Soccer: National Football League Dismissal, Rewarding Ronaldo Template!

Chapter 204, Want to compete with Messi for the Golden Ball? Dream!\r

Chapter 204, Want to compete with Messi for the Golden Ball? Dream!

Not to mention Mendes.

Even Su Han.

He knew the era of player price inflation in later generations.

I was shocked when I heard this number.

£60 million signing fee?

In Su Han's memory.

It seems that only Mbappem's vice president of Paris later can compare with it!

At that time, Real Madrid wanted to bring in Mbappe.

As a result, Paris backhanded one-one-hundred million signing fees.

Mbappe is also numb.

One billion.

No one can refuse.

The same is true now.

Of course.

It's not just about money.

There is also a question of importance!


Represents the importance of the team.

It's like falling in love.

Invest more. Pay more - one side.

It's even harder to break up.

Because these are all costs.

"Let's talk to Liverpool first, everything, after the Champions League final!

Su Han took a deep breath.

£60 million signing fee.

other teams.

Basically impossible to follow.

But other teams don't know that.

So this time.

in the media.

The news about Su Han's next move never stopped.

Especially after reaching the Champions League final in Dortmund.

All kinds of rumours arose.

Makes it hard to tell the truth.

Nobody knows.

Is Su Han really going to leave.

According to Chelsea insiders, Chelsea owner Abrahimovic has instructed the team's transfer department that the biggest job in the summer transfer window is to compete for Su Han! Qi has great appreciation for Su Han, and he believes that the joining of Su Han will enable Chelsea to win his most coveted Champions League award#...

.Who is the hottest striker in Europe right now? It's none other than Su Han! So many clubs have expressed interest in him by now, and experts believe that Dortmund has a hard time keeping Su Han.... "

According to news from Dortmund, Su Han and Klopp have a gentleman's agreement, he will leave after helping the team win the Champions League...

The news in the media is true and false.

There are many teams coveting Su Han.

this time.

The news that many teams are infinitely close to Su Han has not attracted everyone's attention.

And between Liverpool and Su Han.

On the contrary, there are fewer rumors.

The reason for this is naturally because Liverpool has just been sold, which makes the outside world do not understand Liverpool's financial resources.


on fame.

Now Liverpool are not even close to Manchester City.

Manchester City is backed by the White Turban consortium.

Buying players aggressively.

Their names appear frequently in major media pages.

The popularity naturally rises.

What about Liverpool?

It has now become a sentimental team.

Old fans still miss the glory that belonged to Liverpool in the 1980s.

And the new fans just know more about the giants of Liverpool.

But little is known about Liverpool's glory years.

More people's understanding of them is almost the same as the tragedy. What the Heysel massacre, the Hillsborough massacre... This is definitely not a good thing for Liverpool.

Although everyone talks about this tragedy.

Sympathy for Liverpool.

Even Manchester United fans have to send a "RIP to the deceased" wishes.


These sympathies can't buy a championship.

others pity you.

It won't let you down on the court because of that.

on the contrary.

Manchester United are probably the most hated team in England.

No one sympathizes with Manchester United.


in the England game.

It can make fans of two non-Manchester teams laugh happily.

Just rant about Manchester United.

in the England national team.

If someone yells, "Clap your hands if you hate Manchester United!"

Can always cause the cheers of the mountains and tsunamis.


Did all of this influence United's emergence as the most successful English club in over two decades?

No effect at all.

Be sympathetic to it.

Rather than be terrifying.

How many years has Liverpool not won a title?

Their most recent championship.

It goes back to the Community Shield in 2006.

Since then, until 2011, there has been no championship for five years.

It is a shame for a traditional giant like Liverpool to have not won a championship for five consecutive years, not even a domestic cup.

Don't say Liverpool.

So does Arsenal.

They have a godfather-level head coach.

Also playing what is considered to be the most gorgeous football in the Premier League.

But also because there have been no championships for many years in a row.

Now Liverpool are also in looming danger of falling behind from the giants.

Now some Arsenal fans have even shouted out such rebellious words as replacing Wenger.

reflected in this.

