Time goes back to an hour ago.

In the center of the sea above the World Sea, a golden and black light wrapped around a woman.

She exuded an aura that was enough to make creatures feel dangerous at first sight.

No, not only creatures, but even the Lords of Taboos also feared her existence.

If the existence of the original mother goddess symbolizes the nine heavens and ten earths, then the Heavenly Dao symbolizes all living things in the Nine Provinces, or, it can be said that all living things in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Because, except for the Nine Provinces, most of the other realms in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have no living beings.

The only place where living beings survive, the living conditions of ‘Shangtian’ are also extremely harsh. Most of the living beings that can survive in Shangtian can no longer be called ‘living beings’, but should be called monsters.

This is also the reason why the Heavenly Dao wants to create the ‘Sabbath’. She hopes that more living beings can be born in Shangtian.

The more living beings there are, the stronger she is.

The Lord of Eternity stared at the sleeping illusory figure of ‘Mother’ with an extremely fanatical look in his eyes.

The blazing and sacred light shone on his face. He was full of piety and knelt on one knee beside her.

Among the several taboo masters present, no one hated Liangyi Sect and Shang Yanfei more than the Lord of Eternity.

Because the shielded secret was lifted, he remembered all the things he had experienced in the past, and even remembered that his taboo item "Red Dust Leaf" was taken away by Mu Zhian before.

Now he urgently hopes that after the arrival of the Heavenly Dao, he can settle everything and reset Jiuzhou back to the period when it was controlled by the forbidden land in the past.

"I'm afraid Shang Yanfei would not have thought that the road to immortality would come at this moment."

The Lord of Eternal Life looked up at the figure in front of him that seemed to be a little illusory, but his face showed an unconcealable excitement.

He remembered the memories that were blocked in the past, and also remembered the various defeats when he fought with Shang Yanfei in the past.

At this moment, he just wanted to ask the Heavenly Dao to come and settle all those who violated the rules of heaven and earth.

Especially Mu Zhian!

Even now, thinking of this person, the second taboo master of the ancient land of longevity was in a very depressed mood.

A cultivator in the state of enlightenment should have been easily dealt with like stepping on an ant on the roadside, but the Lord of Longevity did not expect that he would be repeatedly plotted against. It was not until these two days that he remembered that even the will of the Heavenly Dao was helping him.

But now all this does not matter.

After the coming of the Heavenly Dao, everything will be over.

"We must speed up. If the rebels in Jiuzhou notice it, they will definitely try every means to stop it!" The Lord of Eternity suddenly sent a message to several taboo masters.

For some reason, he always felt an indescribable sense of crisis at today's summoning ceremony.

Before the coming of the Heavenly Dao, we must not relax.

Isis raised her eyebrows slightly and nodded calmly.

Mu Zhi did not say a word from beginning to end, but just yawned lazily, a little bored.

Ni Yan looked indifferent, she also participated in this summoning ceremony.

Although she didn't know why Mu Zhian asked her to help with the ceremony, she just needed to obey.

Yes... As long as she obeyed, she could enjoy the spiritual energy of the natural furnace again... When Ni Yan thought of this, her exotic face was full of intoxication and obsession, and she licked her red lips inadvertently.

Even the Lord of Eternity would not have thought that there were already four traitors among them, one of whom did not even participate in the ceremony of awakening the Heavenly Dao and removing the shielding of Concubine Shang Yan.

No, it's not that she doesn't want to participate, but that she can't participate.

It has been too long since the Dongzhou restricted area left the forbidden land. If she pretended to surrender to the enemy at this time, the other party would probably not believe it.

Isis stared at the phantom of the woman in front of her, who was the real body of the Heavenly Dao, and couldn't help but narrow her eyes slightly.

To be honest, she didn't know whether cooperating with Mu Zhian was the right choice... However, as she said before, she had completely looked down on immortality.

Now she wanted to have some fun more than immortality.

Therefore, she needs a natural furnace...

She even swore to the Great Dao for this.

Of course...the premise is that Mu Zhian can deal with the coming of the Heavenly Dao.

At this time, Mu Zhi suddenly spoke and asked casually: "How long will it take for mother to come?"

There was a hint of impatience in her tone.

The summoning ceremony this time was first proposed by the Eternal Lord.

He was the first person to think of the past memories after Shang Yanfei's shielding of the Heavenly Secret was unlocked.

And after that, he immediately invited cooperation to all the forbidden places.

Although the major forbidden places went their own way and did not interfere with each other in the past, the number of human emperors in the Yuhua realm in Jiuzhou is gradually increasing.

It's okay now, but in a few years, I'm afraid that all the Taoist companions around Mu Zhian will be Yuhua and ascend.

By then, things will be tricky.

Moreover, no one knows whether Shang Yanfei will be able to shield the Heavenly Secret again and stop the Heavenly Dao after resting for a while.

So what they can do is to let the Heavenly Dao descend to Jiuzhou as soon as possible.

For this reason, even if a large amount of his own essence is lost, it doesn't matter. After this, as long as the taboo rules can cover Jiuzhou again, he can absorb the essence and blood of the creatures in Jiuzhou for his own use and make up for today's loss.

