Chapter 14. Why can't the champion be us?

The official Premier League staff responsible for filming the pre-season promotional video were stunned.

"Hello, what did you just say?"

he asked uncertainly.

This pre-season promo will be played on a loop on major platforms.

Mainly, some representative stars of the Premier League appeared on the scene, and then edited some wonderful scenes of the Premier League last season to make a very dynamic promotional video.

To remind fans.

Premier League!

New season!

to start.

Those representative stars of the Premier League will take this opportunity to say a message for the new season, personal goals and so on.


Saying you want to win the Premier League title is nothing.

A lot of stars have said that before.


When the words were spoken, it was the Liverpool player.

It feels a little unrealistic.

How long has it been since Liverpool won the league title?

With a Su Han, can you immediately beat Manchester United, Chelsea, Manchester City, Arsenal and other teams to win the Premier League title?

It's no wonder that the official staff of the Premier League don't quite believe it.

"Yes, the Premier League champions! 35

Su Han said with a slight smile.

If you don't even dare to say your goals.

Then what are you going to fight for?

In fact.

After Su Han came to Liverpool.

Everyone shy away from "Five Zero" talking about the Premier League champions.

As if the Premier League champions were some kind of beast.


The Premier League title is a knot in the heart of Liverpool.

They are reluctant to talk much about the word.

But Su Han just wanted to talk!

To fight for the championship.

First thing to do.

Just get your mind right!!!

the next day.

The edited new season trailer is online.

Stars from all walks of life have appeared.

Manchester United's Rooney, Ferdinand.

Chelsea's Lampard, Terry.

Arsenal's Wilshere, Van Persie.

These three teams are currently considered the favorites to contend for the title.

So they both have two stars appearing.

The other teams have only one star to appear.

When Su Han appeared in front of the camera wearing a Liverpool jersey and declared that Liverpool's goal was the championship.

The fans who were watching were stunned.

This scene doesn't last long.

Only a few seconds.

It quickly switches to a clip of Su Han's brilliant performance from last season.

on the background sound.

The narrator shouted Su Han's name.

Subtitles cut out.

"The most expensive player in Premier League history declares his desire for the throne!"

This scene.

The total length is only ten seconds.

However, this has caused heated discussions among the English media and fans.

That night.

Sky Sports Radio in its own Premier League preview.

Just cut this part out.

after playing.

Give it to various football experts for analysis.

First of all, the first question is: Is Liverpool really capable of winning the Premier League title?

face this problem.

The four guests in the studio all held up the NO sign.

Liverpool finished eighth in the league last season.

And Liverpool have been going downhill these past few seasons.

The stars in the team are almost gone.


Xavi Alonso.

Javier Mascherano.

These once made Liverpool brilliant for a while and let Liverpool fans think they saw the hope of revival.

One by one left Anfield.


Except for Su Han and Gerald.

other Liverpool players.

No star flavor at all.

The outside world does not see the possibility of Liverpool winning the title at all.

"I don't think you can win the Premier League with Su Han. Su Han is indeed a very good player. But this is the Premier League, not the Bundesliga. In the Bundesliga, you just have to wait for Bayern Munich to have a low ebb, and you will win the championship. possibility.

"But in the Premier League, there are too many competitors here. Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, even Manchester City. Can you be sure that these teams are collectively in poor form?

"It's so hard!"

"For Liverpool to win the title, they have to go through at least two or three seasons of the transfer window to recruit and strengthen their squad.

Several guests spoke in succession.

Liverpool win?

Not many people are optimistic.

In the official social account of the Premier League.

This video was also posted.

in the message below.

There was also ridicule from fans of various teams.

One of the Manchester United fans is the most excited.

"Hahahaha, Liverpool is going to win the Premier League, this is the biggest joke of the century!"

"Does this guy from Dragon Country really think he is the god of football?


"You can't win the Premier League, ever!"

"It's Liverpool's fate.""

"I really don't understand, how can a team that has not been involved in the top league championship for more than 20 years have the face to call itself a giant?"

face the mortal enemy.

Manchester United fans are naturally full of ridicule.

And they were also very upset with Su Han.

Because before Liverpool.

Manchester United have also been pursuing Su Han for almost a season and a half.

From when Su Han was budding in the Bundesliga.

Ferguson went to Dortmund himself and invited Su Han to join Manchester United.

The results of it?

It was rejected by Su Han.

Rejection is nothing.

