Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 314: Change tactics! (Begging for subscription!)\r

On the court, though Su Cheng wondered why the fans on the scene were cheering.

But he still put all his energy into the game on the court!

Su Cheng had to apologize for his previous thoughts!

Who says only Serie A can have buses?

When did Crystal Palace learn the three-back lineup?

When Su Cheng met Crystal Palace before, didn't they still play in a 4-3-3 lineup and let Zaha "London Zaha" on the left come to Kerry?

As the top star of Crystal Palace, Zaha's role in the frontcourt can definitely play a key role!

Even Hazard can't be called the "London Zack King", but he can only be called the "King Zach" to see how strong Zaha's position and strength are in this Crystal Palace team!

However, the loss of Zaha in this game is not the reason why Crystal Palace placed the bus?

Su Cheng really did not expect that his first game in the Premier League was to face a team with a bus!

Watching Crystal Palace's players crowded out of nowhere at half-time made Su Cheng feel like he's back in Serie A!

"Fake, it's all Mourinho's fault!"

"This damned guy, with Manchester United on the bus, didn't expect this kind of behavior to have spread to the Crystal Palace team!"

"It turns out this team is attacking us!""

"Now they put a bus!" 450

Henderson next to Su Cheng cursed angrily.

Thirty minutes have passed since the game started.

Liverpool's possession rate is as high as 65 percent.

Of course, Liverpool's possession rate can be higher, but Su Cheng even deliberately passed the ball to them in order to let Crystal Palace attack with the ball!

But what Su Cheng didn't expect was

These Crystal Palace players are real dogs!

After they got the ball, they didn't take the initiative to attack!

Instead, they go back and forth in their own half and control the ball in their own half!

Anyway, they just don't plan to take the initiative to attack!

Obviously, Firpo's tactics are obvious, he is going to take away a draw 1

The best score for this game is 0-0!

In this case, Crystal Palace can take away a point unscathed!

Crystal Palace are under no relegation pressure in the Premier League.

So Firpo's task this season is a bit heavy, he has to take Crystal Palace into the Champions League!

They don't think about the Champions League anymore, their goal is the Europa League next season!

Or qualify for the Europa League play-in!

So, every game, every point is very important for Crystal Palace!

"We have to proactively look for opportunities."

"There are too many of them, why don't we look for opportunities to set the ball and create opportunities in this way?"

Su Cheng stood in the midfield, akimbo, helplessly looking at the crystal palace players in front of him, spit, and said to Henderson.

"Okay, the command of the midfield is all yours, and I can do what you say!

"Do you have any plans or thoughts?"

After hearing Su Cheng's words, Henderson nodded without hesitation, ready to follow Su Cheng's words.

Although he is the captain of the team, now Su Cheng is the worthy core of the entire team!

In terms of locker room and team discipline, it was Su Cheng who listened to Henderson.

But once it's on the court, then the whole team listens to Su Cheng!

"Let Arnold and Wijnaldum look for opportunities to create set pieces on the wing or in midfield."

"A direct free-kick opportunity, they certainly won't give us rashly.

"But my passing is also very sure!

Su Cheng stated his plan.

As Su Cheng said, Crystal Palace will never give Liverpool a free kick within 35 meters of their own goal!

But in the team's half and midfield, they still have no such scruples!

They don't believe that with such a distance, even if he sets the ball to Liverpool, what good chances can Su Cheng create!

After all, they have 11 players defending their entire backcourt!

The defensive line is progressive, just to limit Liverpool's attack from the midfield!

And Liverpool's new (dbef) front team!

"it is good!"

Henderson nodded without hesitation and ran to the sidewalk to find Arnold.

Sent Su Cheng's orders to Arnold!

Curious Salah also leaned in, just in time to hear what Henderson said!

So he took the initiative to ask Ying, saying that his breakthrough was sharp and his speed was not bad, and he could also create such an opportunity!

Henderson did not hesitate and nodded in agreement.

Now the whole Liverpool tactic is very obvious, that is to abandon the previous tactic and choose to trust Su Cheng's play style and advice!

Look for set pieces!

Come break the ice!

As a result, the Liverpool players on the pitch changed their previous style, they became very sticky.

As long as you get the ball, be sure to take two steps under your feet, or try someone!

Or use their own body to resist the players of Crystal Palace and want them to foul directly!

And the Crystal Palace players will not be concerned about the threat of Su Cheng's free kick when they are far away from their own goal!

So they chose to foul without hesitation!

Pull, slam, and knock Liverpool players straight down!

This is the strategy of the Crystal Palace players!

And they didn't get a yellow card!

This is the fierce Premier League, fierce physical confrontation!

Some fouls that are definitely a card-eating action in Serie A and La Liga will only get a verbal warning from the referee in the Premier League!

And the Crystal Palace players are also very smart.

They are not a one-man joint foul!

Instead, each player comes up to foul one by one!

In this case, try to appear under the eyes of the referee as many times as possible in a row.

It will also reduce your chances of getting a yellow card!

As the old fritters of the Premier League, they figured out this little rule clearly!

This is why they have been in the Premier League for so many years!

And Liverpool did get a lot of set-piece opportunities.

Both Su Cheng and Arnold launched crosses from various angles and bombed Crystal Palace!

One of the closest to a goal.

Mane has put the ball into the goal!

When the football was about to cross the goal line, Crystal Palace's central defender Dan suddenly appeared on the goal line and used an awkward move to clear the football!

Liverpool goal avoided!

The players of Crystal Palace immediately rushed up, surrounded Dann, and celebrated his clearance!

Mane, on the other hand, was kneeling on the lawn, slapping the lawn unwillingly!

And Su Cheng is very satisfied with the current situation!

Anyway, although they haven't scored a goal so far.

But now compared to the first 30 minutes of the first half, it's much better!

At least the Liverpool players were able to threaten and even almost score!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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