The reporter's words immediately shook the scene!

They didn't expect the Sun to unknowingly dig up such a big news!

If reporters from other newspapers stood up and asked, everyone at the scene would think that this was just a piece of news.

But, this reporter is a reporter for The Sun!

Not to mention in England, looking at the whole world, the Sun is definitely the world's top in terms of gossip!

Let's just say, there was a saying about the newspaper The Sun.

"There is not a single word in this newspaper to believe from beginning to end!

"But its gossip pages are true from start to finish!

This saying is recognized all over the world!

Look at the whole world, or the players in Europe.

As long as they have a scandal or scandal, the Sun will know as soon as possible!

Even, once, a football player asked his teammates to find a group of girls to have a party!

The next afternoon, The Sun spread the news to the world!

Which player was at the party and what did the girls at the party do!


The Sun even knows how many condoms these guys use in one night!

That's the horror of The Sun!

Not to mention the scandals that the other players have been covered in by the 450 Sun!

In the eyes of players across Europe, The Sun is a piece of shit!

No matter how they hide it, The Sun can catch some clues and follow the trail to expose them!

Over time, the deterrence and prestige of The Sun in Europe has been thoroughly recognized by everyone!

If you are targeted by The Sun, you can only pray that you are clean, or that you have done nothing illegal!

And as the most well-known player in the entire football now, he also became a world-class player at a young age.

Su Cheng has naturally been followed by The Sun for a long time!

But The Sun has never found anything worth reporting on Su Cheng.

Until a few days ago!

Su Cheng returned to the home he bought in Liverpool after his match against Hoffenheim.

Then, a few hours later, Emma Watson entered Su Cheng's home!

It took more than three hours to come out!

Although the reporters they were stalking never saw the photo of Emma Watson walking into Su Cheng's house in the following days.

But this time is enough!

Su Cheng plus Ai (dbef) Ma-Watson!

It will definitely shock the whole of Europe!

No, no, it's the whole world!

Looking at the world, the number of fans of these two people is too large!

As far as China is concerned, Su Cheng alone has more than 100 million fans!

Exactly how much?

This is not counted.

Not to mention that because of "Harry Potter", Emma Watson has become the goddess in the hearts of all the little boys who have seen this movie.

It's a gem of England!

If the two people's scandal broke out...

The Sun can't imagine how much attention they will get and how much money they can make!

When the reporter from The Sun finished speaking, everyone on the scene turned their attention to Su Cheng.

Even the press officer next to Su Cheng and Klopp!

They are very curious, what is the relationship between Su Cheng and Emma Watson!

Have you ever lived together!

"She and I are just neighbors and good friends.

"That time I came here just as a guest.

"Don't your friends come to visit?"

"Or did you take pictures of her coming to my house many times?"

Facing everyone's attention, Su Cheng asked calmly.

The Sun reporter shrugged.

He can accept Su Cheng's statement and explanation.

After all, they really didn't see Emma Watson walk into Su Cheng's house again.

Unless the villa that Su Cheng bought had some kind of side entrance or tunnel!

But that is impossible.

Because before that, the reporters of the Sun newspaper had already revealed all the layout and decoration of the villa purchased by Su Cheng!

It can be said that some people at The Sun know his house better than Su Cheng himself!

The reporter from The Sun didn't say much, and sat in his seat honestly.

The reporters at the scene looked disappointed.

It seems that The Sun also has no stone hammer.

This also means that what Su Cheng said is not wrong, he and Emma Watson are really just friends!

The reporters at the scene were no longer in the mood for gossip.

Instead, he honestly asked Su Cheng about football.

Such as why Su Cheng left Juventus.

Or some questions like why he joined Liverpool.

Only with the big news ahead.

Everyone at the scene felt that these questions were really boring!

It's like two people asking back and forth when chatting, "Have you eaten? 35"I have eaten, have you eaten?" Such questions.

Even Klopp finds it a little boring!

Compared with the current questions, he still prefers the questions asked by the Sun reporter just now!

It's a pity that the reporter of The Sun did not have a real hammer to prove it.

Let Klopp be a little disappointed in his heart.

Although Su Cheng clarified that he and Emma Watson did not have that kind of relationship.

But those unscrupulous media don't care about that!

Suddenly, word spread around the world that Su Cheng and Emma Watson had an affair!

And they even live together!

Of course, despite Su Cheng's clarification, the media who couldn't stand the move only intercepted a short interview to accomplish their purpose!

Su Cheng has also seen what it means to be powerless, and also saw how disgusting the media can be once shameless.

It's just that the relationship between Su Cheng and Emma Watson has not been destroyed because of these.

Even Emma Watson is used to it.

After all, the scandals and reporters in the entertainment industry are even more bottomless!

But Su Cheng was miserable.

On the one hand, he has to explain to his parents that he really does not have a girlfriend.

Also think about your teammates, as well as previous teammates to explain.

As for He Xiangu and the others?

There is no need for this, after all Su Cheng and they are not in a relationship.

Rather, it's pure take.

in the next few days.

The Liverpool players looked at Su Cheng with "hostile" eyes.

Especially players with English nationality!

Because Su Cheng stole their childhood goddess!

Still a gem of their England!

They are so envious, so envious of Su Cheng!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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