It is also the anxiety of fans after many years without a championship.

Without a champion, even the big-name giants will fall. To put it bluntly, the giants are piled up with championships.

It is an indisputable fact that Liverpool, without a title for five years, is becoming less attractive to current players.


When Adama Gonzalez, editor-in-chief of World Sport, was given a photo.

to be so shocked.

in the photo.

It is the back of a figure familiar to many reporters.

Broker giant crocodile Mendes.

Appeared at the door of a luxury office building in Liverpool.

And that office building.


Temporary office for the new owner of Liverpool!!

Mendes went to meet the Liverpool boss.

some of....

What's the mystery?

Players who can make Mendes come out in person.

Who will it be?


Do not!


How could Ronaldo go to Liverpool?

Just his Manchester United legend status.

There's no way he could have gone to Liverpool.

Except for Ronaldo...


Su Han!!

This name flashed through Adama Gonzalez's mind like lightning.

"How much do you want?"

Adama replied in an email.

There is a profession of paparazzi in this world.

They take some newsworthy photos.

Sold to a newspaper!

Now the paparazzi who filmed Mendez's whereabouts.

Obviously know.

Who is this set of photos for?

is the most valuable.

Dortmund's opponent.


Obviously will not miss before the Champions League final.

Make some troublesome news for their opponents.

Just imagine.,...

Before the Champions League final, it was revealed that Dortmund's leading star had secretly communicated with other teams.

・・・・Seeking flowers・


How big a morale blow should this be for Dortmund?

Although in Catalonia.

Most people think that Dortmund can not be a Barcelona opponent.

But if it can cause more trouble to the opponent.

This is more insurance.


The new owner of Liverpool is a native of Longguo.

He wants to bring Su Han, the No. 1 star of the Dragon Kingdom, to Liverpool.

It also seems to be a reasonable and logical thing to do.

After replying on the email.

Adama, Gonzalez started searching for news about Liverpool and Su Han.


He found a piece of news that was not popular - who did not pay enough attention to Liverpool.

"...Liverpool King Dalglish told friends in private that Liverpool is about to welcome a real superstar! A superstar who can rival Messi and Ronaldo! Liverpool is infinitely close to having a superstar next season. The Premier League's No. 1 Player!"5

see here.

Adama Gonzalez touched his chin.

This "superstar",


It must be Su Han!

Definitely Su Han!!

Su Han to join Liverpool?

Adama Gonzalez is a veteran in the European media circle.

He also has his own channels to verify the authenticity of the news.

After some confirmation.

He found....

This news is very likely indeed.

Because it is always known.

Dalglish is an alcoholic.

And his words.

It was said while drunk.

And the news content is traceable.

in this case.

Adama Gonzalez tends to believe the news is true.

That is the case.


Did you make a deal with Liverpool?

Adama Gonzalez was excited.


Someone replied to the email.

"Ten thousand euros?"

Gonzalez made no counteroffer,


I happily agreed.


He got more high-definition photos.

in the photo.

can be clearly seen.

The scene where Mendes and Lin Qiang meet!

"Notify the editorial office! Tonight...we have to work overtime! 35

Adama Gonzalez grinned.

Will Su Han join Liverpool?

He wasn't sure either.

But he is not a detective, nor a judge.

He does not need to prove the truth of the matter.

He just had to combine these photos and rumors.

Organise the language a bit.

That would put Dortmund in unprecedented trouble!

The battle is imminent.

The star and other teams are negotiating transfers.

tsk tsk.

Just think about it.

Just feel exciting.

And when the time comes.

Dortmund will definitely be in a turmoil.

Even if there is no problem in the locker room.

The fans are sure to explode.

Until then.

Even if Dortmund can recover.

It's also badly hurt.

And how many layers can they play at Wembley afterward?


Adama Gonzalez thought of his report.

It is very likely to affect the outcome of the Champions League final.

There is a high chance that Barcelona's opponents will be plunged into civil unrest.

He was relieved.

Su Han?

A player from a football desert like Dragon Country.

Want to compete with Messi for the Ballon d'Or?

dream! one.

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