By the time the Liverpool players took the bus back to Liverpool, it was already dark.

Su Cheng drives his own car at the training base and refuses the suggestion of his teammates to invite him to the nightclub.

Just choose to drive home.

Now Su Cheng's heart is still a little depressed.

After all, in his opinion, this game is a strong duel between Liverpool and Manchester City!

Whether it's Liverpool or Manchester City, they should all play openly and have a hearty offensive battle!

I have to say that, in Su Cheng's opinion, the game that I enjoyed most in this game was the 20-odd minutes in the first half, when I was pressed by Manchester City!

The intense pressure and the feeling of concentration make Su Cheng feel the passage of time!

Who knows that the next game will completely change the taste!

Especially after Liverpool scored the third goal, Manchester City players rarely chose to defend!

They are afraid of Liverpool slaughtering Manchester City at their home ground!

No way, who made Bravo the goalkeeper behind them?

Bravo's pigeon laying eggs completely scared the Manchester City players!

Although the Manchester City players also know that this is just a mistake by Bravo, even if the level of Bravo is very poor, he is only compared with other top goalkeepers of the giants!

However, they dare not gamble!

Just 480 played for the first time and lay eggs.

Forty-five minutes left in the next game!

As a result, Manchester City players rarely set up a bus on the field

This also makes Su Cheng unhappy!

Why haven't I experienced the hearty attack for a long time, and Manchester City have begun to put on the bus?

Do you have any physique that attracts buses?

Why is the team you face, either from the start to the end of the game, or the bus, or the score behind and the bus?

Don't they want to win the game?

Or is it really your own problem?

On the drive home, Su Cheng kept thinking about this question.

It is really...


"Huh? Emma came to my house?"

When Su Cheng came outside his house, he saw the brightly lit villa at a glance.

Su Cheng didn't think it was a burglar in the house.

He could tell at a glance that this must be Emma Watson in her home!

After all, what thief would dare to steal something with such fanfare?

Besides, the small (dbef) area chosen by Su Cheng is arguably the safest villa area in the whole of England!

Only a few villas in London can have higher security than here!

Although thieves are prevalent in England, and new highs, or well-known players are the objects they often take care of!

But people living in this villa area have never encountered a thief!

That's why Su Cheng bought this villa.

Just for safety!

Su Cheng parked the car and entered the room directly.



"Your goal is really cool!"

Su Cheng had just walked into the house when he heard a bang!

If it wasn't for Emma's voice, Su Cheng really thought it was a house burglar!

And the kind of robber with a gun!

Su Cheng only felt the weight of his body, and then he subconsciously opened his arms and caught Emma who was jumping high.

With the streamers flying all over the sky, Su Cheng just felt confused.

Emma is now lying on top of herself.

So where does the "bang bang bang" sound that keeps coming from my ear?

Is there still something that automatically fires streamers?

Following the direction of the voice, Su Cheng turned his head curiously and looked over.

Then, Su Cheng found another girl in his room!

And this face, Su Cheng is very familiar!

Taylor Swift!

How is she here?

Su Cheng's mind was full of doubts.

And it can be seen from her expression and the ribbon tube in her hand that she and Emma have colluded with everything!

Just to create this "surprise!"

"Su Cheng, let me introduce, this is my good friend and best friend, Taylor Swift.

"I'm sure you know her because last time I saw her song on your phone. 35

Emma also jumped up from Su Cheng's arms, came to Taylor's side, took her shoulders and introduced to Su Cheng.

It is impossible for Su Cheng not to recognize the world-renowned female singer in front of him!

Not to mention, Su Cheng watched Taylor Swift's long legs on the Victoria's Secret show over and over again.

cough cough.

Since the personal communication with supermodels such as He Xiangu and Adriana Lima, Su Cheng has become more and more aware of what it means to have long white, long and slender legs!

Coincidentally, Taylor in front of Su Cheng was wearing a pair of shorts, exposing his legs to the air!

Su Cheng swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and quickly reacted, without revealing any flaws, and communicated with Taylor.

"Is it really that simple as just friends?"

"I don't think so?"

Taylor looked at Emma beside him with teasing eyes and joked.

She could see what the relationship between Su Cheng and Emma was.

Although these two are not a couple yet, they must have done something related to couples!

After all, the scandal between Su Cheng and Emma has already spread all over the world

This kind of Emma is very normal, which is why the two of them can become best friends.

One is to break up when you are not happy.

Another is to write songs to scold you or thank you after breaking up.

The two have a similar view of love.

Or it can be called dare to love and dare to hate!

"I'm a football lover, so this time I came to England to visit Emma and watched your game at her home.

"Your goal is so handsome, it's not even scientific!"

"It happened that Emma said she was coming to find you, so I came together."

"Should I not bother you?""

Finally, Taylor looked at Su Cheng and Emma with ambiguous eyes, obviously pointing at something.

"Of course not, do you want to join us?"

Emma hammered Taylor angrily and started her own counterattack.

They don't think it's anything, and there's nothing shameful about it.

It's just a normal relationship between men and women, it's not cheating, it's not cheating, what's the big deal?

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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