So, They Were the Protagonists All Along

Chapter 635 Mother, please marry Mulang to me! (1/2)

Mu Zhian took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

His spiritual consciousness was heading towards the depths of the Heavenly Palace.

"This primordial spiritual energy is really a good thing. No matter how tired the body is, as long as there is the nourishment of the primordial spiritual energy, it can be immediately nourished."

Mu Zhian sighed softly and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Not only the tired body, but also the exhausted spirit can be gradually restored with the nourishment of the primordial spiritual energy.

Although he is a natural furnace cauldron, and he has given the spiritual energy of the natural furnace cauldron to many people in the past, but... Mu Zhian himself has never benefited from the natural furnace cauldron.

It is completely helping others, but it consumes his own energy.

And through the original spiritual energy absorbed from the original mother goddess not long ago, Mu Zhian vaguely realized that when his natural furnace cauldron spiritual energy was given to others, they felt that kind of feeling...

Yuanluo said that the original spiritual energy on Shang Yanfei was even richer than the spiritual energy in the Heavenly Palace, so that even the powerful people in the Hedao realm could not bear such spiritual energy.

Fortunately, there are more ways to absorb the original spiritual energy than dual cultivation.

Although it is a relatively new method for Mu Zhian, fortunately he is a person with a spirit of exploration, so he doesn't mind trying more new methods with the Sect Master Sister.

"Speaking of which, the original spiritual energy can heal the damaged body, help cultivation, heal the spirit, and even restore energy... Then if I give the Sect Master Sister or other fishes the furnace spiritual energy while absorbing the original spiritual energy... can it form a perfect perpetual cycle?"

This bold idea suddenly popped up in Mu Zhian's mind.

Before, when he practiced with Luo Tan, the two natural furnaces could constantly complement each other, but their energy would still be somewhat depleted.

In the end, they had to stop practicing temporarily.

But what if there is a Sect Master Sister who replenishes him with original spiritual energy all the time?

For example, Luo Tan is here, and the Sect Master Sister is feeding him...

Hiss... Calm down, if you really open your mouth, you might be suppressed by the Sect Master Sister in the depths of the Heavenly Palace.

Mu Zhian quickly restrained these bold ideas.

However, Shang Yanfei sat on the fishing platform and watched how many fish Mu Zhian had caught along the way without saying anything. If she opened her mouth, she might really agree.

But there is no point in thinking so much now. First, warm up the drop of immortal blood and then consider these things.

In short, go back and continue to throw yourself into the arms of the sect master sister and absorb more original spiritual energy.

Mu Zhian thought of this, and his heart was even more expectant.

He accelerated his speed and rushed to the depths of the Heavenly Palace.

At this moment, the depths of the Heavenly Palace fell into silence for a long time.

It seemed a little awkward for a while.

Even Shang Yanfei's eyes widened slightly, looking at the fairy-like woman in front of her in astonishment.

Wei Mengrou on the side was also stunned, and subconsciously looked at Yao Meng with a "shocked" look on her face.

It seems that I heard it right just now...

Mother, mother?

The Green Emperor called Concubine Shang Yan...mother?


If this conversation was heard by the cultivators of Jiuzhou, they would not only find it incredible.

They would probably wonder if they were hallucinating.

Fairy Yao Chi, actually asked another woman if she minded having another daughter-in-law...?

Although in a sense, there was nothing wrong with Yao Meng's address.

But when she called out this address, it still made people feel an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Wei Mengrou looked at the scene in a daze, then swallowed her saliva and tried to keep herself calm.

For the innocent maid, this scene simply shattered her three views, so much so that she still hasn't recovered from it.

The smile on Concubine Shang Yan's face was restrained at some point, and her expression was also a little dazed, as if she had not recovered from Yao Meng's words just now, which were no less than Yuhua's full-strength attack.

She is the author of "The Way to Control Your Husband", in which she also wrote many ways to control a man's psychology, and even a variety of mini-games...

It stands to reason that as a 'student', Yao Meng could never be better than Shang Yanfei, the 'teacher'.

However, the other party's simple word made her fall into silence for a long time.

This was the first time she was called 'mother'.

