Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 430: The popular Su Cheng! (I beg to subscribe!)\r

Shortly after Liverpool scored the eighth goal, the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game.

Even the referee did not expect that Liverpool would score five goals in the second half!

"Hey, can we swap jerseys?"

"Even though we lost this game, I hope I'm eligible to swap jerseys with you! 35

Just as Su Cheng and his teammates celebrated the victory of the game.

Spartak Moscow midfielder Popov came up, looked at Su Cheng, and said sincerely.

Faced with the request to exchange jerseys with himself, Su Cheng never refused.

Whether the game is won or lost, whether he has scored a goal or not, whether he has sent an assist "497".

In Su Cheng's view, the other party's ability to exchange jerseys with himself is a kind of recognition for himself!

This is an honor for Su Cheng!

Since it's glory, why would Su Cheng refuse?

Even if they lose the game or face a draw, the other side can already exchange jerseys with Su Cheng, which is a recognition of Su Cheng's strength and Su Cheng's performance in this game!

Make an analogy.

After China entered the World Cup that year, the national team played against Brazil.

In that game, China lost the game without a doubt.

After the game, the players of the national team chased the players of the Brazilian national team to exchange jerseys!

Then they were ignored!

But now, after Su Cheng finishes playing, every game someone chases him and asks to swap jerseys with him!

This is the charm of Su Cheng now!

"No no no! Su, you must exchange jerseys with me!"

"I am your fan!

"For you, I have a Chinese tattoo on my body! 35


Just as Su Cheng was about to take off his jersey and exchange jerseys with Popov.

Another midfielder from Spartak Moscow, Fernando rushed up, pushed Popov away, and said to Su Cheng ostentatiously.

Hearing Fernando's words, Su Cheng subconsciously glanced at Fernando's arm.

That's right, Fernando's tattoo is on his arm.

And he rolled up his sleeves so that Su Cheng could see clearly.

Originally, Su Cheng was curious about what Fernando's tattoo was.

But when he saw the words "Serve the country with loyalty", Su Cheng fell silent.

"This should have been chosen by the tattoo artist for you?"

"Fortunately you didn't say that you want to serve the country with a tattoo...'

"Otherwise you won't be able to write all the lyrics on one arm.

Su Cheng couldn't help but complain.

When Fernando was about to say something, Yechenko, the right back of Spartak Moscow, also came up!

With his upper body naked and his jersey in hand, he came directly to Su Cheng and stared at Su Cheng intently.

What did Ye Xianke do here, of course, needless to say.

Su Cheng hasn't reacted yet.

Luis Adriano, Pasalic, Bocetti and others are here too!

They surrounded Su Cheng!

Makes the Liverpool players on the side a little worried, thinking they want to plot against Su Cheng!

They quickly gathered around and wanted to help Su Cheng!

Then they discovered

This group of people came up, and they were fighting for Su Cheng's jersey!

"Is this the appeal and charm of Su Cheng?"

"Seeing the attitude of the Spartak Moscow players, do they want to exchange jerseys with Su Cheng?"

"However, with only one jersey and so many people on the field, what should Su Cheng do?"

Looking at the broadcast screen, Zhan Jun couldn't help but tease.

"It's so simple, if it really doesn't work, let the coaching staff take out the prepared jerseys, and they can be exchanged if you make do with it..."

"If it really doesn't work, just accept the opponent's jersey first, and then exchange a contact or address.

"Send the jersey by post again!"

Instructor Zhang Lu smiled and gave the solution.

That's what Zhang Lu did when he worked as a football coach at a well-known university in Wudaokou.

After all, in the field of football, Zhang Lu really has a high popularity and status!

"Go and see how many Su Cheng jerseys we have prepared!

"Then take it all out!"

Just after Klopp shook hands with Carrera and congratulated each other, he saw what happened on the field.

Klopp looked at his assistant coach Pete and ordered.

With so many people looking for Su Cheng to exchange jerseys, Su Cheng naturally couldn't refuse directly, nor could he agree casually, hand over his jersey to anyone and leave.

In that case, Su Cheng's image will be affected to a certain extent!

If it were another Liverpool player, Klopp might not be so concerned.

But this is Su Cheng!

Klopp naturally 4.5 will not turn a blind eye!

After hearing Klopp's words, Pete didn't hesitate and went straight to the team's locker room.

The jerseys they have for the players are all in there!

A few minutes later, Pete came out with his jersey.

“Su Cheng!”

Pete held the jersey and yelled at Su Cheng on the court.

Trapped in the siege, Su Cheng, who didn't know what to do, turned around and saw the jersey in Pete's hand, as if he saw a savior!

The appearance of Pete and the jersey is too timely!

Let Su Cheng get out of the predicament in front of him!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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