Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 288: Fans protest! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

There are no impervious walls in the world.

It's only been a few hours.

The whole of Europe knows that Su Cheng is moving!

The transfer of Su Cheng and the transfer of Ma Er to Paris Saint-Germain is even more shocking!

You know, last season, Juventus won all competitions and created a historical record in the Italian league!

Then Su Cheng is leaving Juventus?

There are many reasons why horses leave Barcelona, ​​and everyone can understand them.

After two consecutive seasons of defeat, after reversing PSG, the headlines were all bragging about Messi.

In addition, both Brazil and Argentina belong to South American countries, and the Brazilian king is playing against the Argentine king.

There is no way to go on like this.

Su Cheng's transfer, everyone really can't understand!

Although the team is now on vacation.

The team's training base has only a few old men who are responsible for cleaning the lawn and guarding the door.

But the fans spontaneously came outside the training base, wearing Su Cheng's jersey, to protest the club's actions!

In their opinion, it was the club's inability to refuse other teams' high transfer fees, which gave the club the idea of ​​selling Su Cheng!

They can't accept this!

They have just stood at the top of Europe and are looking to create an era that belongs to Juventus1

Then, their most important player just left?!

At this moment, their hearts are full of anger!

At the same time, on China's Weibo and various forums.

"Fuck! Brothers! Here comes the big one!

"What is the big one? The big one is coming every day, and I haven't heard the news of entering the Bay Island until now?

"Stop talking shit! Su Cheng is going to transfer! Is it big this time?"

"What!? Su Cheng is going to transfer?! Really, didn't he just win the Champions League at Juventus? Why did he leave?"

"This time it's true! Juventus fans have protested outside the Juventus training ground~"!

"They were all wearing Su Cheng's shirts, protesting against Juventus' choice to let Su Cheng go!

"But so far, neither Su Cheng nor Juventus have given a reasonable explanation."

There are still many foreign students or tourists in Turin.

Turin City has undergone such drastic changes, they can naturally experience in Turin.

Even, there were people who followed the Juventus fans to protest at the scene!

Why did Su Cheng leave.

Why Juventus want to let Su Cheng go, fans can't understand!

Faced with this situation, it is not something that a few old men guarding the training base can solve!

They quickly dialed Nedved's phone, hoping that Nedved would come over to deal with these matters.

after all...

Only the presence of the team's top management can calm down these crazy and restless fans!

After receiving the call, Nedved hurriedly drove down.

Looking at the nearly 10,000 Juventus fans on the scene, Nedved fell into a sluggish state.

Moreover, from various intersections and streets, there are still people coming towards Juventus' training base.

It is a matter of time before the number of fans on the scene breaks through five figures.

Nedved knows their purpose and what they are here for, and it is precisely because of this that he is even more embarrassed in his heart!

What is this all about!

How good, Su Cheng is leaving the team!

Even if he left the team, why didn't Su Cheng appear, the team chairman didn't appear, and the team's head coach Allegri didn't appear.

Get yourself a vice-chairman?

Sure enough, in any country, anyone who has an adverb in front of any position is thrown out at a critical moment to take the blame!

"Everyone calm down!"

"I know what you mean, and I know the purpose of your coming!

"However, I'm sorry to tell you that this decision was made by us and Su Cheng together!"

"In other words, it was Su Cheng who had the idea of ​​leaving, and we blocked it in every possible way, but in the end there was nothing we could do, so we could only send him away.

"I know everyone is reluctant to bear Su Cheng, and so are we!"

"However, the world is like this, we have no way to keep Su Cheng, so we can only choose to respect Su Cheng's decision and bless him!"

"I hope the same is true for you, everyone... go back early, even if you stay here all the time, it's useless."

Nedved looked at the fans in front of him and persuaded from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, he still had some resentment towards Su Cheng in his heart.

Juventus treats Su Cheng like this, Su Cheng is still thinking about leaving?!

Why can't you stay at Juventus and stand at the top of the world with Juventus?

However, as the owner of the team, Ahnali didn't say anything, and Nedved naturally wouldn't say much.

"々. What? Su Cheng himself wanted to leave?!?"

"Why is that? Are we Juventus not enough?

"Maybe because he won all the titles at Juventus and didn't feel challenged?"

"Does Su Cheng want to learn from Cristiano Ronaldo? Then why can't he stay at Juventus for another year like Ronaldo did?

"A year at Juventus, then a Champions League runner-up and a move to another team? Is that the script?"

After hearing Nedved's words, the fans at the scene fell silent.

They thought it was the team who sold Su Cheng, so they came here to protest and fight for Su Cheng!

As a result, Su Cheng himself wanted to leave the team?

This left them with nothing to say.

Did they get together to insult Su Cheng?

There's no way they could do it!

How much contribution Su Cheng has made in joining Juventus this season, Juventus fans can see for all to see!

Not to mention Su Cheng's stats for the entire season!

Let's talk about Su Cheng's performance against Barcelona and Real Madrid!

These two games established Juventus' advantage, and Su Cheng single-handedly helped Juventus win the Champions League!

If such Su Cheng were to be abused by Juventus fans.

Then I'm afraid no player will come to Juventus again.

This team is really scary!

"However, guys, Su Cheng will play our last game with us!

"The UEFA Super Cup on August 8, this is Su Cheng's last game at Juventus!"

"It's also Su Cheng's farewell battle!"

Nedved looked at the fans who became silent at the scene, suddenly remembered something, and said to them.

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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