Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two, Su Han

After the game is over.

On Real Madrid's side, the players are talking about Dortmund.

to be exact.

is discussing Su Han.


Real Madrid's players don't think they will be beaten by Su Han.

the reason is simple.

They are not AC Milan....


The reason is that simple.

Those who can play the ball at Real Madrid are the ones whose eyes are above the top.

Pride is high.

After all, they are the players of the most media-focused team in the world.

In the eyes of the Real Madrid players.

AC Milan is clearly underprepared.

Just let Dortmund win.

And Su Han's third goal was awesome.

But they thought it was impossible for Su Han to replicate such a goal.

Because such a goal can be placed in a collection of the top five goals of a player's career.

World waves if frequent.

Can that still be called a world wave?

Even a few people have scored such goals, of course, it is impossible to appear often.

Even Maradona.

Five consecutive goals have been scored in the World Cup, and they appear in the [Best goals of Maradona's career] every day. ,

See the collection.

Everyone can be a champion.

no big deal.

at the Bernabeu.

As long as Real Madrid play normally.

Defeating Dortmund is easy.

So the players quickly turned their attention to the next league game.

The Champions League, the group stage game, is really not very exciting for teams and players like Real Madrid.

"It seems that our players are a little underestimated."

Mourinho watched the players leave the locker room one by one, touching his chin and whispering.

"Do you think Su Han can beat Real Madrid alone?

Falya wondered.

Mourinho froze for a moment.


Mourinho doesn't think any player in the world can single-handedly overwhelm Real Madrid's defence.

But if it's Su Han....

Mourinho even started to worry.

He spread his hands: "Who knows..."

Falya shook his head: "Jose, I don't think we can put too much attention on Su Han, in our home court.... We don't necessarily need to be too nervous."5

"hope so.

Mourinho was noncommittal.

at the post-match press conference.

Su Han as the best player of the game.

Once again, I stood in front of the background board full of advertisements and accepted interviews with reporters from all over the world.

"Su Han, how do you feel about your first Champions League game?"


Su Han gave a thumbs up and smiled at Fang Yiqiu who asked him a question.

"Su Han, did the hat-trick against AC Milan make you more confident?"

asked a bald Longguo reporter.

Su Han looked at the words "Football News" on the reporter's microphone.


"You are so ugly, I refuse to answer.

Su Han is not so generous. The media that hacked him back then was led by Football News.


The reporter from the Football News was slightly angry, but did not dare to attack.


How dare a football player of the Dragon Kingdom be so rude to the uncrowned kings?

To know.

Journalists' pens.

That influence is too great.

Especially for players who need to rely on a good name to make money.

Basically, they don't really dare to offend the media.

However, Su Han is not afraid of this.

Longguo fans are also aware of the conflict between Su Han and the Football News.

So it's very refreshing for Su Han to hit back.

Soccer newspapers have now sent Bundesliga reporters with licking their faces.

But they didn't get an interview with Su Han at all.

Even Borussia Dortmund were cold to them.

Their requests to enter the base for interviews were declined.

It can be said to be difficult.

Soon it was the turn of the reporters from Hans Country to ask questions.

A reporter from Bild asked: "Su Han, do you have any specific goals for the Champions League this season?"

"Definitely won the championship!""

Su Han said.

This statement came out.

Everyone was shocked.

They instinctively wanted to refute.

For example, the difficulty of winning the Champions League.

Dortmund, who has just returned to the Champions League, lacks Champions League experience.


They looked at the calm and confident look on Su Han's face.

but found...

I can't refute it myself.

With the blessing of a terrifying hat-trick.

What is Su Han saying now.

People don't dare to question it.


Can Dortmund really win the title under his leadership?

The reporters in the dazed country looked at each other in dismay.

They wanted to ridicule Su Han for being over-the-top, arrogant, or something.


They have no confidence.

They just beat AC Milan.

AC Milan is the dominant team in the Champions League.

Dortmund can press AC Milan to play at home.

This fully shows the strength of people.

on the football field.


represent everything.

"This is our victory!

Klopp stressed.

