Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 343: The coaching world shakes! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

On the pitch, the sound of Wenger's dismissal from get out of class still reverberated throughout the stadium!

And the players of Liverpool and Arsenal on the field are not in the mood to continue to focus on this game!

Anyway, in terms of the score, Liverpool are now leading by four goals!

And there are still more than ten minutes in the game time, so naturally they are not in a hurry!

And the Arsenal players were shocked by their own fans!

After so many years, this is the first time someone shouted Wenger out of class!

And the sound was so neat, the fans on the scene did not have conflicts and other objections.

Obviously, these people have already discussed everything and plan to start their own actions in this game or other games!

Otherwise, there is no way for them to be so unified!

After all, at Arsenal, there are still many fans of Wenger!

It's impossible to just hear Wenger's dismissal from get out of class!

"Guys! Keep focusing on the game on the field!

"Don't be affected by other things!"

Wenger on the sidelines pretended to be calm and looked at the Arsenal players on the field.

Wenger tried hard to calm down.

He wants the Arsenal players to act as if nothing has happened and continue to focus on the game in front of them!

But whether it's Wenger or the Arsenal 467 players, they know it.

It's impossible for them to pretend they don't know anything!

Especially the Arsenal fans on the scene have not given up and have been chanting Wenger's dismissal!

Klopp on the sidelines looked at Wenger with sympathy, not knowing how to comfort him.

He was kicked out by fans of the team he had coached for more than ten years and shouted out!

This is really hurtful!

It's so distressing!

Although Klopp has not experienced this kind of thing.

But he made up his own mind about the picture and state of mind when he encountered this situation.

He really started to sympathize with Wenger!

So Klopp called Su Cheng to the sidelines.

"Su Cheng, let's stop attacking, tell the players on the field, just keep a good formation, let's not attack and don't concede the ball! 99

"Let these ten minutes on the field pass like this!

"Don't hit Wenger hard again!

Klopp looked at Wenger not far away and instructed Su Cheng.

"Okay, boss!

Su Cheng nodded, even if Klopp didn't say so, maybe the players on both sides would not be attacking.

Arsenal's players have fallen into a state of sluggishness and doubt in life at this point.

Liverpool's players don't dare to score goals

After all, the Arsenal fans can even shout Wenger out of class!

Who knows how these crazy fans will treat them if they continue to attack?

In addition, this game is too big a blow for Wenger!

They don't want to hit Wenger again!

Although the game is not over yet, but the Internet is too developed now!

After a while, the whole of Europe basically knew about it!

"Fake! How dare these little brats let Wenger out of class? 39

"Don't they know that without Wenger the whole Arsenal is nothing?55

"Arsenal would be a piece of shit without Wenger! The whole Premier League is going to be renamed the Ferguson League!

"Do these brats treat their meritorious coach like this?"

The old man looked at the mobile phone that his son handed over. After he watched the video content on the phone, the old man threw the mobile phone on the floor in a rage and yelled at him!

This grumpy Scottish old man is really angry!

The last time Sir Alex was so angry, it was Su Cheng who moved to Liverpool!

At that time, the old man almost burned the office of Santokuzi...

Looking at the furious Ferguson, his sons looked at each other and did not dare to step forward to stop their father.

At this time, only their mother personally came forward to be effective...

the other side.

A bald man is lying on the edge of the swimming pool, smoking a cigar, wearing sunglasses, listening to the rock songs of his favorite band Oasis, and enjoying the rare (dbef) sunshine in England!

"Dad! Look at this!

At this time, a young and beautiful girl suddenly ran over and handed Guardiola the mobile phone in her hand.

Guardiola took the phone curiously, took off his sunglasses, and clicked the play button.

After ten seconds.

Guardiola frowned, not knowing how to express his emotions.

"These Bi... idiots!

"Do they really think they are wealthy?"

"They don't even know that without Wenger, they are the lowest level of rubbish in the Premier League!

"Damn it! Those idiots!"

Wenger is a manager that Guardiola really likes and admires.

In Guardiola's heart, Wenger is a coach who can enjoy the same treatment as Ferguson!

But what he didn't expect was... Arsenal fans are so stupid!


People can still influence the selection of coaches and player transfers of the entire Manchester United!

And what about Wenger?

The fans chanted for him to be dismissed!

The's just too big!

Again Manchester, only this time in a high-end hotel.

"What? Arsenal fans actually calling for Wenger to be fired?"

"Looks like they're crazier and more special than me.

"Don't they know what Wenger means to them?"

Mourinho watched the video of Arsenal fans chanting Wenger's dismissal, and for the first time felt that in terms of madness, he had lost.

after all...

Arsenal fans can say things like Wenger's dismissal.

Mourinho feels that in terms of brain problems, he will never reach the level of Arsenal fans in his life!


Serie A....

Ligue 1...

Bundesliga, La Liga...

Countless players and coaches are watching this!

This incident completely refreshed their three views!

Let them see the extent to which Arsenal fans turn their faces and don't recognize them!

They could even let Wenger go!

What about other coaches?

What about other players?

Will there be the same fate and result?

Such questions keep lingering in everyone's minds.

The atmosphere on the pitch is very subtle.

The Liverpool and Arsenal players seem to be taking money from both sides and playing tacitly.

No one takes the initiative to attack!

They have been keeping the football under their feet, hoping that these ten minutes will pass quickly and end this tortured game!


The more they think about it, the slower time goes by!

It usually disappears in the blink of an eye for more than ten minutes...

It feels like hours now!


When the referee blew two short and one long final whistle.

The Liverpool players breathed a sigh of relief!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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