Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 104: Excited commentator, Ronaldinho template! (Kneeling for subscription!)\r

Sky Sports Italy.

This is not the same as the interpretation mode in England.

They'll have a die-hard Juventus fan announcer.

There will also be a caster for a die-hard Florence fan.

Let them comment on the game and watch them react when they score/get a goal!

This model is very popular with Italians.



"We scored, we scored!"

"Great goal, unparalleled goal!"


"Florence? Go and stay away!

After seeing Su Cheng score this goal, the die-hard Juventus commentator Che "Three Seven Zeros" was excited!

He left his seat directly, jumped into the middle of the stage, tore off his bow tie, tore off his shirt, and roared at the broadcast camera!

After doing all this, the buddy directly picked up his broken clothes and taunted in front of the diehard commentator in Florence.

He looks about forty years old, and it can be seen from the strong muscles on his body that he usually works out.

But what about Fiorentina's die-hard commentators?

He was grey-haired and bloated, and had begun to develop laterally.

Florence's die-hard commentator watched the man singing, dancing, and mocking in front of him, holding back his desire to hit someone, pretending that nothing happened.

The home team was scored.

You have to play dead here.

The Fiorentina diehard fan only felt that such a day was really sad.

Finally, with the persuasion of others in the studio, the crazy old man ended his celebration.

Of course, a large part of this was because the referee blew the whistle for the end of the first half.

Juventus returned to the locker room with a one-goal advantage.

"Fake, how did you do it just now?

"What did you do this holiday, did you receive some mysterious magic in China?"

"Why did you suddenly become so strong?"

In the player tunnel, Buffon grabbed Su Cheng's shoulders, took him in his arms, and exclaimed while kneading Su Cheng's hair.

"what do you mean?"

"Am I not good before?

Su Cheng teased.

"No, you were great before, but now you are... more versatile!"

"In you, I see the shadow of three people.

"Pirlo, Maldini, Ronaldinho.

"Two of them were my friends, my teammates in the national team, Maldini and even my former captain, my leader. 99

"Ronaldinho is my opponent."

"But they all retired, but I'm still on the field. 35

"Maybe I saw their shadows in you, so I suddenly remembered the past.

Buffon said that in the end, he began to miss his youthful years.

He never mentioned why Su Cheng became so strong.

And Su Cheng also knew that what Buffon said was familiar was true.

Because Su Cheng alone bears the template of these three people!

Pirlo, Maldini, Ronaldinho!

All three templates are on Su Cheng alone!

And Ronaldinho is also the third template that Su Cheng redeems!

The price of 1.5 million template points completely drained Su Cheng!

The second half started, and in the second half, Su Cheng also saw how strong Juventus' defense was!

Although the defense of Su Cheng and Kante in the frontcourt is enough to sweep the entire midfield, but they also have mistakes and places they can't take care of.

Fiorentina started the offensive with a high-altitude ball and two flanks flexibly mobilized....

But under the guard of the four elders behind Juventus.

Fiorentina scored eight shots in thirteen minutes, but none of them scored!

Thirty-eight-year-old Buffon even made two great punches!

Little Chiesa looked at Buffon who was not much younger than his father not far away, and felt powerless in his heart.

After Fiorentina's attacking wave was over, Su Cheng was in charge again!

In the 50th minute of the second half, Su Cheng assisted Mandzukic and scored a header!

In the 70th minute, Dybala received a long pass from Alves and fumbled all the way. After arriving in the penalty area, Dybala stabbed a shot with his left foot, piercing the wicket of Tatarusanu and the guard. door.

Three to zero!

Juventus defend the majesty of the Serie A hegemons at home!

And the Fiorentina players have absolutely no idea of ​​continuing to attack!

The current Juventus team is too strong!

The players who are strong enough to Fiorentina have the idea of ​​surrender!

Seeing that the Fiorentina players gave up their resistance, Su Cheng firmly controlled the ball at the feet of the team and did not intend to continue to attack.

In case the Fiorentina players are on top.

Make a little foul action to hurt Juventus' 4.5 players, and it will be a big loss.

Standing on the sidelines, Allegri nodded in relief after seeing Su Cheng's choice.

The player Su Cheng is too mature!

Mature enough to not need to teach anything, not to teach him anything.

He is already a full-fledged player!

In this tone, the game ended with a score of 3-0!

Su Cheng and Kante got their first victory since joining Juventus!

And Su Cheng also scored one goal and one assist, bringing his good state in the Premier League to Serie A!

(The new book is on the shelves, kneeling and begging for a reward and support for the collection of flowers! The most important thing, if you think this book is good, come and subscribe automatically!).


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