But in the eyes of Manchester United fans.

That's not giving face to Ferguson.

Who is Ferguson?

The godfather of football.

Trained the football godfather of Class 92 and Ronaldo.

And Su Han.

Just a teenage young player.

Ferguson has personally invited you.

You are not here yet.

This is not to shame the face.

Not giving face is what.


Manchester United fans are also a little unhappy about this.

But Su Han was also at Dortmund at the time.

Not necessarily in the future will not join Manchester United.

So everyone was upset but didn't say it.

And now.

Su Han actually joined Liverpool!

That didn't say.

Must be sprayed to death!

Because of Manchester United and Liverpool, they are real mortal enemies!

level of hatred.

Much deeper than between Real Madrid and Barcelona.

Make an analogy.

Although Real Madrid and Barcelona are opposed to each other.

But there are still occasional player transfers between the two teams, and there are many players who have played for both teams at the same time.

But what about between Manchester United and Liverpool?

between the two teams.

There has been no direct player trade in over sixty years.

A player who played for two teams at the same time.

Also very few.

Recently there was Michael Owen.

It was also sprayed to death by fans.


Su Han joined Liverpool.

It basically means that it will never be possible to join Manchester United.

Absolute nemesis player.

Manchester United fans mocked without any scruples.

"This is the Premier League, not the Bundesliga. Does Su Han think he can play like he is in the Bundesliga?

"Sooner or later it will be scrapped!"

"Two hundred million? Just buy one player, two hundred million can rebuild a team!"

"Liverpool's Dragon Country boss is really stupid with money..."

Manchester United fans taunting.

Liverpool fans were certainly not to be outdone.

under this video.

Fans on both sides spit at each other.

Manchester United fans taunted Liverpool without a league title for more than two decades.

Liverpool fans are showing off their five Champions League trophies.

At the same time, he also mocked Manchester United, even if Liverpool haven't won the championship for more than 20 years, they still haven't surpassed Liverpool in the number of league titles?

in championship honors.

In fact, Manchester United has not surpassed Liverpool yet.

The number of league titles has just been tied.

Champions League champions.

Manchester United have only three Champions League titles.

And Liverpool have five.

So in the number of weighty champions.

Liverpool fans have an advantage.

But Manchester United fans think so.

In the form of a bear like Liverpool.

surpass them.

Sooner or later!

When the fans on both sides sprayed each other.

All teams are also preparing for the new season.

Liverpool's first game of the new season.

Is at home against the Black Cats Sunderland.

This game is not good.

Sunderland is a quintessential English team.

Pay attention to strength, confrontation, and speed.

The key is.

Sunderland is Manchester United's younger brother, but it is very dark when it comes to Liverpool.

But from the point of view of preparations.

Ancelotti still has confidence in Liverpool.

Although Liverpool's overall lineup has not reached the ideal level.

But purely from the starting players he chose.

Compared to teams like Manchester United.

It didn't go anywhere.

The forwards are Su Han and Suarez.

There is Gerrard in midfield.

This basically guarantees Liverpool's ability in the attacking line.

is strong.

Ancelotti even thought.

Just this line of attack.

Liverpool top the Premier League.


Although Liverpool's bench lineup is somewhat unsightly.

But in the absence of a European mission this season.

This lineup is actually quite enough.

As for the fight for the Premier League title?

Ancelotti himself actually thinks so.

Liverpool this season may not have much to 4.6 for the time being.

However, in the next season.

Waiting for this lineup to run in almost.

win the Premier League.

Not impossible.

When Su Han walked into the locker room.

Everyone's eyes looked over.

"Su Han, do you really think we can win the Premier League?

"I find it a little difficult.

"The Premier League championship, we haven't won it in more than 20 years..."

The players are also talking.

The difficulty of winning the Premier League title.

Obviously more difficult than the other five major league championships.

Because on the one hand there are many competitors.

on the other hand.

There are basically no good games in the Premier League.

You have to give your best every game.


Injuries and physical problems are more likely.

Sometimes the team is smooth sailing.

All of a sudden it hurt a lot.

Then it fell into a low ebb.

This happens quite often in the Premier League.

So in the Premier League to win the championship.

On the one hand, the lineup must be thick enough.

on the other hand.

The stability should be good enough.

Also need some luck.

Su Han looked at his teammates.

His face became serious.

He asked rhetorically: "Champions are always produced every season, so why can't it be us? 99


All the players were questioned.

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