head to look at the vast snow outside the courtyard, and said softly: "The clones sent by the Lord of Taboo all died in the Daqian Dynasty, but their bodies failed to inherit the memories of the clones. This will inevitably cause them of alertness.”

"If you actively choose to join a forbidden place at this time, it will only make the other party doubt your motives."

Mu Zhian looked at Concubine Shang Yan's profile. Among the fish he knew in the fish pond, Concubine Shang Yan was the one he couldn't understand the most. You had no idea what she was thinking or what she wanted to do.

He could sense before that the sect leader was seriously considering whether to dismantle the taboo place from within, but now she denied his previous thoughts.

"Is the Lord of Taboo really difficult to deal with?" Mu Zhian suddenly asked.

"It's hard."

Concubine Shang Yan stood up and stretched her waist lazily, vaguely revealing a small section of her slim waist under her black attire.

"In this world, rules are everything. The taboo lords who are in taboo places have the authority to rewrite the rules. If they rewrite the rules so that they are immortal, it will be difficult for them to die."

She said calmly: "You should know all these things, right? Why are you still asking this kind of question now?"

I always feel like I was despised by her just now... Mu Zhian said: "Can't I block the rules?"

"What you can block are the rules between heaven and earth, but the taboo rules are not included in the rules of heaven and earth. They are the rules set by Heaven itself."

Concubine Shang Yan said calmly: "So as long as the forbidden place remains, it will be difficult to kill the Lord of the forbidden place."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Mu Zhian unexpectedly and said with a smile: "I have never thought about destroying the forbidden land... Have you already had similar thoughts?"

"That's not true, I'm just a little curious..." Mu Zhian paused for a moment, "Can't even the sect master do it?"

At this time, Concubine Shang Yan was a little distracted, her thoughts seemed to be immersed in certain scenes in the past, and it was not until a while later that she woke up from her thoughts and stared into his eyes: "Why do you think I can do it? "

Mu Zhian thought for a while and smiled: "Maybe it's because I can't imagine you failing."

For a moment, Concubine Shang Yan's eyes seemed to show a complex color that she had never seen before. She raised her head and looked at the vast snow outside the courtyard, and said softly: "I am not invincible."

"Even I can't stay by your side sometimes."

She said calmly: "You now have powerful Taoist companions around you to protect you. The Queen of the Demon Realm, Gong Lianyue and Qingdi are all higher than me. Compared with them, the only thing I can help you is I will always open the door of Liangyi Sect to you, that’s all.”

"After all, I can't leave the sect even half a step."

Yes, yes, your true body cannot leave the sect even half a step, but what about the clone...?

Mu Zhian was calm on the surface, but deep down he couldn't help complaining.

Mu Wanwan and Mu Wange are both avatars of Concubine Shang Yan, and they have been preparing certain plans for the future a long time ago, but now the sect leader says that she cannot leave the sect for even half a step... Even so, That's true, but it's not entirely accurate either.

After all, isn't the clone a part of herself?

When Mu Zhian thought of this, he suddenly thought of another very interesting thing...

Mu Wange and Mu Wanwan both have their own spiritual consciousness, and each spiritual consciousness has a completely different personality. Are their different personalities also part of the sect master's personality?

One Mu Wanwan wants to be his girlfriend, while the other Mu Wange... treats him a bit like a child.

Then what feelings does the sect leader have towards him?

"Sister Sect Leader, is there anything you need me to do?" Mu Zhian asked.

In any case, it was for him that the sect master shielded the secrets of heaven to prevent the coming of heaven. If possible, he also wanted to do something for Concubine Shang Yan.

"It's just a little backlash, nothing."

Concubine Shang Yan thought for a while, looked at Mu Zhian up and down, and chuckled: "But since you said so, if you think about it carefully, it seems that I really need you to do something."

"Shielding the heavens will affect your own luck. The more causes and effects involved, the greater the backlash of your luck will be. If I remember correctly, there should be some luck from heaven remaining in your body, right?"

Mu Zhian seemed to have thought of something and said, "Are you referring to the destiny given by heaven to the chosen ones...?"

As expected, the elder sister of the sect master knew that Ye Yu and others were related to the way of heaven... Mu Zhian asked: "The sect master also needs complete luck of the way of heaven?"

He had previously transferred the destiny of heaven to Wei Mengrou, letting her use it to suppress the bad luck in her body, but he did not expect that even the sect master would need it.

