Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 326: Cooperation on the sidewalk! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

A blink of an eye.

The game came to seventy-eight minutes.

Klopp couldn't sit still.

Play all the cards you can play!

The captain was replaced and Chamberlain came on as a substitute.

Sturridge and Solanke were both replaced, and Mane and Salah played hand in hand!

In this way, in this game, Liverpool replaced six people!

(The substitution rules in the book are from the 2021/2022 season, that is to say, this was absolutely impossible before, but after the epidemic.. it will be fine)

(Once again, I was pitted by a certain degree, and the previous chapters could not be modified... Let's make do with it)

With Salah and Mane on the pitch, the pressure on Hoffenheim has grown even more!

Their two wing-backs are completely overwhelmed!

In the face of Salah and Mane, who are full of energy and full of energy after playing, just to score "four or five" goals, their existence has brought great pressure to the Hoffenheim players!

Especially Jubel and Kadzabek!

These two have basically given up defending in midfield!

Go straight to the defender and defend Salah and Mane!

Through God's perspective, fans can see that at this moment Hoffenheim's formation has become a five-back!

They gave up the midfield completely and changed to a 5-3-2 formation!

Their intent is very simple!

That is to use the advantage of numbers to make Liverpool's players helpless!

They would even want all ten players to block the goal if they could.

This kind of defense is the most reassuring to them!

As time passed by, Su Cheng also began to worry!

In addition, at this moment, Hoffenheim's midfielders seem to be non-existent, and Su Cheng also actively starts to press!

And Wijnaldum is even more exaggerated!

He simply gave up his place in midfield!

Use yourself as a striker!

Just looking at his position, fans who have just entered the live room will definitely think that Klopp has used a new trick!

Four strikers in the frontcourt!

Only the fans who have been watching the game know that.

Liverpool are really in a hurry!

They're going to work hard!

Su Cheng also has such a plan!

"You look at the backcourt, I took the initiative to push forward."

Su Cheng commanded Henderson next to him, and then went forward with the ball!

In front of Su Cheng, Hoffenheim's No. 10 Demirbai has his hands on his back and intends to let Su Cheng's attack stop here!


Demirbai only felt his eyes dizzy.

Su Cheng passed by his side.

And the football also rolled between his legs. . . .

Obviously, Su Cheng passed Demirbai in the most humiliating way!

Cross the crotch!

Demirbai raised his head, sighed deeply, and then quickly chased after Su Cheng.

He can't give up defending Su Cheng!

Although Su Cheng is a midfielder.

But when he came to the front with the football, he was more of a threat than any offensive player in the world!

This has been verified in teams such as Real Madrid and Barcelona.

But Demirbai found that no matter how hard he chased, he couldn't catch up with Su Cheng!

Su Cheng's speed is too fast!

Let Demir Bai fall behind!

A player without the ball cannot catch up with a player with the ball.

This is an absolute shame!

In just three or four seconds, Su Cheng brought the football to the frontcourt of Hoffenheim!

However, this time Su Cheng didn't act recklessly!

Instead, he chose to find Salah's cooperation!

When Liverpool scored the first goal, when Huebner was put on a loving hug by Origi, he stopped pestering Origi.

Seeing Su Cheng advancing with the ball, Huebner immediately chose to rush up to defend Su Cheng!

However, he did not dare to act rashly.

Can only stand in place to limit Su Cheng's wide pass and kicker. ,

Facing Hu Buna and Demirbai's presence behind him, Su Cheng chose to pass the ball instead of taking care of him!

He flicked his right foot and passed the ball to Salah not far away!

Salah is ready.

He knew that Su Cheng wanted to pass the football to himself!

Salah stretched out his left foot, pretended to stop the ball with his left foot, and then passed Jubel from the outside!

Sure enough, Jubel was fooled.

His center of gravity is tilted to the left, and he has predicted Salah's movements in advance and moved to the left!

What Salah envisioned happened!

So Salah took the ball with his left foot and went directly along the touchline!

In front of him, there is no defensive player!

At this time, Jubeier realized that he had been deceived by Salah!

When he wanted to turn around and chase after Salah, Salah had completely thrown him off!

Huebner, Demirbai, and Jubel all headed towards Salah!

They're not going to take care of Su Cheng anymore!

And just like that, Su Cheng is left unattended!

Salah looked up at Hoffenheim's restricted area. …

At this moment, there are already three Hoffenheim players looking for themselves.

Even so, there are still four defenders in Hoffenheim's penalty area!

Origi and Wijnaldum, two players under the double team of four people, can't make any waves at all!

So Salah gave up the idea of ​​a cross!

He looked up and saw Su Cheng who was unmarked!

So he kicked up without hesitation and handed the ball back to Su Cheng again!

"Quick! Go up and grab his ball!

Torian pointed at Su Cheng and shouted loudly!

Then he took the initiative to rush up!

At this distance, it is absolutely impossible for Su Cheng to get the ball comfortably!

Otherwise, if Su Cheng can kick the door in an unmarked state, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable!

After Jubeier and Hu Buna heard Torian's words, they turned their heads and rushed towards Su Cheng again!

The 4.5 defense this time really made them too tired!

The three of them are being played around by Su Cheng and Salah!

And they haven't got any way yet!

I have to say that Torian's thoughts and ideas are very correct.

However, he forgot that Su Cheng is not just shooting in this position!

As a midfielder, Su Cheng naturally chooses to pass the ball!

And this time Su Cheng's goal is no longer Salah on the right!

But at this moment, Mane, who is unmarked on the left!

That's right.

Su Cheng and Salah played on the right for so long.

Just to find opportunities for Mane on the left!

And now, an opportunity has been created!

Let's see if Mane can handle it!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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