Looking at Su Cheng's surprised eyes, Higuain threw the football in his hand directly to Su Cheng.

"I know you want to help us finish this game."

"But, I think, in the last game, you still have to leave something for the fans, even for us.

"With the last goal of Juventus career, I think it's pretty good!

After that, Higuain turned and left.

The Juventus players did not speak, and Allegri on the sidelines watched the scene expressionlessly.

None of them expected Higuain to make such a decision.


Ask yourself, if it were them, they would have made the same decision as Higuain.

Holding the football in his arms, Su Cheng walked straight to Manchester United's penalty area without saying anything.

At this moment, it is too hypocritical to say anything more.

What Su Cheng can do is not to let down the trust of his teammates and score this ball!

Then lift the championship trophy with your teammates!

In front of Manchester United's goal, De Gea was under a lot of pressure.

Although at Juventus, Su Cheng didn't take penalties much.

But his career penalty rate is 100%!

Before the game, in order to prevent the occurrence of penalty kicks, Manchester United's data analyst also explained to De Gea the style and method of Juventus players taking 450 penalty kicks!

It can be said that De Gea has kept in mind the ways and habits of all Juventus penalty kickers!

Only Su Cheng's, De Gea has some doubts about his penalty kick style!

There are spoon penalties similar to Pirlo.

There are also burst shots like Cristiano Ronaldo.

There are also fake moves that deliberately deceive the goalkeeper, forcing the goalkeeper to reveal flaws and then shoot!

De Gea was a little confused about Su Cheng.

So, he intends to believe his own reaction!

Wait until Su Cheng shoots before making a save!

This is a big gamble for De Gea!

If the bet is successful, he will be a hero for Manchester United!

It doesn't hurt if it fails.

After all, in the face of a penalty, the probability of saving it is 50%.

There is no other choice but to throw and throw.


The referee blew the whistle again, which also means that it is time for Su Cheng to take a penalty!

De Gea half squatted down and stared at Su Cheng not far away, wanting to react as soon as possible and then complete the save!

And Su Cheng isn't playing any bells and whistles!

He runs straight, swings his right leg, and shoots!

A mighty blast!

Let De Gea have no way to react at all!

By the time De Gea reacted, the ball was already in...

Even, at this moment, De Gea can still feel the breeze when the football flies over his face.

The speed of the ball is so fast!

Su Cheng is like taking revenge, or venting his emotions!

Use all your strength to kick the ball into the net!

De Gea turned his head to look at the net in hindsight.

Look at the net that is deformed a little by the enormous force.

De Gea believes that if the quality of the net is slightly lower, I am afraid that Su Cheng's power will directly break the net and let the football fly out of the net!

He trembled subconsciously.

If you just chose to save the ball yourself...

If the ball hits my hand...

So will my wrist fracture? Or even leave permanent damage?!

Thinking of this, De Gea is thankful that he just didn't react and didn't save Su Cheng's shot!

Otherwise, if you react to it yourself, you will definitely go to the subconscious save!

Then he can lie on the ground and wait for the team doctor and ambulance to take him away.

After the goal, Su Cheng was very excited!

He directly took off his jersey, came to the stands of Juventus fans, and threw the jersey in his hand to them!

(dbef) "Su! Su! Su!

"This will always be your home!"

"You will always be the child of the Allianz Arena!"

The Juventus fans did not taunt the departing player, nor did they choose to boo.

Instead, they prepared an elaborate song as a farewell gift to Su Cheng!

Originally they planned to wait until the end of the game to sing.

But now that the mood and atmosphere are here, they have to taste it!

The big deal is that when the final whistle blows, they will sing it again!

Higuain and Mandzukic held Su Cheng firmly again.

They were really reluctant to leave Su Cheng!

"That's the lovely fans, that's why we love football!35

Far away in China's live broadcast room, Zhan Jun couldn't help but sighed when he watched the scene.

Even Mourinho gave up on finding the fourth official to complain about the penalty, nor did he urge the fourth official to end the Juventus celebration.

The scene in front of him reminded him of the time when he was about to leave when he was in Inter Milan.

The scene of Materazzi, who made a rude remark to Zidane at the World Cup, and who lived on and off the field as a tough guy, kept tears for himself.

In the blink of an eye, seven years have passed.

But a similar scene appeared again in front of Mourinho.

This made Mourinho feel, for the first time, that he was really old...

This scene in front of me is really touching!

Even many Juventus fans who did not come to the scene, they sat in front of the TV and sang this song aloud with the fans on the scene involuntarily!


Many emotional fans shed tears!

"Beep beep!"

In the end, the referee came forward and stopped the celebration of the Juventus players.

Su Cheng was also shown a yellow card.

Undress to celebrate, yellow card warning!

Su Cheng doesn't care, this yellow card is the last one in his Juventus career.

That said, there is even a lot of commemorative significance.

Su Cheng would even want to get a red card if he could!

Su Cheng took a brand new jersey from the staff on the side and put it on himself.

The game is not over yet, and now is not the time to say goodbye!

When they lift the championship trophy, it will be Su Cheng's official farewell!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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