Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 299: The troubles of Liverpool happiness (kneeling to subscribe!)\r

August 12.

The Premier League has officially started, which also means that the signings of the major teams are basically the same.

The same goes for Liverpool's signings!

This season, they sent away Coutinho and Emre Can.

Then, they spent more than 400 million euros and brought in five players!

Of course, the 400 million euros are all paid in installments.

This also means that in the next few seasons, Liverpool will have to pay off their debts well, and it is impossible to have a crazy transfer like this summer!

230 million euros purchased Su Cheng!

Bringing the best player in the world to Liverpool!

Pharaoh Salah, known as "Egyptian Messi"!

Liverpool spent 70 million euros to bring it to Liverpool from Rome, Italy!

In addition, Klopp brought a German goalkeeper named Karius from his old club Mainz!

Last season, Liverpool's goalkeeping problem was repeatedly criticized.

Whether it is the former main goalkeeper Adrian or the current goalkeeper Mignolet, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are not stable enough!

Therefore, in order to make up for the weakness of the goalkeeper, Klopp is eyeing the player of his old club, that is, the goalkeeper of Mainz, Karius!

When Karius heard it was Mainz's passing coach Klopp calling.

And have the opportunity to play in Liverpool!

He agreed without hesitation!

Just like 450, Klopp has completed the strength supplement of the goalkeeper.

There are also two absolute main players in Southampton.

Van Dijk and Mane!

They came to Liverpool for £80 million and £60 million respectively!

Two of Southampton's main players have been poached at the start of the season, and Southampton's coaches and managers have little to say.

After all, their players want to go to Liverpool very much, and the possibility of working with Su Cheng is in front of them, and not many players will refuse this invitation!

Don't look at the high-profile transfer to Paris Saint-Germain Mbappe said in an interview that he will surpass Su Cheng and become the best player of the young generation!

But if you ask him to be teammate with Su Cheng, he will never refuse!

They will even rush over here!

This is the appeal and attraction of world-class players!

This is also the added value that a top midfielder can bring to a team!

Now Klopp and Liverpool's chairman Tom Werner are more than happy to have brought Su Cheng to Liverpool!

At first they pursued Su Cheng, partly because Su Cheng is really strong and Liverpool need him too!

On the other hand Liverpool (dbef) do not want Su Cheng to be bought by other Premier League teams!

If Su Cheng goes to Liverpool or Chelsea, then the whole Premier League can declare the finale!

Even if Su Cheng goes to Manchester United, the combination of Su Cheng and Boba is definitely the best midfielder in the world!

The same can make Manchester United revive again!

Under many considerations and factors, they chose to make a big gamble!

Now it seems that although Su Cheng has not officially played a game for Liverpool, the added value he brings has made Liverpool a lot of money!

Advertiser endorsement from China, broadcast rights for all events requested from China.

Major social platforms invite them to settle in.

Every TV show, football related or not, wants to invite Su Cheng and Liverpool for their interview!

And these revenges also made Tom Werner jealous!

It was the first time he felt that money was so easy to make!

There are even countries from the Neon Country and the Stick Country to look for Liverpool and plan to sponsor Liverpool!

Although Su Cheng is a China player, letting Su Cheng wear a jersey with neon Chinese characters or stick national characters will also make the fans of their country imaginative and self-satisfied!

These are another big income!

However, because these cooperation and quotations are too many.

Tom Werner has promised Klopp that he will never let these business cooperation matters disturb the team's preparations and normal games.

Otherwise, he really wants to follow all these advertisements and make a lot of money!

Forget Su Cheng's transfer fee.

If they can eat all these cooperations, they can earn all their spending this summer!

And can give Su Cheng three or four years salary!

Tom Werner has made up his mind.

Definitely not this year.

Until next summer, they must go to Asia, especially China!

He has a hunch that next year's trip to Asia, they will definitely make a lot of money!

The premise is that next year Su Cheng can't leave!

Now Tom Werner looks at Su Cheng with love in his eyes!

Not the love of an avid football fan for a good player!

Instead, I saw the love of the God of Wealth appearing in front of me!

You know, the above is just the income from business cooperation!

And all the tickets for this season have been sold out!

As long as it is Liverpool's home game, whether it is a season ticket or a single game ticket, there is not one left on the official website!

Outside the stadium, someone shouted a high price of one hundred pounds for a ticket!

Even so, no one sold it to him!

No one would easily pass the chance to watch Su Cheng play at Anfield to someone else!

Of course, if there is really a lot to give, then they can still consider it.

On top of that, Su Cheng's jerseys are the best in sales!

Liverpool's genuine jerseys can be pre-ordered on the official website.

It is no different from the usual online shopping.

And the sales of Su Cheng jerseys have reached 200,000!

That's right, 200,000 pieces!

Every now and then, people from all over the country place orders to buy Su Cheng's jerseys!

You know, Su Cheng has only joined Liverpool for more than three days!

Even Van Dijk and their transfer procedures have not been completed, and there is no way to officially play for Liverpool!

And Su Cheng's jersey has sold 200,000 pieces!

The best player in the team's jersey sales is the team's main midfielder and captain, Henderson.

But he sold only 10,000 jerseys

This is the number of jerseys that have been on sale since August 1, so far.

If you compare it like this, you will know the difference!

"Okay, I repeat, I know that because of Su Cheng's appearance, the team has more options to make money.

"However, I still have to tell you that the stability of the team and the victory are the most important things!

"There's no point in making more money if we can't win!

"Hope your damn business doesn't bother my players!

Klopp looked at Tom Werner in front of him and warned again.

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward and subscribe to the evaluation ticket for support!)

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(Some changes have been made in terms of player transfers. For example, Mane and Salah in reality have already become the Red Arrows with Phil Milo.)

(Emrecan went to Juventus in 2018, and Van Dijk joined Liverpool in the 2018 winter window.)

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