Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 278: A grand celebration! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

After waiting for the bus to leave the training base, Su Cheng realized how crazy the Juventus fans are!

Tens of thousands of fans stood outside the training base!

They were all wearing Juventus jerseys, holding Juventus scarves and other items.

On both sides of the road, even on the trees and light poles, many fans climbed up!

When the Juventus bus drove out of the training base, they burst into cheers like a tsunami!

"Say hello to them!"

Buffon raised the big ear cup with both hands and held it in the air.

Then Buffon turned to look at Su Cheng and whispered.

Su Cheng reacted and waved to the fans below.

Even some fans who were lying on trees or light poles, they could reach out and give Su Cheng a high five!

Behind Su Cheng, Dybala, Higuain and others all wore their championship medals and enthusiastically interacted with the fans!

They are very happy now, standing on top of Europe, back in Turin and so many fans waiting for them to celebrate with them!

The bus is going very slowly because there are so many fans on this road!

Tens of thousands of fans, even they move with the bus, they want to follow Juventus all the way, and finally come to Piazza San Carlo!

With smiles all over their faces, they sang the Juventus anthem and the songs they created for the Juventus players!

Songs of Su Cheng, Songs of Dybala, Songs of Buffon and many more.

These fans expressed their love for Juventus with their own actions!

In Europe, with hundreds of years of influence and subtle senses, football has really become a part of these people's lives!

They can have no games in their lives, or even have no love life.

But, football is definitely the part they love the most!

Su Cheng, who was standing on the bus, really felt this.

Originally, he thought it was a championship celebration held by the team's top management and coaches who wanted to show off and flirt.

But now it seems that I think too much.

Such a championship celebration is really necessary!

In this way, it took Juventus players and fans five full hours to reach the San Carlo Square!

By the time they arrived at the sighting spot, the sky had already turned dark!

Juventus would only need more than two hours to complete their route and get here if they follow the normal route.

However, because there were too many fans on the scene and they followed them all the time, the Juventus bus driver did not dare to increase the speed at all and could only drive slowly.

After all, today is a good day, a day for the whole of Turin to celebrate.

If an accident happens to the fans at the scene, then a good thing will turn into a funeral!

As a driver, he cannot afford this responsibility!

When Su Cheng and the others arrived at Piazza San Carlo, a huge stage had been set up!

There are even many standing paintings of Juventus's meritorious players, legendary players and coaches.

On the sculpture in Piazza San Carlo.

I don't know if it's the arrangement of Juventus fans or the official staff.

A black and white scarf with the Juventus logo was tied to the sculpture.

On the top of the sculpture, someone put a crown on it.

Many Juventus fans have gathered at the scene.

Coupled with the fans who followed the bus all the way, just looking at this number, there may be about 100,000 fans at the scene!

That's not all Juventus fans in Turin!

There are also quite a few people who choose to watch the live broadcast of the championship celebration in a bar or at home!

They are all very experienced fans.

When Juventus announced the championship celebration, they gave up the idea of ​​going there!

Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of fans gathered together, it was too crowded...

It's better to stay in a less crowded bar or in a quiet home.

Although the atmosphere is definitely not as good as the scene, it is still much better than the crowded scene.

"Let's get ready, change into the jersey in the car, and bring the national flag if you want~".

"At that time, we will show up at the championship celebration!"

Buffon picked up the trophy he put on the top of the bus and said to Su Cheng next to him.

As for why the trophy is on the roof of the bus?

The reason is also very simple, because it is impossible for Buffon to hold the big ear cup all the way!

After all, not even a professional athlete can do that.

Putting it on the roof of the bus is the best option.

Su Cheng also had no ink marks, and followed behind Buffon to change into the jerseys and national flags that the team staff had already prepared in the bus.

On the stage, Allegri, Raneri and others have already started their speeches.

From the history of Juventus to the setbacks encountered, to the rise from the trough, the process of becoming the king of Europe step by step!

Afterwards, the Juventus players came to the stage one by one to give speeches with their national flags and their own jerseys.

"々 As the captain of the team and the oldest and longest-serving player on the team, I have a very mixed feeling.

"It can be said that many of you here have watched me grow to where I am now.

"There are also some people, when I was just playing football, you were not even born, or only a few years old."

"Now you've grown to where you are now.

"When the team was relegated to the Second Division, I didn't leave the team!"

"Now it's even more impossible for me to leave the team! For me, Juventus is everything to me!

"It is my dream to retire at Juventus, and it is my lifelong pursuit to help Juventus win the Champions League!"

"Now, help the team to win the Champions League, with our joint efforts, we have accomplished this goal!

"Here, I want to thank you all for your support!"

"Thanks also to my teammates, especially the 19-year-old midfielder who has become the backbone of our Juventus midfield! Su Cheng!

"Next, let's invite Su Cheng to speak up! 35

As the team captain, Buffon did not speak in the last place, but handed over the qualification of the last speech to Su Cheng to kill!

"Su! Su! Su! Su!"

The cheers of the more than 100,000 fans at the scene were neat and unified, making Su Cheng standing near the bus unable to recover for a long time.

Such a team, such good teammates and fans.

Are you really willing to leave?!

Su Cheng is lost...

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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