Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 273: I really can't think of a title (please subscribe!)\r

Allegri, and the Juventus substitutes, were on the sidelines minutes ago, waiting for the game to end!

When Brich blew the end whistle of the game.

Juventus' substitutes rushed straight into the pitch and celebrated unscrupulously!

Allegri knelt directly on the lawn, clenched his fists with both hands, raised his head and shouted loudly!

After so many years, he finally proved himself, he finally led the team to the Champions League!

In AC Milan fame, and then to be swept out.

Reached the Champions League final in his first season at Juventus!

In the second season, only got the Champions League round of 16 results!

In the end, after the introduction of Su Cheng, they overcame all obstacles and overcame strong enemies, and finally became the Champions of Champions!

All this makes Allegri feel like a dream in retrospect now!

All thanks to Su Cheng!

If it wasn't for Su Cheng, I'm afraid they wouldn't even be able to get past Barcelona, ​​let alone win the Champions League!

Now, Allegri is very fortunate in his heart. After the team lost Bo 8, the team's chairman, Ranagli, desperately brought Su Cheng to Italy and Juventus!

Judging from the achievements Juventus has achieved now, without Su Cheng, Juventus would never have become the quadruple champion!

Yes, after Juventus won the Champions League.

It can be called the quadruple crown king!

They surpassed Inter Milan and created new Italian history, as well as records!

An unprecedented quadruple in all of Italy.

Created by Juventus!

on the field.

Buffon directly gave up the goal he was guarding and rushed in front of Su Cheng!

Today's game, Buffon suppressed for a long time!

Being scored four goals by Real Madrid through various means, made Buffon feel that he was sorry for his teammates!


Thanks to Su Cheng for stepping up and saving himself and the team!

After coming to Su Cheng, Buffon made an amazing move!

He slipped and knelt directly in front of Su Cheng.

Stopped at a distance of about half a meter from Su Cheng.

Afterwards, he raised his hands high, lying on the lawn, making a gesture of worship!

Such a Buffon shocked Su Cheng!

Although Europe does not care about these, at most it thinks that Buffon's actions and actions are a bit exaggerated, but it is not a big deal.

However, the customs in China are different!

This will save your life!

After all, Buffon is 37 years old this year!

And Su Cheng is only nineteen!

After seeing this scene, Su Cheng quickly jumped away, avoiding Buffon's worship.

It's not that he's rude, it's that he

It is really unbearable!

Su Cheng had just avoided Buffon's adoration.

But he did not escape a new round of celebrations from the players headed by Higuain!

As soon as the game was over, they rushed towards Su Cheng and lifted Su Cheng straight up!

Throw it into the sky!

Evra and Cuadrado also came out of the locker room.

They all had smiles on their faces.

Evra, who was still on crutches, took Cuadrado's shoulders and stood on the sidelines watching this scene with a smile on his face.

"Sorry, coach...I..~#."

As soon as Cuadrado turned his head, he found Allegri standing beside him, and he quickly apologized after reacting.

After all, his responsibility in this game is too great!

If Juventus lose this game, he will undoubtedly be the biggest sinner of this game!

"Let's talk about this later, now is the time to be happy, the time to celebrate! 35

Allegri patted Cuadrado on the shoulder.

Although in his heart he still resents Cuadrado.

But like he just said, now that Juventus have won the game, they should celebrate, they should cheer, they should sing!

Instead of standing on the sidelines with a straight face to reprimand a player!

Cuadrado and Evra nodded excitedly and participated in the celebration of the Juventus players!

"We really lost the game?!

Ronaldo squatted on the lawn and looked at Marcelo, who was also squatting beside him, and couldn't believe it.

They are great galactic warships, the strongest team in the world right now.

With the best players, the best coaches and the best fans.

Did they lose?

Moreover, they are facing Juventus with only ten men!

After a hundred and twenty minutes, they finally lost the game?!

This kind of thing makes Ronaldo unacceptable!

Before the start of the game, he was full of confidence thinking that he would lift his fifth Ballon d'Or.

After the game, what kind of winning attitude should I face to face Su Cheng, invite Su Cheng to Real Madrid, and tell him that in Juventus, he can't win the championship!

But from now on, Su Cheng and Juventus slapped Ronaldo hard in the face!

"々. Yes, Chris, we lost."

"We lost the Champions League, lost the chance to win the Champions League again, we Tm became the losers!

Marcelo lay on the lawn and thumped the lawn viciously!

As an absolute Madridist.

He can't accept this!

Can't accept this fact!

It was originally a chance for Real Madrid to show off its grand plans and dominate European football!

But now, it was ruined by Su Cheng alone!

"Fake, this is Su Cheng's game alone!"

"Our back line is vulnerable in front of Su Cheng!"

Bell is a better player in Real Madrid's emotional control.

He stood on the pitch with his arms crossed, watching Su Cheng who was thrown up and down by the Juventus players not far away, and said to Benzema next to him.

This is Cardiff, the capital of Wales.

Wales is Bell's country!

As the best player in the country, and another superstar after Ryan Giggs!

Gareth Bale's popularity and prestige in Wales is very high.

Many fans at the scene came to watch the game for Bell!

Bell also wants to lift the Champions League trophy in his hometown, and in his hometown, under the witness of his compatriots, once again set foot on the top of the world!


His hopes and dreams are shattered Kill!

The appearance of Su Cheng made him completely lose this qualification!

"We've tried our best, but there's nothing we can do.

Benzema took off the bandage wrapped around his right hand and said while touching his sweaty head.

Winning or losing is normal, and he can accept this fact.

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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