Soccer Card System

Chapter 805: Instigated...

At the end of the game, the team returned to England by plane.

This is to prepare for the next crucial game earlier!

Ninth round of the league!

Manchester City challenged Chelsea away game!

While the Manchester City players were still on the plane, news about the game had already fermented in the media.

While reporting the game, the Italian media lamented the fact that the competitiveness of Serie A has declined.

With the decline of Italy's overall economy, the former Little World Cup has increasingly lost its past colors in leagues such as La Liga and the Premier League.

The media in Milan began to criticize Allegri.

"It's time to change!"

Gazzetta dello Sport reported this on the front page.

The spearhead was naturally directed at Allegri.

"Gazzetta dello Sport" believes that even though there is a certain gap between AC Milan and Manchester City in terms of strength, the gap is definitely not as good as one to five points.

The head coach has to take full responsibility for the fiasco of this game.

In the face of media criticism, Allegri also bluntly said that this game is his responsibility, if the team asks him to be responsible, then he will be responsible.

In football, the way a head coach takes charge...mostly just resigns.

The AC Milan club began to brew a storm.

And all this has nothing to do with Manchester City, who has left Italy.

The English media spoke highly of Manchester City's performance.

With a five-to-one victory over AC Milan, the Premier League team once again defeated the Serie A team.

Historically, the Premier League team has always played the role of the nemesis of the Serie A team.

In the confrontation with Premier League teams, Serie A teams often do not take advantage

In the UEFA Champions League, the term "Premier League Serie A" is popular. In recent years, Serie A teams have indeed underperformed against Premier League teams in the Champions League. Among them, the most typical example is the Champions League 1/8 finals of the 2008/09 season. At that time, Roma played against Arsenal, Inter Milan played against Manchester United, and Juventus played against Chelsea. The UEFA Champions League 1/8 finals of the season were known as the "Premier League Serie A full confrontation." As a result, Arsenal, Manchester United and Chelsea advanced, and Serie A was wiped out.

It is not uncommon for Serie A teams to be slaughtered by Premier League teams in the Champions League. On April 1, 2007, Rome lost 1-7 away to Manchester United. On February 26, 2003, Juventus lost to Manchester United 0-3 at home. On November 26, 2003, Inter Milan 1-5 at home to Arsenal. Tottenham's overall strength is not as good as the traditional Premier League semifinals. However, in the face of the Serie A team, Spurs are still comfortable. In the Champions League last season, Tottenham beat Inter Milan and AC Milan successively.

The Serie A team’s slow-paced and defensive play, and the Premier League’s offensive flag, the fast-paced, high-speed winger flow, are naturally less than a pot.

And this time Manchester City's victory seems to have once again verified the statement of "Premier League Serie A".

The media in other parts of Europe are beginning to exclaim that Manchester City have won over AC Mulan, and they have vaguely got a championship!

"Maybe, Gao Bo's Manchester City will become the first team in history to defend the Champions League?"

The German "Bild" added this sentence at the end after reporting the game.

A question mark is very meaningful.


The media's discussions have not affected the pace of Manchester City's preparations.

The match against Chelsea was on the 27th, only four days away from the third round of the Champions League group stage!

In such a high-density schedule, training arrangements become extremely important.

The coaching staff must ensure the quality of training, so that the players' physical fitness can recover in just four days.

Fortunately, in the past few seasons, Gao Bo's team has spent such a week in the double game, even in the rhythm of a Wednesday game.

The coaching staff has sufficient experience to face such a schedule.

After returning to Manchester, the team took a day off and then began to prepare for the game against Chelsea.


Chelsea vs. Manchester City!

This is undoubtedly the focus of the ninth round of the league!

After eight rounds of the league, Chelsea are five points behind Manchester City, ranking third in the league.

As Manchester United lost to Liverpool and Manchester City before the season, it is now widely believed that Mourinho's team will be Manchester City's biggest rival this season.

In terms of lineup, Chelsea's lineup is not much worse than Manchester City.

Chelsea this season has an unprecedented level of signings!