"The backlash from my luck is not too great. Giving me complete luck from heaven is just a waste...partial luck from heaven is enough."

The beauty in gorgeous clothes under the courtyard has a charming and cold voice. She stares at the lonely snowy scene outside the courtyard.

The slender back seemed to blend perfectly with the snowy scene. Mu Zhian looked at the stunning beauty so close at hand and was lost in thought for a while. Then he came to his senses and said, "But if you have complete luck, the help to you will be great." Is it bigger? The little luck in my body right now may not be of much help."

"It doesn't matter whether it can be of great help. As for the complete destiny of heaven, it should be left to those who need it more."

Concubine Shang Yan tilted her head slightly and looked at the boy with a smile, and said softly: "You have experienced so much and had intimate contact with so many women, but sometimes your reactions are still very slow."

Mu Zhian was startled and stared quietly at the pale golden eyes of the gorgeously dressed beauty. He seemed to see a gentle luster in her eyes.

"What I need is not your remaining luck."

She took half a step forward and pressed her fingertips to Mu Zhian's lips before he could speak.

"The best healing medicine in the world is not some natural treasure, but love."

She lowered her head and kissed the boy gently on the lips.

Half an hour later, Mu Zhian first went to see his senior sister and Sister Feiying, and then left Liangyi Peak leisurely.

However, as soon as he flew out of Liangyi Peak, he saw the maid in yellow skirt holding an umbrella and waiting quietly nearby.

In the heavy snow, she held an oil-paper umbrella, and her goose-yellow dress flew back, highlighting her bulging figure.

"Sister Mengrou, why didn't you go back first?"

Mu Zhian stepped forward to the maid's side and carefully swept away the snowflakes from her hair.

"There's nothing to do after we go back anyway, so why not see how long you plan to stay in Liangyi Peak."

Wei Mengrou said, stepped forward and sniffed slightly, then glanced at the young man faintly.

A feminine scent.

I don’t know whether it belongs to Lan Mulian or Concubine Shang Yan...

Being looked up and down by Wei Mengrou's faint eyes, she felt like she had been seen through instantly. Mu Zhian coughed lightly, tried his best to stay calm, and said:

"Let's go. If it snows this much, you can go back first. You don't have to wait for me."

It's really suspicious... The maid who has been following the young master naturally saw that the master obviously wanted to change the subject at this moment. However, she did not continue to ask any more questions. Instead, she hummed softly, then held an umbrella and He walked together on the road back to Tianhe Garden.

As a maid, she has no right to ask what her master is doing... Of course Wei Mengrou would not ask these things in most cases.

It's just that sometimes when she sees him with other women, she feels very uncomfortable.

Especially recently... Whenever she thought that there were not only other women around him, but also a 'maid' called Miss Tiandao, Wei Mengrou felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

Today, such a sense of crisis even gave her some dangerous ideas.

Few disciples passed by near Liangyi Peak. In the vast snowy sky, it seemed that only the master and the subordinate were left in the entire sect.

"Now that I think about it, there seems to have been a similar scene before? When I was in Tianxuan City, I came out of the inn, and then I went home with you in a carriage or under an umbrella." Mu Zhian suddenly said with emotion.

Wei Mengrou gave a soft "hmm", looked up at the snowy sky, and said softly: "At that time, there was no one else around you, and I was the only one you could rely on."

"But it's different now. I'm not the only one around you, and you don't need to rely on me anymore."

Thinking about it carefully, did I miss the best opportunity to attack the young master?

When he was in Tianxuan City, the girl Mu Zhian met was pretty good-looking, but she was still far inferior to the cold and charming maid. At that time, the young master had a crush on her.

If you want to do something at that one will stop you in every possible way.

When Wei Mengrou thought of this, her chest felt a little stuffy, as if there was some emotion stuck there.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the bottom of her heart again. The voice seemed to be full of infinite temptation, gently echoing in her ears: "If you regret it so much, then come to me... I will let you All your wishes come true.”

Wei Mengrou's eyes were slightly dazed, and she pressed her forehead tightly. Everything in front of her eyes seemed to be spinning.

"Sister Mengrou, sister Mengrou...?"

Faintly hearing the young man's concerned voice, Wei Mengrou reluctantly came back to reality from the trance she had just been in.

She raised her head suddenly and stared at the handsome face in front of her. Her beautiful eyes were slightly in a trance, and she gently raised her hand to touch his face.

