Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 439: Heavy damage! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

In the Merlinwood training base.

Liverpool players lined up, looking at Klopp in front of him.

Get ready for a lesson from Klopp!

"You all know how important this game is to us!

"It's not just an ordinary English Premier League!

"It's a war!"

"I'm sure you know that I'm not joking or intimidating you! And I'm not exaggerating!"

"The match between Liverpool and Manchester United is not destined to be a peaceful match!

"This is destined to be an intense, intense, gunpowder-filled game~!

"Now, I need you to be fully prepared to face this war! 35

Klopp carried his hands on his back, full of passion - said!

Even because he was too excited, Klopp threw his glasses on the ground!

Klopp had to pause his speech and squat down to look for glasses.

After all, without glasses

According to Klopp's degree, he is basically half blind.


Klopp's move made everyone in the room laugh.

Klopp didn't care either, he picked up his glasses and coughed twice, and entered a serious state again!

"I know you're all tired!"

"But please hold on!"

"We have to win this battle, win this war!"

"For our family! For ourselves! For victory! For Anfield!

When the glasses are on, Klopp is in a state.

He looked at the players in front of him with a serious expression, raised his right hand, and shouted loudly!

"For Anfield!""

The Liverpool players also followed Klopp and shouted!

Naturally they knew what Klopp meant.

In this game, they really have to fight for their family and themselves!

If you don't play well on the field, or lose the game.

I'm afraid those angry fans will directly attack their social media!

The most vicious curses and insults to them and their families!

Of course, if they win Manchester United, maybe some extreme Manchester United fans will do the same!

But those are the opponent's fans after all, better than their own fans!

It's also easier for them to accept some...

"Good! 35

"Pete, you take them for a medical check-up before recovery training! 99

"Check their bodies for any hidden dangers!"

"After all, after they played in the national team, they flew straight to England!"

"We need to take their physical health seriously!

Klopp's own players were united, nodded with satisfaction, then turned their heads and said to their assistant coach.

The twice-a-year international break is when Klopp worries the most!

He is really worried that his players will come back full of injuries and won't be able to play!

And then the club has to spend money to support them!

The most important thing is that the players who can play club games are basically Liverpool's main force or important substitute!

Klopp really needs them when it comes to tough opponents and important games!

But if they have an injury...

Klopp will be in an embarrassing situation where no one is available!

This happened to Klopp when he was head coach at Dortmund before.

That's why he hates international break so much!

We also take the health of our players very seriously!

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

Pete nodded, did not speak, and walked towards the medical room with Su Cheng and his party.

Although it is said that Su Cheng did not participate in the national team competition, but just in case, Su Cheng still has a medical examination.

What if Su Cheng has done other things in the past few days, causing Su Cheng to have a minor injury?

In any case, having a physical examination is definitely not a bad thing!

Two hours later...

Pete came to Klopp's office with a gloomy expression.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Is there a lot of bad news?""

Klopp, who was watching Manchester United's game video, looking for loopholes on the Manchester United field and analyzing tactics, adjusted his glasses and looked at Pitt in front of him, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Five key players are unavailable! 35

"Matip has a muscle strain and needs to rest for five days."

"Henderson had a crack in his ribs, but he didn't know it! 99

"He needs half a month!"

Pete shook his head helplessly and handed Klopp the medical report one by one.

"Salah is fine, he's just too tired, his muscles and body are loaded.

"If you let him continue to play, I'm afraid he will really be injured!"

"Arnold has some muscle strain and needs to rest. 35

"Moreno has a hamstring problem and needs to keep watching.

"In this way, all five starters will not be able to play!"

"The only thing to be happy about is that there is nothing wrong with Su Cheng, he is as strong as a cow.

Pete shook his head.

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!) Billion.

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