This season, Anzhi Makhachkala Football Club, a local tycoon in the Russian Premier League, suffered a serious financial crisis. Many European teams have made crazy investments from this team in previous seasons!

Chelsea also grabbed the Brazilian winger William from the Anzhi club! This cost Chelsea a transfer fee of 32 million pounds.

In addition to William, Chelsea also got Cameroon striker Eto'o from An Zhi for free!

On the front line, Chelsea also has an important signing. Chelsea spent 18 million pounds to get the German midfielder Schurler from the Bundesliga team Leverkusen. This German player can be competent. In all positions in the frontcourt, he is an all-rounder in the frontcourt, as well as the type of player Mourinho admires.

In addition to signings from the forward line, Chelsea also reinforced the midfield.

Chelsea repurchased midfielder Matic from Benfica. The transfer fee is 25 million!

But Matic is more in the position of the midfielder. What Mourinho really wants is an attacking midfielder that can replace the 35-year-old Lampard, and what he likes is His important hero in the Inter Milan triple crown, Dutch midfielder Sneijder!

In order to get the 29-year-old Sneijder from the local super giants Galatasaray, Chelsea paid the price of a transfer fee of 12 million, and also matched Sneijder's Galatasaray. The annual salary, one can imagine, Mourinho's desire for this Dutch midfielder.

William, Huerle, Eto'o, Matic, Sneijder!

These are the five important signings for Chelsea this season. Because Drogba left Chelsea in the summer and went to the United States, and Lampard is also old, almost all of the five players he introduced were regarded by Mourinho. Mainly used.

In one season, Chelsea's main lineup almost changed in half!

The strength has naturally improved a lot.

Faced with such a lineup of the opponent, and still playing at home, Manchester City naturally dare not care.

This is a key game in the league. For Manchester City, which is aiming to defend their title this season, defeating a competitor like Chelsea is an important key node on the road to winning the championship.

If you lose to your direct title opponent, it will have a serious impact on team morale.


In the press conference before the game, Mourinho was as unruly as ever.

"Mr. Mourinho, your team is five points behind Manchester City after eight rounds of the league. Manchester City is in an amazing state this season. Their winning streak has lasted eight rounds. What do you think of that?"

Mourinho curled his lips and said: "I don't care about Manchester City. I only care about this game. It is not a problem to be five points behind, because after this game, we are only two points behind!"

This is a typical Mourinho style, and reporters are not surprised.

Many reporters are taking notes excitedly.

For the media, they like people like Mourinho.

Because Mourinho is there, it means there is news.

Mourinho is a character who naturally likes to put himself in the spotlight.

This is a guy who is born to be the protagonist.

But when Mourinho encounters Gao Bo, the protagonist is often not him.

When the Manchester City pre-match press conference was held, a reporter took Mourinho's words to ask Gao Bo's views.

Gao Bo responded directly to this.

"According to my personal experience, for Mr. Mourinho’s team, my plan will always be three-pointers. You have seen it. My plan is really successful. I think after this game , Chelsea is about eight points behind us!"

On the day Gao Bo's words spread, Mourinho replied.

"I have two Premier League champions. Except Wenger, who has been in the Premier League for more than 20 years, everyone else's champions are below me. I don't need to prove anything!!"

Gao Bo almost laughed when he saw this sentence.

"Of course he doesn't need proof, because some people have never won!"

Gao Bo said this with full confidence.

Mourinho likes to fight with words, but he doesn't like to fight with Gao Bo at all.

Because his record against Gao Bo was so embarrassing that he couldn't get a shot at all.

A war of words can only be self-humiliating.

Therefore, the confrontation of saliva before the game ended with Mourinho's death.

But everyone knows that both sides are holding back their energy, ready to give the opponent a bit of color in the game!


On the day of the game, an hour before the game, the atmosphere of the game began to warm up!

Chelsea fans are looking forward to this home game that can defeat Manchester City and send their opponents their first defeat of the season, while also closing the gap between them!

This is a golden game.

The game time is at 6:30 pm local time!

At around five o'clock, the sun hadn't set yet, and under the blazing red sunset, Lanqiao was enthusiastic!

