Because although he created this penalty, from the moment the referee awarded the penalty, he felt an uneasy emotion lingering in his heart.

United’s players were so calm that they were completely unfazed by the penalty.

And the defender who pulled himself down did not even blush, and there was no shame in his eyes at all.

Isn’t it worth reflecting on the act of giving the opponent a penalty despite not eating cards?

This team without a sense of team honor, is it really Manchester United?

Although Adriano was full of question marks, he still stood firmly in front of the football.

The penalty must be scored by himself, and as one of Santos’ core players, he is quite aware of a very bad phenomenon in Santos right now.

In the first half, everyone was very energetic, but in the second half, I don’t know why, everyone started to get lazy.

Even Adriano himself becomes less comfortable with running, which is caused by Santos’ physical training being too relaxed.

The referee saw that Adriano was thinking for a long time, so he reminded him.

Only then did Adriano come to his senses.

This time he fixed his mind and didn’t think too much about it, and after three steps of running, he looked in the direction and kicked the football fiercely.

At this time, Zhang Liang also moved, he kicked his right foot, and the whole person flew out sideways.

The stadium, which was still noisy just now, suddenly quieted down.

Zhang Liang’s save direction is right again.

Everyone stared at the figure in front of the Manchester United goal until it coincided with the speeding football.

Is there a ball in the net?

Santos fans, who were behind the Manchester United goal, suddenly craned their necks and looked inside.

I saw that Manchester United’s goal was empty!

At this time, the figure in front of Manchester United slowly stood up, and in his hand was the penalty shot by Adriano.

Oh no!

There was another wail in the stands.

“I don’t know what to say anymore, is this doorman sent by God to punish us?”

For a while, Santos fans fell silent.

And all the Santos players are also in a state of sluggishness, with questions in their minds that every striker in the Premier League has pondered.

How do you shoot at this goal?

Santos’ head coach was also full of mud, and he looked at the field motionless.


Ferguson pursed the corners of his mouth in disdain.

A penalty?

Give you ten penalties and you may not be able to score.

Zhang Liang didn’t care about the Santos players in a daze.

It’s just a penalty, there’s no need to make such a fuss.

And now that the game is not over, you still don’t return to defense?

Zhang Liang waited for another 2 seconds, seeing that Santos’ players had no intention of going back, and he didn’t care about any work ethics.

You don’t go back yourself!

So he looked at Owen’s position and drove the ball away with a big foot.

This finally awakened Santos’ team, who quickly turned and ran towards their own half.

It’s just that as soon as they turned around, they saw the scene they least wanted to see.

Zhang Liang’s big foot accurately landed on Irving’s forward route, and this kind of football in front of the landing point was unusually comfortable for Irving.

Defender Durva, who had been eyeing him, made a mistake this time and Owen swung him away with a simple swing.

De la Sena immediately rushed over, but Irving made two quick changes in a row, shaking him so hard that he had no chance to intercept Irving’s dribbling.

And since he was Santos’ last defender, he didn’t dare to make much movement, and could only tug at the corner of Irving’s coat from time to time to try to slow him down.

It’s a pity that his actions are doomed to futile, and although Owen is not the wind-chasing boy of the year, his speed is just as fast.

So De la Sena did not dare to be too obvious, let alone foul.

Not to mention the tackle, even if he accidentally stops Owen with too much force, he will get a red card.

Of course, Owen also knew the scruples of the defender behind him, so he ran forward desperately, and did not mean to stop at all.

Finally, Santos’ goal was getting closer and closer to him.

A few seconds later, De la Sena and Irving got tangled all the way into the big box, and Irving brought the ball to his favorite position.

Then gently swipe to the right and get up quickly.

At this time, De la Senna did not hesitate, directly a sliding tackle, the whole person pounced on Owen’s shooting route, he was ready to block the shot with his body.

Drasena closed his eyes and tensed his muscles, ready to accept the huge impact.

It’s just that the imaginary sharp pain did not come, but there was an uproar from the stands of the entire stadium.

He quickly opened his eyes.

What about people?

He immediately rolled over and looked in front of the goal.

Owen’s back came into view.

And at this moment Owen finally raised his right leg again.

When it was over, Drasena chuckled in his heart.

Then there was a dead silence.


The referee ran over and pointed to the center circle. The goal works!


Manchester United’s players ran towards Owen.

Irving went straight to the corner kick spot, and then in front of the fans, he took the corner flag as a steel pipe.

Pole dancing!

Ferguson suddenly felt the corners of his eyes twitch, and the excitement he had just scored suddenly dissipated.

Every time Owen celebrates at a corner kick, it’s a daunting experience for Ferguson.

But fortunately, this time Owen just twisted his ass a few times around the flagpole.

The referee did not go to his pocket to look for cards as usual, he just kept staring at the watch in his hand.

Not long after Santos’ kick-off in the middle circle, the referee blew the whistle for the end of the first half.

Ferguson was relieved, and then his heart turned to great excitement.

Club World Cup, Manchester United finally leaded.

Although the attack was caused by Santos’ carelessness, Ferguson didn’t care that much, and he knew exactly what 1-0 meant.

1-0 means that Manchester United can basically be said to have won.

At this time, Santos’ head coach could not calm down, he did not fail, the first half of the lead, it was not they who attacked for 30 minutes.

It’s Manchester United, who have been suppressed by them for more than 30 minutes.

And this ball was lost very humiliatingly.

Manchester United’s goalkeeper just saved a penalty, and a large group of people followed in a daze.

But he wasn’t qualified to say anything about his own player, because he was stupid at the time.

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