Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 347: Spread all over the world! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

Early the next morning.

Or rather, England morning.

Su Cheng was exhausted last night and just fell into a deep sleep not long after the sudden ringing of the phone woke Su Cheng up.

Even Emma, ​​who was close to fainting, was woken up.

She glanced at Su Cheng in a daze, pushed Su Cheng, and asked Su Cheng to answer the phone.

Su Cheng resisted the anger in his heart, glanced at the caller ID, and immediately cheered up!

At this time, it was already late at night in China.

Why does Zhang Juan call herself?

You must know that Zhang Juan always makes an appointment with Su Cheng on WeChat, and then calls Su Cheng.

Never before have I called again and again!

"Is something wrong at home? 99

Su Cheng thought anxiously.

He quickly got up and left the bedroom with his phone in hand.

"Hello? Mom? What's wrong?"

Su Cheng answered the phone and asked anxiously.

"Let me ask you, Xiaocheng, have you made friends, or the foreigner and female star from last time? 35

"Is there a problem with people? My dad and I searched for this person on the Internet. Her dad is a lawyer, which is quite good."5

"But I read on the Internet that she is a female boxer, what is female boxing? Is it boxing?

"Isn't she a movie star? Why is she still punching?!

"Keep her safe! Don't do such a dangerous thing!"9

What Su Cheng didn't expect was that as soon as the phone was connected, he heard a series of questions from Zhang Juan.

Hearing Zhang Juan's words, Su Cheng was dumbfounded.

Originally, he thought that something had happened at home, so Zhang Juan called herself so excitedly.

Now it looks like it's completely overthinking it!

It's not that something happened at home at all, but the old couple wants to hug their grandson here!

"Also, I read the news that you have already moved in together?"

"Pay attention to safety measures. If you are familiar enough with that girl and make sure she has no problems, then you don't need to pay attention to safety measures~"!"

"My dad and I have been wanting to hold a baby for a long time!"

"If it really doesn't work, just have a baby, and your dad and I will help you!

"Now that the two of us have been promoted, we have nothing to do every day, and your dad is thinking about how to fish every day. I'm chatting with your aunties, so you should help us and find something for us to do!

Zhang Juan on the other end of the phone continued to speak stubbornly.

Hearing his mother's words, Su Cheng was completely dumbfounded!

What is this all about?

How many hours have passed since I returned to her house with Emma last night?

How did your parents know about this?

"Mom, how did you know?

Su Cheng has only this doubt at this moment.

Although Su Cheng and Emma have long been prepared to be photographed by reporters.

But is that too fast?

Did they even spread directly to China?

"Oh, that was what your dad told me when he was watching football news, about a newspaper called The Sun?

"Your father said what the newspaper said was very accurate, let me come over and ask you."

Zhang Juan said in a natural tone.


Su Cheng touched his forehead and cursed.

Sure enough, The Sun!

Are they too fast?

So you know what happened to him and Emma?

And spread it all over the world?

"I won't disturb you anymore, I probably haven't woken up listening to your voice.

"Consider my advice!"

After speaking, Zhang Juan hung up the phone.

Su Cheng stood in the living room, looking at the phone in his hand, lost in thought.

Don't think about it now, things about yourself and Emma must have spread to the whole world.

As a footballer, Su Cheng certainly doesn't care about these things.

Now let's see what kind of reaction Emma will have.

It's just that from the usual contact with Emma, ​​Su Cheng knew that Emma, ​​like herself, wouldn't care about these things.

The most anxious now should be Emma's fans and the agency.

and also

Emma's father, Watson.

The daughter of an Everton fan and the Liverpool player are developing a relationship.

What an ironic thing this is!

Right now, at home in Liverpool.

Watson looked at the morning paper his second wife had brought for him.

After seeing the headline of the newspaper that day was Su Cheng and Emma, ​​he couldn't hold back and spit out all the milk he just drank!

Although he had a hunch that this would happen.


Is this too fast?

They only went out yesterday and are in the headlines today?

And let the whole of Europe know about it?

There is only one thing on Watson's mind right now.

That is how to face his Everton fans and friends.

How should I explain to them that it's not that I didn't stop it, but that I couldn't do anything about my daughter at all?

Now Watson has begun to dread next week's Everton fan party!

Originally this party was one of his favorite activities to go to.

But now, he's starting to dread the event!

Because he really doesn't know how to face his good friends!

And my favorite Everton!

The scandal between Su Cheng and Emma is spreading all over the world!

But Su Cheng and Emma continued to play in London as if they were unaffected, enjoying London food that Su Cheng couldn't eat, and visiting luxury stores.

As Su Cheng thought before, Emma doesn't care about these things at all!

(Wang Zhao) She cares more about what she likes and how she feels!

As for what her fans will think?

She said there was nothing she could do.

After all, it is impossible for him not to get married for the sake of his fans, let alone give up the feeling he likes.

And Su Cheng didn't even care.

He doesn't rely on fans to eat at all!

How are the fans, it has nothing to do with Su Cheng!

As long as Su Cheng plays well on the court, he is the best in the world!

An existence that is destined not to be ignored!

In this way, fans of Emma and Su Cheng cried and cried on the Internet, and even criticized each other's idols.

But Su Cheng and the others don't care about the online fans' scolding!

Continue to walk the streets of London hand in hand.

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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