"I've said before that he's the best in the world, and our goal is to make our best player feel comfortable on the pitch!

"As long as he shows his strength, we can defeat all opponents!"

Klopp said proudly at the press conference.

"We arranged a tactic that allowed Su Han to play like a duck! That's why we succeeded!

"With Su Han like this, no one can beat them.""

Allegri said with a bitter face at the press conference.

"Look at his performance, who can stop him?"

"Mr Allegri, Klopp said Su Han is the best in the world, do you agree?35

A reporter stood up and asked.

Allegri smiled bitterly: "Maybe, after all... we were beaten by the best in the world, and it doesn't seem to feel so painful.

The reporter from Yiduo also smiled bitterly when he heard the words.

This game is lost.

For AC Milan.

But it was too bad.

They were forced to die with Real Madrid.


They couldn't even grab a qualifying spot.

If AC Milan are out of the final group stage.

This is true....

So frustrating.

After winning the Champions League.

Su Han returned to his residence and immediately checked his living reward.

About 110,000 euros were brushed on the court.

It's just petty money.

The real big money is rewarded by the achievement system.

Achievements in this game include:

First Champions League goal.

First Champions League victory.

First Champions League brace.

First Champions League hat-trick.

Four achievements.

A total of 400,000 euros were awarded.

at the same time.

There are also four A-rank random treasure chests.

Su Han didn't save either.

Open all four chests directly.

The result is a variety of things.

A pair of Class A sneakers.

[Blast Shot Football Boots]: A-level equipment.

Speed+1, Shooting+1, Explosive Power+1


Su Han immediately selects the equipment.

Then open your own properties panel.

The speed attribute, after the number [99], has a tail of [+1].

The same goes for shooting and explosiveness.

Su Han touched his chin.

That is to say.

The value of the equipment improvement is reflected on the attribute panel, which does not mean the improvement of one's real strength.

This is also acceptable.

A look of joy appeared on Su Han's face.

If so.

Both his speed and shooting ability have reached full value.

And what about explosiveness?

Add according to the current value.

101 has been reached.

Exceeded full value.

"One point of explosive power that exceeds the human limit..."

Su Han shook his head slightly.

1 o'clock is fine.

Super not obvious.

If it's +10 in the future.

That's going to be a little tighter.

Su Han immediately looked at the other three treasure chests.

Open them one by one.


A-level skill [Eagle's Vision] Fragment*1

A-rank random player template fragment *1

Collect 10 skill fragments to exchange skills.

And 10 random player fragments can be exchanged for a random A-level player template.

A player usually refers to the average player who can start 410 games in the five major leagues.

Su Han frowned when he got this explanation.


And player fragments, it doesn't seem to have much effect.

"System, can I redeem the designated player template?"

Su Han asked.

Some players in the five major leagues are not strong in overall strength.

But some aspects are very powerful. even close to the top.

typical representative of them.

It is the grenade master Delap who has been in the middle and lower level of the Premier League.

in terms of data.

Depp is not a top player.


He has a great trick of world civilization.

That's his ability to throw the ball.

The foul ball he threw with his hand.

Fast and far.

There are also arcs.

It's almost like a corner kick.


De Lap is very popular with the middle and lower reaches of the team.

Because of having Depp.

Equivalent to all frontcourt throws can be converted into a corner similar to the attack.

This is for mid- and lower-level teams that rely mainly on set-pieces to attack.

It's almost like a nuclear weapon.

And players like Depp.

There are many in the lower and middle level teams.

Some might have a nice cross.

Some may have top dribbling abilities.

Some of the physical confrontation ability is world-class.

In short.

If you can get boards similar to these players.

Fusion upwards.

Su Han himself can get a lot of benefits.

"Specify the player template, which needs to consume 10 times the random player fragments..."

ten times..

Su Han was stunned.

It seems a little difficult...

He shook his head.

Leave this thing behind.

Instead, I am more interested in skill fragments.

A-level skills.

It is also very good.

This [Eagle Vision] is equivalent to giving Su Han an extra eye.

Scan the pitch from an overlooked position.

have this skill.

Su Han can completely dominate the team's offense as a world-class midfield master.

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