Although as the original mother goddess, Yao Meng's title is not wrong, but you have to know that although Qingdi seemed to have a kind of charm to her bones when she was close to Mu Zhian in the past, she was actually arrogant and would not allow others to ride on her face.

Even if that person is the original mother goddess.

Yao Meng respects the original mother goddess because the original mother goddess is the mother of all living things and the fairy who created everything.

But at this moment, the counterattack against the original mother goddess is based on 'love'.

In the line of love, their status is equal.

"Mother, what have you thought about?"

While Shang Yanfei was still in a trance, Yao Meng's gentle and pleasant voice sounded again, and finally pulled Shang Yanfei back to reality from her previous thoughts.

She narrowed her eyes and gently looked at the beautiful fairy in front of her: "If the people of Jiuzhou knew that you called me mother for a man... the beautiful image of the dream lover in the hearts of many cultivators would probably collapse completely."

The corner of Yao Meng's mouth curled up with a charming smile: "Which do you think you would prefer, a fairy who is cold and cold and has no thoughts about feelings, or a fairy who can flirt and tease people... a monk from Kyushu, or even a shepherd?" Where’s one?”

"What's more, when I am in front of the world, I will still appear with the same image of compassion for all living beings."

If Mu Zhian had to choose, he would naturally choose the second option without hesitation.

Just imagine for a moment, a fairy who exudes fairy spirit and is holy and inviolable is leaning on the edge of the cave. She seems to have a cold fairy attitude in the outside world, but in private she can play a bunch of little games with you.

You are a fairy outside, but at home you can seduce you in various ways...

It can only be said that Yao Meng devoured Mu Zhian's XP to death.

Concubine Shang Yan said with a smile: "I remember this was a passage I wrote in 'The Way to Control a Husband'. Men all like a sense of contrast."

Yao Meng smiled slightly: "Yes, in a sense, not only Lan Mulian, I can also be regarded as your disciple."

"It's just that you taught me so well."

Wei Mengrou, who was eating melon on the side, was once again shocked. She looked at the original mother goddess in a gorgeous snow-white dress with shock on her face, or in other words, her 'now'.

At this moment, the maid's mood was full of complex emotions.

She had read some of the contents of that book, and it was about how to easily win a man's heart...but there were also a lot of private things mixed in.

For example, some small games that can only be played when Taoist couples are together...

It seems that all the girls Wei Mengrou knows have read that book.

I just didn't expect that a book like "The Way to Control a Husband" would be written by another me...

There was a faint smile on Concubine Shang Yan's face, and she seemed to have recovered from Yao Meng's "mother" just now.

She stared at Yao Meng for a moment, then moved her eyes away from this cold and beautiful face with a holy air, looked at the young man in her arms, lowered her eyes, and said quietly: "The Qing Emperor has something People of great wisdom are good at drawing inferences from one instance to another. This has always been the case in the past, so you are invincible at your level. You entered the Hedao realm about 10,000 years ago and have been invincible for the rest of your life."

"Such a smart person should have gained a lot of insights from my book."

Shang Yanfei smiled and said: "But after I got some insights, I showed it in front of the original creator. It seems that there is still a lack of consideration."

"Besides, if people know what you call me, it probably won't have a good impact."

Yao Meng raised her eyebrows slightly inadvertently.

Then, a playful smile appeared on her lips: "Maybe. But if the monks in Jiuzhou knew that the original mother goddess had been observing a certain boy since he was a child, and then attacked him when he grew up... I don't know if they What do you think?"

"No, it seems like you started before he was fully grown, right?"

I thought that Concubine Shang Yan's mentality would change after hearing this. Unexpectedly, she placed her fingertips gently in front of her red lips, pondered for a moment, and then smiled and said: "She will probably regard me as a gentle 'mother goddess' Bar?"

"Not only a gentle mother goddess, but also a mother goddess with some special hobbies, right?"

The corner of Yao Meng's mouth curled up slightly: "You used multiple identities to get close to him when he was young. You even fell in love with him, had his first kiss, and maybe even his first time... was taken away by you. of?"

Concubine Shang Yan just smiled gently and did not speak.

