So, They Were the Protagonists All Along

Chapter 69: Mu Zhian's Shura Field Crisis 4K (1/2)

In front of the high platform of the auction house, Lan Feiying looked at Ye Yu below the stage with a smile. Although there was no disgust on her face, her impression of Ye Yu was much worse.

As an auctioneer, the most annoying thing is people who interrupt the rhythm of bidding.

At first, she had a good impression of Ye Yu. Although he was not handsome, he was at least good-looking and had good talent.

But who would have thought that Ye Yu would be so petty and had no understanding of her feelings on the stage.

If the rhythm was interrupted by someone in the middle of the normal time, it would be fine, but today her sister was still watching in the private room, and she wanted to show her best side to Lan Murian.

When she thought of this, Lan Feiying inadvertently raised her eyes and glanced at the private room on the second floor.

In front of a private room, the thin curtain was gently lifted, and a woman wearing light white cloud embroidered shoes walked out of the private room.

She glanced around and her sight quickly fixed in front of a private room. She walked towards it with lotus steps.

Strange... Is there something wrong with my sister? Lan Feiying's eyes flickered slightly, and she was a little doubtful.

Originally, because Mu Zhian gave her Liuguangtu two days ago, Lan Murian did not plan to attend this auction again, but in order to see her sister's grace, she finally came.

Lan Feiying shook her head gently, dispelling those thoughts in her mind, looking at the monks under the stage, and spoke again, attracting everyone's attention to this auction.


Mu Zhian was sitting in the private room at this time, holding a teacup in one hand, and holding Ye Qian's delicate jade hand with the other hand under the table, playing with it absent-mindedly.

On the surface, he was as steady as an old dog, but in his heart he was panicking.

Ye Yu was too uncultured. He couldn't win the line, so he just reported the point to shake people? Mu Zhian thought in his heart.

Since awakening his memory, most things have been under the control of Mu Zhian, whether it is diverting the attention of the Gongsun family and the Dawn Chamber of Commerce or encircling the black-robed people, or even obtaining the energy of the heavenly way.

The only accident was the appearance of the Sky Devouring Python Queen, but the difference in strength between the two sides was so great that there was no room for maneuver.

Only this time, he deeply realized that things were deviating from the established track he had originally arranged.

Ye Yu's words just now were simply to mock Mu Zhian for spending more than two thousand spirit stones to buy a useless waste.

But in fact, Ye Lingxuan will still return the two thousand spirit stones to Mu Zhian at that time.

Mu Zhian can even use Ye Lingxuan's return of two thousand spirit stones to make another move, inviting her to a nearby attic for a cup of tea and a chat, and brush up the girl's favor.

In other words, Ye Yu has always been on the first floor, while Mu Zhian is on the fifth floor.

However... if the off-field factors are taken into account, Ye Yu's attack will directly penetrate from the first floor to the fifth floor.

Mu Zhian held the teacup, took a sip of tea, and thought about life.

"What's wrong with you?"

In the private room, Ye Qian seemed to notice Mu Zhian's abnormality and looked at him with concern.

Ye Lingxuan also looked over, frowned slightly, and whispered: "If you are not feeling well, don't force yourself. We will take you back."

If it were normal, Mu Zhian would have been happy to hear that the sisters were going to take him back. After all, this meant that his strategy plan was one step closer.

But now...

Mu Zhian shook his head and smiled: "I'm fine, just thinking about something."

"But your palms seem to be sweating. Are you really okay?" Ye Qian asked in a low voice.

Mu Zhian's palm hidden under the table was holding one of her hands, so Ye Qian could naturally feel his temperature changes.

Mu Zhian waved his hand and said: "It's really okay, don't worry."

Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a sound of footsteps approaching slowly not far away.

The auction under the stage was still going on. Mu Zhian listened to the approaching footsteps, and his other hand clenched slightly, pressed against his mouth, and imitated the sound of a rough man, coughing hard a few times.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem..."

I wanted to hint to the girl outside that the private room she was looking for was not here, but these coughs directly coughed Bai Ruoxi, who was at the door, in.

She lifted the curtain, and a beautiful face appeared in the sight of the three people.

Wearing a white low-cut long skirt and a pretty face, Bai Ruoxi, who was already weak in temperament, looked even more pitiful.

For any man, Bai Ruoxi is the kind of beauty who can arouse men's desire to protect her and make people want to hold her in their arms and love her well.

But in front of Mu Zhian, Bai Ruoxi, who lifted the curtain and appeared in front of the private room at this moment, seemed like the fuse of explosives.

