Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 311: Active Emma (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

Emma Watson is here to offer an apology.

She is very sorry for her father's rudeness.

Facing the sincere Emma Watson, Su Cheng naturally couldn't let her stand outside his door.

So Su Cheng took the initiative to invite Emma Watson into his house, and the two had a face-to-face conversation.

From the beginning it was just a one-sided apology from Emma Watson.

Back to the Harry Potter movies.

Su Cheng told Emma about his admiration for her as a child, and Emma also shared some of the things she and jk. Rowling encountered while filming the series.

In addition, there are some things she encountered in Hollywood.

Afterwards, they started talking about football, and even their own dreams and pursuits.

Before I knew it, three or four hours passed.

If it wasn't for Emma Watson's own cell phone ringing "four or five zero", interrupting the communication between them, I'm afraid Su Cheng and the others could continue to chat!

"Sorry, it's my agent's call.

After Emma Watson saw the caller ID, she got up and left, and went to a hidden place to answer the phone.

Su Cheng also understands Emma Watson's behavior, and if Raiola calls him and Su Cheng has someone else beside him, he will do the same.

"I haven't had such a pleasant chat with anyone for a long time."

"Thank you for listening, I think we get along very well, let's exchange contact information?"

"Have time to go out for dinner and get to know each other better?"

After Emma Watson ended her communication with her agent, she came to Su Cheng's side and offered to propose.

Originally, she just planned to come up and apologize, let Su Cheng understand her father's behavior, and give Su Cheng a vaccination in advance.

After all, Su Cheng and her father are neighbors, and it will definitely be a long time for the two to meet in the future!

But she did not expect that she and Su Cheng have so much in common!

In addition, Su Cheng is young and promising, and looks very handsome, belonging to the type that Emma Watson likes.

So Emma Watson plans to develop with Su Cheng.


Su Cheng did not understand the subtext in Emma Watson's words, and he exchanged contact information with Emma Watson very directly.

Then watched Emma Watson staring at herself with strange eyes, and finally left.

"Emma, ​​are you alright?

"That kid didn't do anything perverted to you, did he?"

"I'm going to find you!

After Emma Watson returned home, her father Chris Watson hurried forward and asked with concern.

When Emma Watson said she was going to apologize to Su Cheng, he disagreed!

After his daughter didn't come back for more than three hours, Chris Watson was even more worried!

As he said, if Emma Watson makes up for it again, he will really come to the door to find it!

"I just have some other things to delay."

"Dad, I'm twenty-seven years old, don't treat me like a child, please! 35

Emma Watson looked helplessly at Chris Watson and complained.

Somehow, when Su Cheng came along, Chris Watson felt like a different person.

The desire for protection and the desire to control come together!

This makes Emma Watson unacceptable.

Thinking of this, Emma Watson returned to her room.

Continue to hold the phone and start chatting with Su Cheng.

Since I became famous, I have rarely had such a pleasant chat with others.

Every time she attends any event, the men who take the initiative to approach her are not talking about how their company's stock is doing.

Or just talk about how successful you are.

Let Emma Watson keep perfunctory and have no desire to continue talking.

And Su Cheng is a great chat partner, they have the same topics and discussions in common!

And Su Cheng doesn't have the arrogance of a successful person and doesn't think he's so different!

Even in football, Su Cheng's achievements are absolutely on the top of the world, and he considers himself just an ordinary person.

Playing football is just his dream and he is working hard to realize his dream!

This is exactly what attracts Emma Watson to Su Cheng!

Although Su Cheng met Emma Watson.

Adding a touch of colour to his life in England, but Su Cheng is serious about devoting most of his energy to football!

Because the 19th will be at home against the team from London, Crystal Palace.

With only a few days left, Liverpool's players are doing more rehabilitation training to maintain their physical fitness and relieve physical fatigue. …

In the case of continuous battles, if Klopp takes the players to continue tactical training and physical training.

I'm afraid the whole of Liverpool is full of wounded soldiers!

The Premier League matches are the most intensive and the most devilish!

Add to that Liverpool's Champions League play-in games and they're the busiest team in the entire Premier League!

Count the friendly matches played before, and the games that follow.

Liverpool have nine games to play in August!

This is definitely a scary number!

In the whole Premier League, the teams that win the lower and middle may not play nine games in two months!

And that's just Liverpool's games in a month!

So, rotation and rehab are the most important!

"Su Cheng's fitness report has no problems, he is like a strong calf.

"It's perfectly possible to be in the starting lineup. 35

In Klopp's office, the team doctor Morgan walked in with the medical reports of all the players and reported to Klopp.

"The Van Dijk you care about the most is finally able to play!"

"At least when facing Crystal Palace, you can send all the main players in your mind!

"It's just that the next game won't work."

"But, if I remember correctly, after the Crystal Palace game, our opponent at 4.5 is the Hoffenheim you just finished?"

"But the main players like Su Cheng can rest well!

Morgan handed all the reports to Klopp and gave his opinion.

After Klopp received the players' medical reports, he looked at them seriously.

"Theoretically, Su Cheng can at least appear in the starting lineup consecutively."

"But to be on the safe side, we don't have to do this."

"We need to protect our baby players!"

Seeing that Klopp has been staring at Su Cheng's medical report, Morgan expressed his opinion.

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!)

(Most of the content is made up, whether Emma's father is an Everton fan, it's almost out, don't take it seriously, the plot needs it.)

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