Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 345: Wenger's decision! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

The uproar from Arsenal fans continues!

At the press conference at the end of the game that day.

Faced with reporters asking how Wenger saw the riots of the fans and whether he would take the initiative to consider resigning, Wenger remained silent for a long time, but still gave his own answer.

"I'll think about it carefully.

"After I go back, I'll go and talk to the top of the team about this."

"If it really works, if everyone thinks that Arsenal will be different and get better results with a coach, then I will choose to resign. 99

"Let's usher in a new era for Arsenal!

When Wenger said these words, he suppressed his emotions and acted like nothing.

But everyone can see the sadness and anger in Wenger's heart!

Yes, Wenger is furious!

He felt that "four six seven" himself was abandoned!


Wenger feels betrayed by Arsenal fans!

Take the team to the bottom of your life, and win the Premier League for two consecutive victories!

Then in the loss to Liverpool, they still shouted to dismiss themselves!

And, Wenger can see that this is not an ad hoc event!

Arsenal fans have long been premeditated!

It's just exposed in this game!

Wenger can't accept this!

The team that I have been in for more than ten years, I personally lead the team from the end to the peak!

His fans would treat him like that!

Even a large part of these people grew up watching Wenger!

Or watch Wenger grow up!

And now they're grown up, they're turning over to be masters!

Going to get Wenger out!

In the face of such behavior, the most helpless thing is that Wenger has nothing to do...

It is impossible for the club to disobey the fans.

The fans are everything to the club!

It is the source of income for the club!

Without fans...even if Arsenal won the Champions League, it would be difficult for them to survive.

What Wenger said before was not false.

He was indeed prepared to talk to the top of the team.

See what the top team's advice and decisions are.

See if they choose to let Wenger leave directly...

Or continue to retain Wenger, let Wenger stay in Arsenal!

Wenger's whereabouts shocked the whole world!

Even the sports channel of China's CCTV has made a documentary for Wenger!

It's called Gunslinger's Soul!

Although the title of this documentary sounds like the fetters in TFT.

But everyone who loves football and pays attention to football knows that the Gunners are the name of Arsenal!

And the soul of the gunman refers to Wenger!

After the broadcast of this program, the ratings of football in the world skyrocketed!

Wenger's personal charm and appeal are indeed extraordinary!

And besides that, the craziest thing is the whole of Europe!

Wenger himself still has a group of fans.

When they learned the news, they immediately went to the club and chose to protest!

They held up the banners that Wenger left behind!

Although the number is relatively small, their appearance brought a touch of warmth to Wenger's heart.

It seems that his ten-plus years at Arsenal were not in vain.

Now it seems that he is not without fans!

But his fans are getting old!

Looking at the gray-haired or middle-aged fans in front of him, Wenger suddenly woke up.

Times are different now, young fans are chasing championships and honors.

Looking at the fans outside the stadium, Wenger had a smile on his face.

Negotiations between him and the team's top management are over.

In Wenger's mind, he already has the next plan.

It's just that Wenger's top priority is to lead the team to finish the season.

And make sure the team gets a good result.

Like Champions League qualification!

The league started two consecutive victories, and showed a strong offensive firepower.

Wenger is very satisfied.

Although a four-goal loss to Liverpool yesterday, such a loss is acceptable to Wenger!

After all, Liverpool's strength is definitely not weak!

It's normal for them to lose and play.

It's time for their Arsenal to make a difference!

After all, the Premier League is only a relatively rare weak team, not no!

What's more, when facing the middle and lower teams of the Premier League, it is when Arsenal is best at it!

After all, over the years, Arsenal's strengths have been to score points on weaker teams. After so many years, it has become an instinctive habit...

It's like a passive skill.

And just like that, the storm caused by Arsenal fans took the world by storm!

Wenger has also received numerous offers for contracts.

But Arsenal and Arsene Wenger have never come forward.

Wenger even rejected these contracts outright!

This also represents a signal that Wenger will continue to stay at Arsenal!

This has brought a sigh of relief to many people who are concerned about this matter.

After all, people like to see a happy ending.

And Wenger has stayed at Arsenal and retired, which is the best ending!


Most Arsenal fans are not happy!

Especially the anchors of an Arsenal fan channel, they began to rack their brains, looking for new reasons to mobilize the fans to start activities again!

In their opinion, there is no cure for Arsenal now!

Only a change of head coach can bring them back to life!

Back to the top of the Premier League!

So they launched a campaign to dismiss Wenger at Liverpool's Anfield!

It's a pity that this turmoil swept the world, and even the well-known coaches of the five major leagues paid attention to and commented on this matter, but they still failed to successfully dismiss Wenger on 4.5!

Although they feel pity, they still see hope!

Because they found out, most Arsenal fans think so too!

If they can unite...

Then Wenger is really likely to be dismissed by them!

Thinking of this, this group of people trembled with excitement!

They seem to have foreseen that one day in the future, under their urging, Arsenal will embark on a new glory!

By then their fan channel will be the most well-known channel in the whole of Europe!

Put them in bed, just record a video and make money!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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