Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 296: Arrive in Liverpool! (Begging to subscribe!)\r

Aug. 9.

Su Cheng left anyway.

Although yesterday's scene really touched Su Cheng and brought him to tears.

But Su Cheng chose to leave.

The night when Juventus won the Super Cup.

That is last night

Liverpool sent various faxes and documents to officially confirm the transfer of Su Cheng!

After Su Cheng goes to Liverpool to complete his medical examination, he can directly sign a new contract!

Su Cheng will wear Liverpool's No. 10 shirt and become the new core of the team!

Early in the morning, Su Cheng packed up his luggage and carefully put away the large and small trophies, personal awards and honorary trophies, and medals he had harvested.

Zhang Jun would help him deliver these items to Su Cheng's home in Liverpool by consignment.

That's right, this time Su Cheng doesn't need the club to rent a villa for himself!

This time Su Cheng bought a villa directly in "Four Five Zero" Liverpool!

At the rate that Su Cheng is making money now.

This villa is only Su Cheng's salary for one month.

Su Cheng's choice makes Liverpool even more happy!

Originally they were still afraid, Su Cheng wouldn't stay in Liverpool for a week and run?

Now it looks like Su Cheng has bought a house in Liverpool!

Definitely not staying for a year and leaving!

It also brought a sigh of relief to Liverpool's executives and coaches.

Take their last worries away!

In this way, Su Cheng brought his own change of clothes and a suitcase, ready to drive to the airport.

As for the sports car that Ranali gave him.

As well as other things in the villa, just hand them over to Zhang Jun.

Only now has Su Cheng realized how happy it is to have a team!

You can leave everything to them and let them handle it for you!

However, after waiting for Su Cheng to arrive at the airport, he was dumbfounded.

Countless Juventus fans gather here.

There are even a lot of Juventus players!

They are here to send Su Cheng away!

At the beginning, it was also the Juventus fans who greeted Su Cheng at this airport.

Now it's the same fans who sent Su Cheng away from Juventus!

"Sorry for hiding you, thank you for your hard work this year. 99

"It was an event planned by the fans and they sent representatives to ask us about your flight, so here we are."

"In this year, you helped me, helped Juventus to complete its dream and complete the traceability."

"Put Juventus on top of Italy!

"Thank u."

As the team captain, Buffon, who likes Su Cheng the most, naturally came to the scene!

After seeing Su Cheng, Buffon came to Su Cheng, hugged Su Cheng, and said choked up.

Although he said goodbye to Su Cheng yesterday, Buffon still couldn't control his emotions!

"You didn't quit the group chat, right? You can tell us in the group chat if you encounter anything, it's really not good, you can go back to Juventus, this is always your home, you are always welcome!"

After Buffon released Su Cheng, Chiellini also came out.

He patted Su Cheng on the shoulder and said to Su Cheng.

Dybala, Higuain and others also came up to say goodbye to Su Cheng.

"Thank you all, the year I spent with you was the happiest time for me.

"thank you all."

"Thank you all for your support and tolerance!"

Su Cheng was silent for a long time, before facing these people, he bowed in greeting.

Then, facing these fans and his teammates, Su Cheng walked into the airport without hesitation!

Starting today, Su Cheng will embark on a new journey!

He will represent Liverpool and fight for Liverpool for many years of honors that have not been won!

There is only an hour difference between England and Italy.

After Su Cheng landed at Liverpool Airport, it was still noon.

"Su! Su! Su!"

Liverpool fans already knew the news was coming!

They gathered outside the airport in advance, waiting for Su Cheng's landing!

When they saw Su Cheng walking out of the airport with only one suitcase, they roared with excitement!

This is actually true!

The most sensational and longest-running news in all of Europe is actually true!

Su Cheng actually came to Liverpool!

In Chinese terms, Su Cheng is going to "join the army"!

The best midfielder in the world, no!

The best player in the whole world right now, Su Cheng, is coming to Liverpool!

Liverpool fans have been walking in the air these days!

They looked at the rivals Everton in the same city and Manchester United, the rival of the national derby, with contempt in their eyes!

Now, what are you fighting us for?!

We have Su Cheng!

We have the best players in the world!

what about you?

A team that can't even play in the Europa League!

A team that has been wasted for several years and is as happy as the Champions League after winning the Europa League!

How do you compare to them?!

Although Liverpool are also in the stage of renaissance....

But with the arrival of Su Cheng, Liverpool fans can stand up and announce to the world!

They Liverpool, really want to stand up!

This is why they dispatched so many people to the scene!

Liverpool fans are here because of news from football transfer expert Di Marzio!

He even knew which plane Su Cheng was on and what time it landed!

Su Cheng would never believe it if DiMazio had nothing to do with Raiola.

"Mr. Su Cheng, please come with us.

When the Liverpool staff saw Su Cheng, they immediately greeted him.

They are taking Su Cheng to Liverpool's training base, Melwood!

Since the 1950s, the Melwood base has been officially put into use!

Although Liverpool's owner, team chairman and manager Klopp have approved the team's new project, Kirkby training base is under construction.

But until the Kirkby training base is built, Melwood will be there!

In order to express the importance of Su Cheng.

Liverpool's team chairman Tom Werner even went out to meet Su Cheng at 4.5!

Su Cheng and Tom Werner have a relationship.

After seeing Tom Werner, Su Cheng no longer hesitated and took the car directly to the Melwood base!

There, Su Cheng will complete the medical examination and sign the contract!

Liverpool would have liked to give Su Cheng a huge welcome!

But the suggestion was rejected by Su Cheng.

Su Cheng felt that his arrival was not necessary to make Liverpool fans excited.

Wait until August 13th.

Liverpool are about to start their first Premier League game!

Return to the Premier League after a year.

Su Cheng doesn't want to delay a few rounds before he can play because he doesn't get along well with the team!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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