Soccer: National Football League Dismissal, Rewarding Ronaldo Template!

Chapter two hundred and eighteen, traditional arts in Barcelona\r

Chapter two hundred and eighteen, traditional arts in Barcelona

Valdés landed heavily.

The eyes staring at the football were filled with intense horror.

what did he see?

as a goalkeeper.

He is the clearest player on the field.

in this attack. ,

Su Han jumped first.

Pique and Puyol jumped after.

The results of it?

After Su Han knocked off Pique and Puyol, Yu Li gave a strong headbutt 1

What is this kid's body made of?

Could it be that hidden under that body is a Tyrannosaurus rex?!



"Head! Pretty! Pretty? Pretty!!"

"Goal in! Goal in! Goal in!""

"Incomparable and powerful!

"Ooooooo! Unstoppable violent headbutt!

at the same time.

At boiling Wembley.

The commentators were also boiling.

And this time.

Su Han and Pique and Puyol also landed.


Su Han is standing.

Pique and Puyol fell on their backs.

Su Han ignored the two who fell to the ground.

Opened his arms and ran to the corner flag area.

Then jumped up directly, a long sliding kneeling.

behind him.

Gotze and the others also roared.

Kneel down!

"Nice job!! 99

"It's so dick!!

"Hahahahaha! I knew you could do it for sure!!


More teammates rushed up from the backcourt.

They also slid to Su Han's side.

He pressed up like a stack of Arhats.

"It's unbelievable! It was Dortmund who led in the final!!

"In the 20th minute of the game, Su Han scored 490 for Dortmund!""

"Twenty-third! Twenty-third in the Champions League this season! 39

"Unbelievable! Incredible! Twenty-three goals in a single season! Is that still a human record? 35

"Before the game, everyone was talking about the key to Dortmund's victory over Barcelona, ​​and everyone knew it was Su Han! Before the game, Barcelona's players and coaches must have known that they only needed to contain Su Han to contain Dortmund! !

"However, this game, like all the teams that fell to Dortmund! Su Han also proved one thing: he is unstoppable!!!35

"What else can I say? Such a domineering header, the strength, physical confrontation, explosive power, speed, and the fullness of the show!""

"From the moment of receiving the counter-attack, Su Han was directing this header! He scored Barcelona's goal in the most impressive way!!

"Yes, Barcelona have a huge part of the ball and their control is impeccable. But Su Han broke the Barcelona myth with his super individual ability!

"Many people say that football is a team sport, but Su Han's appearance seems to be breaking this rule, he is like a god on the football field!

"He jumped on the line of the restricted area, and he seemed to fly into the restricted area!"

"What a great bounce, great header, great physicality!

"Dortmund are ahead! It means a lot to Dortmund to take the lead in such a crucial decisive battle!"

All the commentators were amazed at the goal.

He took the trouble to explain to the audience the awesomeness and significance of this goal.

at the scene.

The Dortmund fans were also completely insane.

They jumped up from their seats.

"Hooray! Su Han!!

"Nice job!

"We are ahead!!

"Hahahaha! I can't believe it!!"

"No one was optimistic about us before the game, how about now, we are ahead!!

The unanimous view of the media before the game is bad.

Dortmund fans are very upset.

We have Su Han, how could we possibly lose?

In the eyes of Dortmund fans.

Su Han is the god of football!

The Barcelona fans were dumbfounded.

They were confident before the game.

after all.

All the media, pundits, say that Barcelona has a big chance of winning.

And they also think it makes sense.

How could Barcelona lose to Dortmund?

But now, it's Dortmund who are the first to score.


It's not some kind of ball of luck.

It was a very beautiful counterattack.

Their striker, Su Han, is too capable.

The midfielder passed the three first, and then rushed into the penalty area to overwhelm Pique and Puyol with a vigorous header.

what monster is this?

Barcelona fans are numb.

Their confidence began to waver.

The Barcelona players quit.

Barcelona players, led by Busques, surrounded the referee.

Young Pique had thought of it.

Was reminded by Puyol.

