Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 106: The Champions League is coming! (I beg to subscribe!)\r

September 15.


There are countless fans all over China anxiously waiting for the start of the Champions League!

This is for China fans, they have been waiting too long!

Since the East Table, no Chinese players have appeared in the Champions League!

The Eastern table, in fact, did not have any performance in the Champions League.

In addition to Sir Alex making him come off the bench to win a medal, China fans spent more time watching the Orient Table from the Manchester United bench.

This also means that China's players have not yet started in the Champions League!

Not to mention the goals and assists in the Champions League.

Therefore, this is also the reason why many office workers and students in China have no rest even though it is a midweek game.

Even if they have to work tomorrow, go to work.

But they still want to see that China's players achieve zero breakthroughs in competitions like the Champions League!

Let the players from China also leave a strong mark in the Champions League!

A video APP is specially set up in a studio in the capital.

Zhan Jun and Zhang Lu in a suit are here.

They haven't commented on Su Cheng's game for over three months.

This makes Zhan Jun, who loves Su Cheng very much, very helpless.

Well, the Champions League is here!

Zhan Jun specially applied for the commentary right of Juventus Champions League match!

Just to comment on Su Cheng's game!

After all, Zhan Jun's favorite home team, Liverpool, did not enter the Champions League.

So Zhan Jun just wants to explain the game of his favorite player!

"Welcome to the butt sports, I am the commentator Zhan Jun, and Zhang Lu is the guide beside me~〃!"

Although the combination of Zhan Jun and Zhang Lu has become fixed, unless there is an accident, it will not be replaced.

But Zhan Jun still likes to take the initiative to introduce himself and Zhang Lu.

"After more than three months, I can finally comment on Su Cheng's game!"

"For more than three months, without seeing Su Cheng, I feel like I'm missing something!"

"The Premier League without Su Cheng is missing too many things to watch."

Zhan Jun couldn't help sighing.

It's not as serious as Yangma's side here, I can't mention anything else, I can only concentrate on the competition.

Hearing Zhan Jun's words, the audience in front of the TV also nodded, especially the Premier League fans.

Or because of Su Cheng, the spectators who became Leicester City fans.

They saw with their own eyes how Leicester City slowly slipped from the championship team without the three main players of Su Cheng, Kante and Mahrez.

The current Leicester City can only rely on Vardy for support!

Although Leicester City bought a lot of players with more than 100 million euros, but... no one can take over the banner left by Su Cheng and become the core of Leicester City's midfield!

"Okay, let's introduce the lineup and information of the two teams! 99

After speaking, Zhan Jun took out the thick stack of materials prepared by his assistant, and introduced them from the home team Juventus.

"This game will be played at Juventus' home stadium, the Allianz Arena.""

"The referee is Aitkin.

"Juventus, gave the specific formation and starting list!

After speaking, Zhan Jun continued to introduce with the expectation of millions of China fans.

"3-4-1-2 formation. 39

"Goalkeeper, Buffon, back three or Barzagli, Bonucci, Chiellini.

"々. Four midfielders, from left to right are Evra, Su Cheng, Kante, Alves!"

"In the attacking midfield position is Allegri's favorite player, Dybala!"

"The top two strikers are Higuain and Mandzukic!"

"Obviously, Juventus will sell all the main players, and strive to get a good start in the Champions League group stage!""

Looking at Juventus' starting roster, Zhan Jun only felt envious.

That's called luxury!

Such a team configuration.... no wonder it dominates the entire Serie A!

"Sevilla's side is 4-3-3.

"Goalkeeper Rico."

"The four defenders are Escudero, La (Hao Zhao's) Mi, Pareja and Mercaldo."

"Three midfielders Ivora, Kranevet, Nzonzi. 95

"Sarabia on the left, Vazquez on the center, Vitolo on the right!

Compared with Juventus, Zhan Jun is more perfunctory for Sevilla.

"It is worth mentioning that Sevilla were the Champions of the Europa League last season, and it is with this honour that they qualified for the Champions League group stage!55

"It also makes the Champions League this season, with four teams from La Liga!"

(The new book is on the shelves, kneeling and begging for a reward and support for the collection of flowers! The most important thing, if you think this book is good, come and subscribe automatically!) Dust.

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