Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty One: Everyone's Expectations!\r

When Liverpool players swarmed up.

The players of Spartak Moscow were somewhat flustered.

One is because they have not used and been exposed to the tactics they are using now.

Second, they do have a fear of Liverpool players!

After watching the footage of Liverpool's games these days, they know deeply that they are definitely not the opponents of Liverpool's starting game!

If they want to retreat completely in this game, they can only choose such a tactic!


Because of the hasty decisions and formed formations, their performance on the field can't be played!

In the face of the pressing of Liverpool players, they were not as calm as they usually are in the league, but were a little overwhelmed.

They made frequent mistakes on the field, and the connection between teammates and the passing and receiving of the ball did not seem very smooth!

It also gave the Liverpool players a chance 31!

Firmino and Wijnaldum are actively fighting, and Salah and Mane are constantly harassing nearby, just to grab the ball from Fernando or Passaric.

After all, the two of them are the core of the midfield of the Spartak Moscow team!

Even if the team changes, even if their team plans to set up the bus and put out the iron barrel, the players of Spartak Moscow will subconsciously pass the football to the two of them!

After all, it's a knee-jerk reaction brought about by many training sessions and cooperation on the court!

The players on the field will not be able to change this habit for a while!

Liverpool players are very positive on the pitch.

Henderson has passed on Su Cheng's words to all the players on the team!

No matter what, no matter how the players of Spartak Moscow defend, put in an iron barrel!

The first thing they have to do is grab the football!

Su Cheng is right!

Only by controlling the ball can they create chances and they can have the premise to win this game!

Klopp stood off the field with his hands on his back and said nothing.

There is absolutely nothing he can do now!

As I said before, the bus is a tactic that all coaches have a headache!

Not to mention, Liverpool are now facing an upgraded version of the bus!

Bus iron bucket car!

Or a bulletproof car!

Even if Klopp is a tactical master, he can be as famous as Guardiola in terms of tactics, or even touch it!

But he really can't do anything right now!

Unless now suddenly there are eleven more Liverpool players on the field.

In other words, the referee suddenly made a big show and sent three players off the Spartak Moscow court!

In this way, Liverpool will be able to win the odds!

After all, football has rules.

When either team is penalized by three, that team is penalized to lose 0-3!

To be honest, this is the most stable and safest way to win the game that Klopp can think of at the moment!

"Hope Su Cheng can surprise us as always!"

Klopp looked at Su Cheng on the pitch and muttered to himself.

Although as a head coach, it is very unreasonable to place the team's victory or defeat on a player.

This is very unfair to both the team and the players.

But Klopp really has no choice!

“Thank goodness we have Su Cheng!”

Assistant coach Pete added silently.

Since Su Cheng joined the team until now.

It's only been over a month, and Su Cheng has saved them many times!

It can be said that without Su Cheng, they would never have had such a good record!

At the very least, they will definitely be slaughtered by Manchester City when they face Manchester City in the first place!

(In reality, Manchester City slaughtered Liverpool 5-0.)

It's not just Klopp who put their hopes of victory on Su Cheng.

Even the audience, the commentators!

In their hearts, Su Cheng has become the same player as Ronaldo and Messi!

He alone can decide the outcome of a game 497!

Their expectations for Su Cheng are high!

So much so that they forget that Su Cheng is still a nineteen-year-old!

The fourth minute of the game.

Liverpool's high pressing finally paid off!

Wijnaldu's mother used her strong body to forcibly squeeze Samedov away and grab the football from his feet!

Although Samedov is a local player of the White Bears.

But when he was caught off guard, he never thought that Wijnaldo would come to this hand!

When Wijnaldumu successfully grabbed the ball, he did not hesitate to pass the ball to Su Cheng in the midfield!


Now Su Cheng is surrounded by three Spartak Moscow players!

After seeing this scene, Wijnaldumu secretly blamed himself!

The football that I finally grabbed will be lost by myself!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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