Bai Ruoxi's usual cold and weak look was gone. She looked at Mu Zhian expressionlessly, and then examined the Ye sisters.

Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian also examined this famous beauty in Tianxuan City.

"Sister Bai, what's the matter with you?" Ye Lingxuan raised her head and asked with a faint smile.

Bai Ruoxi glanced at Mu Zhian with a faint gaze, and then cast her eyes on Ye Lingxuan, who was wearing a purple dress, and smiled softly: "I'm here to find someone."


Ye Lingxuan glanced at Mu Zhian casually and asked: "Could it be Mr. Mu?"

She continued to smile: "I remember Mr. Mu pursued my sister for a while before, but was rejected every time."

"But I heard that you were intimate near the martial arts arena two days ago, and it seems that you are already together. Is this true?"

Bai Ruoxi did not answer, and her eyes swept around the two girls in the private room.

The first person she saw was the elegant and polite Miss Ye. She was smiling, wearing a purple skirt, a ribbon outlining her slender waist, and a small section of snow-white calves under the skirt, with a quiet temperament.

Bai Ruoxi's eyes swept over Ye Lingxuan and looked at her sister Ye Qian beside her. The pure and lovely Ye Qian had already broken free from Mu Zhian's palm, and now she lowered her head slightly.

Noticing the gazes of the two, she smiled, opened her mouth slightly, and was about to speak.

At this time, Mu Zhian poured a cup of tea for Bai Ruoxi, trying to interrupt the rhythm, and said: "Ruoxi, why did you come to the auction house so early this morning? Is there anything you want to buy?"

"Anyway, sit down and have a cup of tea first." As he said, he looked up at Bai Ruoxi and smiled gently.

Bai Ruoxi glanced at Mu Zhian quietly, and then glanced at the Ye sisters inadvertently.

She sat down at Mu Zhian's invitation, but surprisingly did not ask Mu Zhian why he accompanied other girls to the auction.

She just leaned forward slightly, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea. This action made her chest, which was proud of her peers, pressed on the table, completely crushing the two beautiful girls beside her.

The atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

But this awkward atmosphere made Mu Zhian feel a little relieved.

He was not afraid of the awkward atmosphere, but he was afraid of Bai Ruoxi's strong and aggressive questioning.

Just now, Bai Ruoxi was obviously planning to say something "dangerous", but fortunately he was interrupted halfway.

Bai Ruoxi's personality was as he guessed, weak and passive. Unlike other people, she only felt sorry for her own son Mu.

Ye Yu's operation seemed to be in the atmosphere, but in fact, it was still within the scope of operation.

At this time, I need to control the situation and ease the atmosphere... Mu Zhian smiled and was about to speak.

At this time, the curtain swayed gently, and someone outside gently lifted the curtain.

What came into view was a beautiful woman in a moon-white long dress, her hair was simply tied up with a white ribbon, her black hair fell down like a waterfall, and a layer of gauze covered her pretty face.

She glanced at the people in the private room casually, and then she looked at Mu Zhian coldly, with teasing and anger in her eyes.

Senior Sister Lan? !

The smile on Mu Zhian's face completely froze, and her body was slightly stiff, as if she was a sculpture that would be blown away by the wind at any time.

Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian also looked at this woman in surprise.

They knew each other's identity, but they never thought that this examiner of this sect assessment would appear at this auction, and even come to this private room.

Did he go to the wrong private room, or was he looking for someone like Bai Ruoxi?

The Ye sisters looked at Mu Zhian silently at the same time.

Senior Sister Lan’s relationship with Mu Lang is not that simple... Bai Ruoxi raised her eyes slightly, and her originally clear and beautiful eyes lost some of their luster.

Mu Zhian faced these gazes, calmly put down the teacup in his hand, and smiled calmly without any flaws on his face, saying:

"Senior Sister, why are you here? Aren’t you not interested in the auction?"

Lan Murian looked around at the people in the private room, and a light arc appeared at the corner of her mouth under the gauze, and said: "I came to the auction house to find someone, but I didn’t expect such a coincidence that I ran into you here."

"Two days ago, you said that you might not be able to go to the Dawn Auction House with me today. At first, I thought you had something important to do. It turns out that you have already made an appointment with other people?"

When he said this, the cold eyes looked at him coldly.

"He also said something similar to me two days ago." Bai Ruoxi sighed softly, not to mention the men, even the girls present couldn't help but feel moved when they saw this scene.

