Chapter 118, We are not here to be guests!

Real Madrid have reasons to be proud.

For example, their home Bernabeu.

This is the most famous course in the world.

Named after the legendary Bernabeu of Real Madrid.

There are steep six-tier stands here.

When the fans filled the stands and stared at the stadium almost in a bird's-eye view.

Everyone can feel the pressure brought by this stadium.

Countless Real Madrid fans wore white jerseys and waved white scarves.

They are screaming.

Shout out the name of every Real Madrid player.

Real Madrid fans are proud.

They call themselves nobles.

Aristocrats on the football field.

speak up.

The football culture of Banya and England is very different.


Or modern football, which originated in England.

A movement born with the Industrial Revolution.

At the beginning.

Football is a working-class sport in England.

Many teams initially consisted of workers from various factories.

The most famous is Arsenal.

Their predecessor was a team of workers in an arsenal that produced guns.

So their nickname is the arsenal.

on their team crest.

The emblem of the cannon is also preserved.

Manchester United, Liverpool too.

They all originated from the union of workers.

in England.

To say what Manchester United fans and Liverpool fans have in common. ,

That is they all hate Satchel.

The reason is, of course, that Satcher outlawed many workers' organizations...

Not much gossip.

In short.

in England.

And many countries that also achieved great development in the first industrial revolution.


It's a working class movement.

But Banya Country is different.

Banya Country was the first country to open the era of great voyages.

They lived comfortably on the gold of South America for hundreds of years.


They have little incentive to develop any hard-working industry.


When football arrived in Banya Country, it became a plaything for the nobles.

This tradition continues to this day.

For example, the relationship between fans in England and the team is similar to that of family.

In Banya Country, their fans will regard themselves as the team's owner - this is of course related to the original aristocratic tradition.

In fact it is.

Because most of the teams in Banya Country are membership-based teams.

Fans who come to see the ball are theoretically the owners of the team.


When Real Madrid's players are not doing well.

Real Madrid fans are unceremoniously booed.

And the game hasn't started yet.

even though.

The cheers and boos heard by the Liverpool players at the Bernabeu were loud.

But compared to what was heard in England. ;

A little less wild.

So much so that many young Liverpool players who came to this stadium for the first time looked around.

They had a lot of imagination for the Bernabeu before that.

But did not expect.

When really came here.

But feel.


a little too...


The camera lens is the first time to find the key players in the game.

Liverpool captain Su Han led the team to the front.

And Cristiano Ronaldo at the back of the team.

A number 10.

A number 7.

They are undoubtedly the biggest focus of the game.

Neither of them looked at each other when they shook hands.

Su Han is okay.

He didn't have any special feelings for Cristiano Ronaldo.

So the mind is peaceful.

And C Ronaldo looks a bit full of hostility.

The so-called handshake.

It's just that the two people's fingertips touched and quickly separated. ,

If that counts as a handshake.

Then we can believe it.

Some women say it's really just a hug to get pregnant.

is really possible.

The end of the TV has been following them.

The commentator of Marca Radio was very excited to see this situation: "Cristiano Ronaldo is full of fighting spirit! As long as he is serious, no opponent can beat Real Madrid~!

The Madrid people are undoubtedly full of trust in Cristiano Ronaldo.

He is Real Madrid's number one star.

The last time the two sides met.

Scored a precious away goal for Real Madrid.

It's C Ronaldo!

But a pity.

Su Han beat Real Madrid in that game.

scored two goals.

In terms of goals.

Ronaldo cannot be compared to Su Han.


The number of goals is the biggest advantage of Cristiano Ronaldo.

after all.

Su Han is not just the goalkeeper in charge of the final shot in Liverpool's tactics.

He also has a lot of tactical tasks such as pulling, passing, receiving, dribbling, and pressing.

The roles of the two are completely different.

However, only professional coaches and players know this.

As for the fans.

The most important thing is to score goals.

But even so.

Cristiano Ronaldo can't compare to Su Han in terms of goals.


Real Madrid fans are convinced.

Ronaldo will definitely respond in this game.

Face to face.

Is there anything cooler than this?

And it's also the best chance.

This is Real Madrid's home ground.

The opponent lacked major generals and was almost half disabled.

What's there to be afraid of?

The two sides completed the final pre-match ceremonies,

Line up to shake hands.


The flags were exchanged.

Then guess the coin.

As a result, in this session, Su Han lost to Gang Casillas.

So Real Madrid got the right to pick sides.

And Liverpool got the kick-off.

This is exactly what Su Han wanted.

Because this is the Bernabeu.

Turf quality and conditions are top notch.

Picking the right side is meaningless. (Zhao Hao)

Instead, it's the kickoff.

Su Han takes it seriously.

Because this means that from the beginning of the game, you can take the initiative and attack the opponent's goal.

Instead of defending first.

everything's ready.

Su Han put the ball on the soles of his feet.

Su Han looked at Casillas' back as he made his way towards his goal.

He turned his head suddenly and explained to Sterling in a low voice.

In the face of the team boss, Sterling hurried over and obeyed.

"々, wait for us to attack first, your move..."

Su Han explained the running route to Sterling.

After explaining.

Sterling nodded again and again.

Then he asked: "Would this be a little risky?"

"No, not at all risky, because we want them to know one thing.

"What's up?"


Su Han smiled, looked at Sterling and said.

"Not here to be a guest!

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