"If nothing unexpected happens, within half an hour, the true body of 'Mother' will be completely manifested in Jiuzhou."

The Lord of Eternity spoke indifferently, his eyes blazing and looking at the woman in the center of the sea with awe.

Mu Zhi raised her eyebrows slightly and silently glanced at the figure of the Heavenly Dao that appeared and disappeared from time to time.

I don’t know what that guy wants to do...

Not long ago, Mu Zhian wrote a letter to her. She thought Mu Zhian wanted her to help stop the coming of the Heavenly Dao.

Unexpectedly, he actually wanted her to speed up the progress with other taboo masters...

Could it be... he already has a countermeasure?

But that is the Heavenly Dao, which has given the nine forbidden places power and is an omnipotent existence.

What can he use to suppress the Heavenly Dao?

"Is Mu Zhian also in the World Sea now?"

At this time, the beautiful eyes of the Lord of Order, who had been silent, flashed, and suddenly said something inadvertently.

"I can feel that the rules and order here seem to be different from before."

The Lord of Order is the Lord of Taboos closest to the "rules". When she met Mu Zhian before, she realized that this boy could affect the rules of heaven and earth.

And in the current World Sea, she also felt that the rules were affected.

"If I remember correctly, your Red Dust Leaf was taken away by him, right? If I were you, I would go to the World Sea to find Mu Zhian and kill him."

The Lord of the Spiritual Ruins next to him spoke at this moment, fanning the flames.

"Mu Zhian..."

The Lord of Eternity had a hint of evil in his eyes, and when he said this name, his heart was burning with anger.

He suppressed his anger and said slowly: "Don't worry, wait until my mother wakes up before playing with him."

There are too many protectors around Mu Zhian now, and although he has only realized the Tao, he has shown strength beyond the Tao in the past.

Before the arrival of the Heavenly Dao, he did not want to add to the trouble and give other taboo masters an opportunity to take advantage of it.




Just when the Lord of Eternity was talking to several other taboo masters, it seemed that an ancient bell sounded faintly above the sky.

A magnificent ancient bell rang in the silent Kyushu, as if the gate of heaven was opened, and as if all living beings were praying devoutly and singing hymns together!

The solemn and solemn bell also made all the creatures in Kyushu subconsciously stop their actions and look towards the place where the bell rang.

The center of Kyushu, the World Sea!

On the gloomy sea, a dazzling light as bright as the scorching sun illuminated the virtual shadow of the heaven in the center of the World Sea.

And almost at the same time when the scorching sun shone, her figure, which seemed a little illusory, was gradually becoming clear and substantial.

Her appearance was better than snow, her skin was like condensed fat, like flawless jade.

A woman with a layered and complicated black dress outlined a gorgeous figure, and her long black hair like a waterfall woke up from the light intertwined with gold and black, and slowly opened her eyes.

Like a god waking up, the ancient bell rang through the nine heavens and ten earths, and everything in the world seemed to be frozen at this moment, including time.

It was as if all the rules were falling for her.

Then, the sunlight disappeared.

A pale white ball of light replaced the sunlight, and the soft and holy light illuminated the entire Jiuzhou, and all living beings were bathed in this holy light.

The cultivators who were at the bottleneck of cultivation felt that their realm seemed to have a faint sign of breakthrough, and the newborn fetus stopped crying and bathed in the holy light of the Heavenly Dao.

The withered trees also rejuvenated at this moment, as if from the moment she came, Jiuzhou was completely renewed.

The Lord of Eternity looked at the "Mother" obsessively, he knelt on the ground devoutly, his eyes were burning: "This is the Heavenly Dao, the Lord of All Living Things, this is the power of the Mother!"

The other several forbidden lords also knelt beside them. They had never been afraid when facing the Human Emperor in the Yuhua Realm, but when facing the Heavenly Dao in the form of the true body, they were in awe from the bottom of their hearts.

Even Mu Zhi also frowned secretly. When the majesty that could not be looked at directly appeared with the coming of the Heavenly Dao, she felt a huge pressure in her heart.

This is the Heavenly Dao that created the forbidden land with one hand and wanted to cover the nine heavens and ten earths with its own rules... the will of all living things.

At this moment, the eyes of several taboo masters present were full of fanaticism, and their eyes were fixed on the Heavenly Dao.

At this time, the Lord of Eternity took the lead in raising his hands and bowing, and said respectfully: "Please mother, settle accounts with those who violated the rules!"

"Please mother settle accounts with those who violated the rules!"

The next moment, the words sounded almost in unison.

However, the 'Heavenly Dao' never spoke from beginning to end.

The taboo masters did not realize that from the moment the 'Heavenly Dao' came and opened his eyes, he had never looked at them.

Instead, he tilted his head slightly and stared quietly at a temple in the center of the World Sea.

That glance seemed to penetrate countless formations and reach a room in the temple.

After a long silence, she showed a gentle smile on her face and whispered in a gentle and sweet voice:

"...I found you."

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