Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 270: Tearing the wound! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

Ninety-fifth minute of the game.

Nacho replaced Tony Cross.

Such a change, so everyone did not expect!

In the case of one more player, Zidane chose to replace a defensive player!

instead of offensive players!

This is not to tell Juventus that they are afraid.

Want to choose a more secure penalty shootout?!

However, Real Madrid is playing one more person!

Juventus only have ten players!

Such a tactical decision made Allegri, who was standing on the side, have no idea at all!

Originally, he planned to replace the teenager Mosai Keane to rush to see if he could bring any opportunities or create a miracle!

According to Allegri's guess, after being equalized by Juventus, Real Madrid will definitely go big - attacking!

This is exactly the chance for Juventus!

But now it seems that Juventus can only do nothing.

Zidane is worthy of being a champion coach.

His tactical adjustments allow Juventus to deal with changes with no change!

Makes Allegri completely unable to make any tactical adjustments!

When Nacho came on shortly after.

The whole game is over, and the referee blows the whistle of the end of the game!

Although the whole game is over, the battle between Juventus and Real Madrid is not over yet!

Next, they will play half-hour overtime!

If neither team can win during this half hour.

Then the two sides will have a brutal penalty shootout!

After all, there is always a winner in this game!

At this moment, the sky in China is getting brighter.

However, the fans who stayed up late to watch the game did not feel any sleepiness at all!

They are sitting in front of the TV or computer in high spirits, or lying on the bed holding up their mobile phones, and continue to pay attention to the game!

Faced with such wonderful games and finals, as a football fan, how can they sleep?

Not to mention, there are also their China players in this game!

Su Cheng!

They want to see Su Cheng lift the Champions League trophy and officially become the first player in Chinese football history!

Both coaches took advantage of this break to talk to the players about the next tactics and arrangements.

However, Real Madrid's side is more to comfort and keep them patient.

Zidane can see that his players are very frustrated now.

After all, Juventus equalized the score after leading and playing one more player.

No one can maintain a good attitude.

Now, all Zidane has to do is to cheer up his players!

Don't concede three goals in ten minutes after being equalized by Real Madrid like Atletico Madrid did!

If this happens, no one can save Real Madrid!

"In the next game, I don't know how to arrange tactics and let you guys attack.

"Sorry, it's my fault as a coach.

"It's just that Real Madrid replaced Nacho with the obvious intention of dragging the game to a penalty shootout!"

"This is also an acceptable thing for us!

"However, in those 30 minutes, Real Madrid will definitely choose to continue attacking!"

"This is our chance!"

"Following, everything on the field, you can just follow Su Cheng's command!"

"Hope you can give me a surprise!"

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

Allegri looked at his players and said briefly.

As soon as the words fell, everyone turned to look at Su Cheng.

As the core of the team, the key figure in this game, the savior of Juventus!

Everyone would love to hear Su Cheng speak!

Only when Su Cheng spoke up, their hearts would be more at ease, and they would be more confident about the next game!

"It's not easy for everyone to go all the way to the finals, I believe everyone is like this! 99

"We came to the finals just for the fucking championship!"

"Definitely not for that runner-up, returning to Italy and continuing to be laughed at by people!"

"Or do you plan to change to a new title and be called King of Qiya?! 35

"Whatever you think! I absolutely cannot accept this!

"I want everyone to look up to Juventus! Let everyone call us the Quadruple! The Five!

"Let people mention Juventus' name and think that this is a championship team that has made history! Not the team that has won the most Champions League runners-up!

"Are you confident?!"

Under the watchful eyes of all Juventus players, Su Cheng exploded!

He looked at the players of Juventus, opened the scars of Juventus naked, and pointed out the historical achievements of the team!

This is definitely a pain in the heart of Juventus!

It is also a fact that all players are reluctant to mention!

But now Su Cheng has stood up, tore his wounds, and let everyone face up to this history!

Success or failure!

They choose for themselves!

(I beg to subscribe to the flower collection and reward the evaluation ticket for support!)

(The final must be finished today!) 100 million.

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