Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 276: Juventus? The pride of Italy! (Begging for subscription!)\r

In the dressing room, the Juventus players were completely free from the camera, and they released their nature!

Buffon and Chiellini even rolled on the ground in order to compete for the championship trophy!

What's even hotter...these two are naked!

And Nedved didn't know when to kill again, holding champagne is a burst of spray!

The rest of the players sang and danced in the locker room, clapped the table, and sang the song "Italian Summer" together!

All the players on the scene live in Italy.

For the song "Italian Summer", they are naturally impossible to be unfamiliar!

When the Juventus players had had enough trouble, they ran to take a shower and changed into their own clothes.

"Four Three Three"

Immediately, everyone at the scene looked alike, completely unable to see the sloppy appearance just now!

Including Su Cheng too!

However, Su Cheng left the locker room while the players were still taking various group photos with the Big Ear Cup.

He returned to the court to meet Su Wei, Zhang Juan and others who were waiting here.

"Dad, Mom."

"We're going to take the bus directly and then take a private jet to Turin, we won't be in Wales for too long. 39

"I'll let Zhang Jun and Chen Ting take you to play in Wales for a few days, and then you come to Turin to find me, how?"

Su Cheng expressed his helplessness. Originally, he planned to stay with his parents for a few more days.

Now it seems that he can only accept the team's choice and go back with the team.

The team chairman, Nedved and Allegri decided.

They're going to have a huge championship celebration in Turin!

They excited Juventus fans all over Italy and even the world!

This is Wales, a neutral stadium, not suitable for Juventus to party!

When they are back at home, the real carnival begins!

This decision was made by the team president and Allegri in the locker room.

This also canceled Su Cheng's original plan.

This game is the last game of the season, Juventus!

That is to say, after this game, all Juventus players will have a long-lost vacation!

Su Cheng originally planned to wait until everything was over, and come directly to find Su Wei and Zhang Juan.

Get together with them.

After all, they hadn't seen each other for more than half a year.

Su Cheng naturally didn't want to miss this opportunity to meet his parents.

After all, according to Raiola, this summer has been Su Cheng's busiest!

Countless endorsements, Puma, Coca-Cola, and even Xia Wei in China all need Su Cheng's presence!

Li Ning also needs Su Cheng to re-shoot a new set of promotional photos.

Even, in Su Cheng's own mind, there is still the idea of ​​wanting to transfer and leave!

This also means that this two-month holiday is the busiest time for Su Cheng!

Even if Su Cheng returns to China, he will not be able to spend a few days with his parents!

"It's okay, so many of your uncles and aunts are with us, don't worry!"

"We're in Wales for four or five days and then we're going to Turin and we're going home.

"You do your own thing first, don't worry about us.

Zhang Juan looked at Su Cheng in front of her, although her heart was full of what she wanted to say to Su Cheng.

But she still held back her thoughts and said as if nothing had happened.

Now his son has become a well-known and influential figure in the whole world.

As his mother, Zhang Juan naturally has to be generous and support and understand her son's career.

Although, for the past six months, she has been worrying and missing Su Cheng all the time.

But now that Su Cheng is in high spirits, standing on the top of the whole Europe, Zhang Juan, as a mother, is very satisfied.

"Mom and dad, seriously, give me a younger brother while I'm young..."

"Otherwise I won't come back after being out for such a long time, I'm very worried about you.

Su Cheng looked at Su Wei and Zhang Juan and couldn't help but say.

"Go on! Don't talk nonsense here, kid!"

"Isn't there something wrong? Get out now!

Su Cheng's words made Su Wei and Zhang Juan blushed, and Su Wei immediately started to drive Su Cheng away.

"Then I'll go first, remember to wait for my call!"

Su Cheng waved his hand and ran back to the locker room.

However, his suggestion was still lingering in the minds of Su Wei and Zhang Juan.

This thing... doesn't seem to be impossible.

Half an hour later, the Juventus players boarded a plane to Turin.

On the plane, they were still not idle, they sat in their seats, from the beginning of the chorus, to the end, everyone came to sing one by one!

Each player requested to sing a song of their country!

Su Cheng is no exception!

In the face of the booing of his teammates, Su Cheng did not grumble, and came to a song "Blue and White Porcelain"!

This song is exactly what Jay Chou and Lang Lang sang live in the Champions League final!

In this way, 4.5, the players went all the way to Turin!

Outside the airport in Turin.

Tens of thousands of Juventus fans rushed to the scene!

This time, it's even more exaggerated than Juventus' last championship!

There were even many fans of Inter Milan, AC Milan and Turin!

Juventus is not the enemy of Italy now.

But the pride of Italy!

They represent the Italian league and beat the mighty Real Madrid!

They helped the Italian league and after 16 years again became the focus of the whole of Europe!

They are the heroes of all Italy!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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