Chelsea players got off the bus, entered the dressing room, and then warmed up. They all received crazy and enthusiastic cheers from the fans!

This gave the Chelsea players at home a very strong confidence!

In this home atmosphere, they believe that they can make a difference at home.

The atmosphere of the arena reached its peak when players from both sides entered the field! !

The DJs at Stamford Bridge are reading the names of Chelsea players in turn!

After each name, you can get the sound of the mountain whistling and tsunami!

"The atmosphere of today's game is very, very, very enthusiastic!!!"

In the commentary booth, the commentator Letkinson chanted!

"After all, the opponent is Manchester City! Now Manchester City looks extremely strong, and for Chelsea, beating Manchester City is almost the best way to continue to put pressure on Manchester City. If Chelsea want to win the championship, this game must be won. In the future, once they lose to their direct competitors at home, it may not be convincing enough to say that Chelsea can win the championship this season."

Redknapp on the side added.

"Both sides are the main players, Chelsea, their lineup is like this: goalkeeper Cech, center-back combination Gary Cahill partner David Luiz, right back Ivanovic, left back Azpi Liqueta, two defensive midfielders Kanter partner Matic, forward midfielder Frank Lampard, left midfielder Hurle, right midfielder William, forward Eto'o! In Manchester City, goalkeeper Oblak, central defender partner Kong Pani and Umtiti, left-back Kolarov, right-back Trippier, and Milner in the back midfielder replaced Casemiro who is still recovering. Fernandinho played with his partner Fernandinho. Rezman, Sanchez on the left, David Silva on the right, striker Hazard, it is worth mentioning that Kaka once again entered the eighteen-man squad and sat on the bench!"

Letkinson introduced the starting lineup for both sides.

On the TV screen, the camera lens swept across the stands!

Before the game started, Chelsea fans already cheered.

The atmosphere of the stadium is as warm as fire!

The head coaches of both sides also appeared on the court.

Gao Bo and Mourinho went to their respective coaching seats, without any intersection!

The confrontation between the two continued from La Liga to the Premier League.

Mourinho did not take any advantage!

But the Portuguese is not a person who gives up easily.

Moreover, a formidable opponent is also an important means for Mourinho to unite his military spirit!

He was like that in La Liga!

There are many gangs in the dressing room of Real Madrid, and Mourinho relies on the way of establishing powerful enemies, flashing the competition and confrontation of the players, and let these Real Madrid stars be used for him!

It's just that this move was ultimately dissatisfied by Casillas, the captain of the Spanish national team at the time, because it affected the unity of the Spanish national team-after all, if Real Madrid and Barcelona and Atletico Madrid players are made the same as enemies~ How can you cooperate sincerely when you meet in the Spanish national team?

There must be competition, but if it rises to the point of hatred, it will be a little troublesome.

At Chelsea, Mourinho also began to use the strength of Manchester City to create the fighting spirit of Chelsea players.

Defeating powerful enemies, defeating seemingly powerful enemies, is a sense of refreshment that no player can refuse.

In the dressing room before the game, Mourinho gave an impassioned speech, inciting the fighting spirit of Chelsea players to the extreme!


Pay attention to spiritual strength.

This is one of Mourinho's style.

However, Mourinho seems to have instigated a little too much.

The game has just begun and Manchester City takes the lead in teeing off.

When the football passed into the penalty area, Hazard took the ball forward and broke through.

Excited David-Louis is on the way!

Hazard pulled the ball forward and was knocked to the ground by David Luiz!


The referee's whistle sounded, and then in the incredible eyes of the fans and Chelsea players, the referee's hand...pointed to the penalty spot!


"The referee awarded a penalty!!!"

"The game just went on... Eighteen seconds! Manchester City won a penalty!!"

"It's so surprising!!"

"David Luiz’s grab was too frizzy. He completely threw his body out. Hazard’s feet were much faster than him. David Luiz’s ankle was firmly stabbed to Hazard’s ankle. The body was also a strong collision, and Hazard fell to the ground. There is no problem with this penalty kick!"

In the commentary, the commentators said one after another.

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