"Lie down first!" 5

Pick a look.


Captain Jang Xuepu, who is very strong, is lying down.

Lie down yourself.

The other Barcelona players went to surround the referee.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Referee! Hey! Referee, did you see that?"

Busquets' facial expression is very exaggerated.

He pointed to Pique and Puyol lying on the ground.

It appears to be the victim of the crash who was complaining to the traffic police.

"Yes! He hit a man! He hit a man and fouled first, and the goal should be invalid.

Valdes got up from the ground and rushed to the referee for the first time.

Complain to Su Han for a foul.

A group of Barcelona players surrounded the referee, putting pressure on the referee.

Trying to get the referee to blow the ball away.

At this moment.

The Dortmund players who saw this scene couldn't help sneering when they saw this scene.

"It's really their tradition to put pressure on the referee...

Someone (dbeg) mocked directly.

But the Dortmund players did not intervene between Barcelona and the referee.

They don't care about this.

The ball couldn't have been blown out.

The players returned to their own half.

Even Su Han went back with him.

Barcelona's players are still besieging the referee.

Wanted to get him to withdraw a goal that was a valid penalty.

"Barcelona players said that Su Han committed a foul, but in slow motion, Su Han jumped first, followed by Pique and Puyol, and Su Han did not open his hands. Puyol is more likely to foul..."

"Barcelona's players feel very wronged, after all, Pique and Puyol lost their weight and fell. But it was just that they were crushed by Su Han in physical confrontation. 99

Hans Country's commentator Schmitz sneered.

But Catalan commentators don't think so.

"He fouled, he must have fouled, otherwise he wouldn't be able to hit the ball at all. Otherwise, how could he have knocked over two people by himself? He must have fouled!

The Catalan narrator shouted.

If you just listen to him, it makes some sense.

One and two people collide.

The two fell to the ground.

How is this possible?

But now is not the time for broadcast commentary.

Everyone can watch the live high-definition live broadcast on TV.

Beneath dozens of cameras.

Can clearly see what happened.

Therefore, the nonsense of the Catalan commentator is of course unlikely to affect the referee.

Referee McDean is the golden whistle of the Premier League, although sometimes blind.

But he didn't dare to be blind at this time.

If he blows the ball out.

It is estimated that his referee career is over.

This is not a slight offside misjudgment.

Su Han's hands are spread out.

There's no reason to want to call a foul.

He waved away the Barcelona players and stood his ground.

Goal, it works!

"Goal works! Yes! It was the right call, McDean made the right call!"

Duan Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really worried about being unfairly treated because Su Han had offended UEFA President Platini.

But now it seems.

Even UEFA.

I don't even dare to be brainwashed in a game like the Champions League final.

If you mess up in this kind of game.

It's the sign of the Champions League.

This is one of the most lucrative football events in the world.

UEFA purse.

Who dares to mess around.

"This should at least be a controversial penalty, right?"

The Catalan commentator saw that the referee insisted on the original sentence and had to change his mind, but he still thought there was a problem with the goal.

"UEFA has found a Premier League referee to whistle the penalty this time, and now who would dare to say that we are always taken care of by the referee!


Catalan commentators know it too.

Because of the Chelsea incident.

People on this side of the Premier League don't have much affection for Barcelona.

He felt that UEFA had let Premier League referee McDean take charge of the game.

This shows that Barcelona has not been taken care of by UEFA.

Take care not take care.

Anyway, now Barcelona is behind.

Guardiola on the sidelines touched his forehead.

I have a headache.

Now let's not say whether there is a problem with this ball.

The fact is...

Now his team is behind.

Moreover, the goal was scored by Su Han, who he paid great attention to before the game!

A very aggressive header.

The goal was beautiful.

If it is an average team, it may cause morale to drop or something.

But Guardiola isn't worried about Barcelona's morale.

Because his team is very mature.

It's not going to be a mess just because of a conceded goal.

Otherwise they wouldn't have won so many championships.

Now what Barcelona needs....

It's an attack!

He walked to the sidelines.

Watching the field.

Thinking about coping strategies.

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