Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty-Second: Deceived? (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

When Su Cheng returned home.

As soon as he opened the door, he smelled a strong smell of wine!

"My God, how much did you drink?"

Su Cheng subconsciously covered his nose with his hands, looked at Emma and Taylor lying on the sofa and asked.

Before the two of them could answer, Su Cheng found the answer by himself!

There are all kinds of wine bottles all over the ground!

Su Cheng can see at a glance that these are the wines stored in his wine cabinet!

He turned his head subconsciously and glanced at his wine cabinet.

Then, Su Cheng saw an empty wine cabinet!

In the wine cabinet that was originally packed with all kinds of alcoholic beverages, there are only a few bottles of beer left!

Whiskey, red wine, and even liquor from China are all gone!

Su Cheng was dumbfounded, he looked at the two people lying on the sofa with incredible eyes,

"You... finished drinking?"

"You two girls, have such great abilities?"

"Are you really finished?"

Su Cheng came to the sofa, squatted on the ground, looked at the various wine bottles placed on the coffee table, and the empty wine bottles piled up on the ground because the coffee table could not fit, and was completely dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that two girls, Emma and Taylor, could drink so much!

Originally, when he heard that Emma and Taylor were going to drink, he thought they were going to drink some red wine or cocktails, just to add to the fun while watching the game.

Now it seems that drinking is a part of watching the game!

The competition is the fun part of drinking!

Su Cheng can't finish the wine Emma and Taylor drank tonight!

"You two female warriors are really amazing~"!

Looking at Emma and Taylor who seemed to be in a deep sleep, Su Cheng shook his head helplessly, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared to take these empty wine bottles away.

After all, the alcohol smell here is too strong!

Su Cheng can't stand the taste!

Although Su Cheng doesn't drink alcohol himself, he still knows that if he doesn't clean up and keep the place as it is.

Waking up tomorrow, the taste here will be even more disgusting!


In order to keep his private life secret, the cleaning staff hired by Su Cheng would come only once a week.

And the last time they came, it happened to be yesterday...

Su Cheng also doesn't want them to see both Tyler and Emma drunk in their own home!

When the time comes, they will surely take this news to the Sun and exchange the news for pounds!

That's why The Sun always gets the big news!

They are really willing to spend money on gossip!

To avoid trouble, Su Cheng decided to do it himself.

Originally, in his conception, when he got home, he should have a drink with Emma and the others, and then asked Emma if he wanted to go to the team party tomorrow.

And now?

He's actually here to clean up the mess!

Thinking of this, Su Cheng sighed, and honestly placed the wine bottles neatly, preparing to drag them out together later.

"Huh? Su Cheng? Are you back?

At this time, Emma, ​​who was awakened by the sound of Su Cheng sorting the wine bottles, opened her eyes in a daze, and saw Su Cheng at a glance.

She struggled to get up, but too much alcohol had made her lose control of her body!

"I'm going back to my room to sleep!! 35

"Bring Taylor with you!

"I want to be with her! 99

"I beg you!"

Seeing that she couldn't get up, Emma looked at Su Cheng with begging eyes and asked Su Cheng to help her.

Su Cheng naturally wouldn't refuse Emma's begging.

Besides, he originally had the idea of ​​letting Emma and Taylor go back to the room to rest!

"Thank you!"

Emma's lips were against Su Cheng's ear and she said softly.

Her actions made Su Cheng a little sensitive.

But thinking that Emma is still drunk, Su Cheng thought about it and gave up the bold idea.

Honestly brought Emma to the guest room and let Emma rest in this room.

After all, who told Emma that she was going to rest with Tyler?

"々. Wait a minute, I'm going to find Tyler!"

Su Cheng commanded Emma, ​​then quickly went downstairs and helped Taylor out of the living room.

"Su? I'm sorry, Su, I'm the one who caused you trouble!"

Taylor opened his eyes subconsciously and was relieved when he saw that the person supporting him was Su Cheng.

Then he said to Su Cheng embarrassedly.

She still has a certain level of consciousness, otherwise, she would not have recognized the person in front of her as Su Cheng!

Su Cheng didn't speak, but honestly brought Taylor to the guest room.

"Su Cheng, are you here?"

When Su Cheng just opened the door, he saw Emma, ​​who was all white, sticking directly to his body!

"No, Emma, ​​what are you going to do?"

"Taylor is still here!"

Su Cheng was taken aback by Emma's actions and hurriedly stopped Dao Chi!

"It's okay, you can pretend that I don't exist, but if it doesn't work, I can join you! 99

Taylor took the initiative to wrap Su Cheng's neck, licked his lips, and said to Su Cheng.

do not know why.

Su Cheng always felt that he was fooled!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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