Mu Zhian was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly looked at the maid in the yellow skirt in front of him: "Are you okay?"

She was obviously sulking not long ago, but now her attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, which was really strange.

"She's fine. It's just that the evil spirit consciousness is about to wake up at the end, so sometimes she can't control the desires deep in her heart."

At this moment, a sickly and sweet voice sounded, and without Mu Zhian noticing, everything around him seemed to turn gray in an instant.

The snow scene was gray, the floor was gray, and even the disciples passing by turned gray.

Snowflakes froze in the air, and the cold wind also stopped.

Mu Zhian subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the opening, and saw a woman coming into view, wearing a gorgeous black gauze dress, with a vaguely snow-white complexion, and a pair of white jade feet peeking out from under the skirt. Her body proportions were as perfect as if they didn't exist in the world, and those silver-white eyes were enough to make men who saw her go crazy, and even fall under her pomegranate skirt uncontrollably.

"The original witch..." Mu Zhian said subconsciously.

"What did you mean by what you just said?"

The woman in the black dress raised her charming eyes and smiled: "Literally, 'I' have three spiritual consciousnesses. Now the last spiritual consciousness can hardly suppress the arrow of heaven, so I have no choice but to wake up from my deep sleep." "

"Are you the last original witch's spiritual consciousness deep in the wilderness...?" Mu Zhian said subconsciously: "What will happen after she wakes up?"

"Nothing will happen, it will just affect the main body to a greater or lesser extent... After all, 'I' is not as easy to talk to as the main body. If I represent love and desire, then what she wants to symbolize is 'evil', right?" ”

"You mean the 'evil' witch will also return to Sister Mengrou's body?" Mu Zhian asked subconsciously.

"This will happen sooner or later, but you don't have to worry too much. The evil personality will only affect the body for a period of time when it returns, and it will only have a little impact. After that, it will recover." The original witch said.

Mu Zhian looked thoughtful: "So, after the return of the three spiritual consciousnesses, Sister Mengrou's strength will reach its peak?"

The original witch looked at him with a smile and said nothing.

"You'd better not do anything that irritates 'me' too much during this period, otherwise it will speed up the return of the evil personality... Believe me, you don't want to see her."

After a final gentle reminder, the figure of the original witch disappeared between heaven and earth.

The snowflakes fell again and the cold wind howled by. Wei Mengrou suddenly came back to her senses and noticed that the young man beside her was looking at her with concern. She couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong? Suddenly he keeps staring at me."

Mu Zhian looked at the tall beauty in front of him, and recalled what the Desire Witch had just said, and couldn't help but laugh: "So has Sister Mengrou been jealous before?"

Wei Mengrou frowned: "What nonsense are you talking about all of a sudden?"


Just as she thought of this, Mu Zhian suddenly reached out and hugged her waist, pulling the maid's soft body into his arms.

She wanted to scold her, but under the young master's gaze, she couldn't help but panic in her heart. She lowered her head subconsciously, her delicate and cold pretty face blushed, and whispered: "You, what did you do suddenly..."

"Don't you just want to hug my sister Mengrou?"

This time, the maid didn't say anything anymore, but quietly closed her eyes. The umbrella in her hand fell off to the ground at some point. She let the snowflakes fall on her body. After hesitating for a moment, she still hugged her little hands tightly. Mu Zhian's back.

After a long time, Mu Zhian let go of Wei Mengrou, held her soft hand, and said with a smile: "Go back first."

As if aware of the eagerness in the young master's eyes, Wei Mengrou subconsciously grasped the hem of her skirt until she slowly let go.


The corners of her mouth raised inadvertently, and the depression she felt during this period seemed to gradually melt away in this warmth, so that her steps became a little brisker.

Such a pleasant day...

With some emotion in his heart, Mu Zhian held the hand of the maid and returned to Tianhe Garden. Then he looked at Wei Mengrou beside him and soon fell into deep thought.

"What's wrong, are you worried?" Wei Mengrou raised her eyes and glanced at the young master.

"It's not that I'm worried, it's just that I suddenly thought that I seemed to have a wish before and it hasn't come true yet... I wonder if you can do me a favor."

Mu Zhian said, looking at the maid's beautiful figure intentionally or unintentionally.


Wei Mengrou stared at the young master suspiciously.

"You tell me first."

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