This is considered the default.

Yao Meng couldn't help but sigh softly.

In the past, when she was in the Liangyi Sect, Concubine Shang Yan had never shown any hostility. However, at that time, she had always felt that this woman was dangerous...even though Concubine Shang Yan had not expressed any feelings for Mu Zhian at that time. .

It turns out her feeling was right.

This woman is indeed very troublesome.

"How are you thinking about it?"

Yao Meng quickly calmed down his thoughts, and his eyes fell on Concubine Shang Yan again, with a charming smile on his face, and he took advantage of the victory: "If mother is willing to betroth him to me, I will definitely take good care of him, maybe Disappointed.”

"If he is willing, I actually don't mind having another daughter."

Logically speaking, this should have been a crushing situation, but at this time, Shang Yanfei's answer made the smile on Yao Meng's face add a bit of hesitation.

Her eyes couldn't help but linger on Concubine Shang Yan's face for a moment.

But he found that the woman's face had reappeared that strategic smile at some point, and she said in a gentle and watery voice again: "I will respect any decision he makes, whether you want to marry him or not. , or it’s no problem no matter what.”

The smile on Yao Meng's face faded slightly, and he looked at her playfully: "You are really generous."

"Are you so confident that he won't leave you?"

Shang Yanfei smiled and shook her head: "It's not that you won't leave me."

She raised her head and said softly in a very gentle and matter-of-fact tone: "But he has never left me and has been missing me."

Yao Meng was stunned for a moment: "Even when he called me sister Yao Meng in my arms, was he still missing you?"

Concubine Shang Yan fell into a brief silence.

This is not a critical attack.

The pattern of the original mother goddess is great, but as long as she doesn't have any thoughts of being fucked, seeing her lover having sex with other women... she will feel a little complicated no matter what.

Especially Yao Meng’s words are full of ‘picture sense’.

For countless days and nights, she sat in the Liangyi Sect planning something, while her lover was in the arms of the Qing Emperor, calling Sister Yao Meng... and being intimate with his Sister Yao Meng.

In particular, Mu Zhian seemed to be intimate with the Qing Emperor the most.

Wei Mengrou silently watched everything that happened here, and her eyes had gradually changed from the original "shock" to a state of eating melons.

She glanced at the young man in the arms of Concubine Shang Yan, with a bit of contempt and gloating in her eyes.

The maid will not only not help you when you are in trouble, but will also wish you dead, and even step on your face and add a knife at the critical moment.

Seeing Concubine Shang Yan was silent, Yao Meng couldn't help but reveal a soft smile on her face, and was about to continue talking.

At this time, she heard the original mother goddess in front of her sigh faintly.

"In fact, I didn't lie just now... Even if I betrothed him to you, he might not accept it."

"At least now, he will only rely on me."

Shang Yanfei raised her eyes slightly, and her red lips slightly opened, revealing a maternal tenderness: "Qingdi, don't you wonder how he absorbed my original spiritual energy?"

The gentle words made Yao Meng hesitate for a moment, and then she subconsciously glanced at Shang Yanfei's gorgeous snow-white dress.

There was also the slightly messy collar and the proud size of her chest.

In fact, she had a vague guess in her heart just now, but Shang Yanfei didn't mention this topic at that time, and as a fairy, even Yao Meng couldn't speak up and ask that question out loud.

But at this moment, Shang Yanfei had almost admitted her guess.

"Although I also want to betroth him to you... But it seems that the child is still very dependent on me. If I betroth him to you, I'm afraid he won't be happy."

Shang Yanfei gently stroked the boy's hair, raised her head and said softly: "Just now you didn't see how he relied on me and how he absorbed my original spiritual energy... So you probably can't understand his feelings for me."

"That's good."

Shang Yanfei smiled and looked at the qingtan wood door. Her eyes were extremely deep, as if she saw a certain spiritual consciousness rushing back to the body through the wooden door.

Her white jade fingertips gently stroked the boy's face, raised her head and looked at Yao Meng, her voice gentle and sweet.

"Wait for him to show you after his spiritual consciousness comes back, how about it?"



[The Great Dao is almost wiped out]

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