She looked at Mu Zhian and asked softly, "Mu Lang, why don't you say anything?"

The room was so quiet that there was no sound.

A simple name made the whole room dead silent.

Mu Zhian had never thought that the name he used to "tease" Bai Ruoxi before was called out by this beauty at this moment.

When women of this era call their loved ones, they always add the word "Lang" after the surname.

This name not only shows the position lightly, but also will not annoy the man, because this name was called by Mu Zhian herself before.

Although she looks weak on weekdays, Bai Ruoxi's operation is much higher than that of several people.

Ye Qian had just experienced the feeling of love. When she heard Bai Ruoxi's name, her face suddenly dimmed and she lowered her head and didn't speak.

When she was in a bad mood, she would not show it directly, but would just bear it silently.

Ye Lingxuan's face was also cold, and she looked at Bai Ruoxi silently.

She could feel that Bai Ruoxi's address was a bit like a declaration of sovereignty.

Mu Zhian's "heartwarming" action just now made the girl feel a little good. Even though Ye Lingxuan didn't have any feelings for Mu Zhian, she felt a little dissatisfied when she heard Bai Ruoxi's statement that was similar to a declaration of war.

Lan Murian was covered with a veil, and no expression could be seen, but her eyes became colder and colder.

Mu Zhian often exchanged letters with Lan Murian in the past few days. Every now and then, Mu Zhian would express her longing for him. She had some good feelings for this boy who was a little younger than her. At this moment, she heard Bai Ruoxi's address, and naturally felt subtle.

Ye Yu stood outside the private room, standing still.

He wanted to mock Mu Zhian again before leaving, but he never expected to hear the conversation coming from the private room. For a moment, he didn't know whether to gloat or envy.

After a long pause, Ye Qian raised her slightly red eyes and asked, "Miss Bai, are you kidding?"

In the past, Bai Ruoxi hated Mu Zhian very much. When she and her sister were on the street, she would occasionally see Mu Zhian following Bai Ruoxi like a fly, but Bai Ruoxi never paid attention.

But now, this beauty actually called him "Mu Lang"?

Bai Ruoxi shook her head gently, raised her head and looked at Mu Zhian, and said softly, "I won't make such a joke. I have brought Mu Lang to meet my parents before, and..."

Her face turned red and continued, "We have practiced dual cultivation."


The atmosphere in the field was completely frozen, even Lan Mulian's face was not right.

Ye Yu, who was standing outside, was completely frozen, and his heart was greatly shocked, and he staggered back.

It has only been a short time since he started pursuing Bai Ruoxi, but their relationship has already reached that level...

And why is that examiner also related to Mu Zhian...Isn't she an inner disciple of Liangyi Sect? !

If Ye Yu was still gloating over the Shura field that Mu Zhian was facing just now, then now there is only jealousy in his heart that is hard to extinguish.

But fortunately, through this opportunity, Ye Qian and Ye Lingxuan should also realize what kind of scumbag Mu Zhian is...This is the only little comfort Ye Yu can give himself besides jealousy.

At this time, Ye Yu felt a kind of anger and jealousy in his heart that a goddess was pushed by a scumbag but he was powerless.

In the private room, Mu Zhian looked at the dead silence of the private room, his scalp tingling, but he never spoke.

He couldn't speak now, nor could he make any explanation.

Because Mu Zhian is the center of the contradiction, deep in the vortex, no matter what he said, it would be wrong. Speaking carelessly would only make himself the target of everyone's fire.

But it is not that there is no way out of the situation. Although this wave has greatly reduced his image, Mu Zhian has had a vague premonition of this scene in his heart for a long time.

People who often walk by the river will get their shoes wet, even him.

He is definitely a little panicked, but he is not panicking to the point of being desperate or even self-destructive.

Mu Zhian knows very well what kind of personality Bai Ruoxi has.

He also knows the personalities of other girls.

To put it bluntly, this crisis seems thrilling, but there is actually a way out.

After all, Mu Zhian has long been known as a romantic person who "is obsessed with beauty and goes to the Jiaofangsi all year round."

In fact, these girls are aware of this matter in their hearts, but when they get along with Mu Zhian, his words and deeds make the girls selectively ignore Mu Zhian's past image.

This time, coming to the auction house with the Ye sisters, and even the exposure of his dual cultivation with Bai Ruoxi, just made them recall another "romantic" impression of Mu Zhian in the past.

He can't speak now, but there are people who can speak.

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