Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three

"One day we will be on top of Europe."

Gerald's eyes lit up.

He looked at Su Han.

Found Su Han smiling.

"Actually, I don't know how the Liverpool fans feel, because this is my second season with the team. And they..."

Su Han pointed out the window.

"They've probably started as a Liverpool team, their family has been Liverpool fans. But one thing I know....that no one doesn't like championships, more championships!"

"Manchester United, Real Madrid, the reason why they can get more fans than local fans is not because of how many championships they have won!

"No one doesn't like championships. Look at it. When Manchester City continues to invest and when they can win championships, they can also have as many fans overseas as Manchester United."

Su Han pouted and said.

Maybe someone will like Nottingham Forest in the name of feelings.

But more people will like Manchester United.

Is it because Manchester United really have so-called magic?

Do not!

At the end of the day.

Or because Manchester United has been the most successful club in the Premier League of the last two decades.


They were able to harvest a large number of fans in East Asia and North America.

On the virgin ground of these footballs.

pioneering territory,

Eventually became the most profitable team in the entire Premier League.

And these are brought by the champion.

Gerald laughed.

Forget about feelings and things like that.

What Su Han said really directly explained the essence of competitive football.


Just get more.

"Yes, Liverpool's revival means more titles, Su Han, we are very greedy, one or two titles can't satisfy us...

Gerrard has now identified.

Su Han is the hope of Liverpool's revival.

no matter what.

We must keep Su Han and let him stay in Liverpool as long as possible.

Of course.

Now Su Han has not thought about leaving Liverpool either.

He nodded.

‘Champion, the more the better.

Outside the bus.

The cheers from the fans continued.

such a scene.

It's almost like winning the Premier League last season.


Liverpool fans are not happy for a trophy.

It's the team's current state and confidence.

Remnants eliminated Real Madrid.

The confidence brought by such a game brings hope for Liverpool's future.

Perhaps even more gratifying than a championship trophy.

Liverpool's prospects.

Because of this game, it is full of infinite light.

Even this difficulty has passed.

What will happen later.

Will not let everyone's confidence in this team shaken.

A team can face such a strong enemy and face such a difficult situation at the Bernabeu.

Can beat the opponent.

Can still advance.


after this.

Is there any difficulty Liverpool can't overcome?

This is after this game.

Liverpool, and their fans the biggest takeaway.

Liverpool's defeat of Real Madrid on the road has undoubtedly become the big news in the whole European football, or the whole world football.

After all, Europe is the center of football.

Not to mention places like Asia and North America.

Even Latin America, another football hotspot on par with Europe in terms of strength.

They may be from a competitive standpoint.

In fact, it is not worse than the basis of Europe.


Because of the economy, the right to speak, and many other issues.

in the organization of club events.

Latin America is 108,000 miles away from Europe.

So even in Latin America.

Everyone will also care about European football, especially the Champions League, and talk about it.

In fact, the basic plate of Real Madrid is in addition to Banya.

Still in Latin America.

After all, they speak the same language.

The Banya Country used to have a large colony in Latin America. …

So Real Madrid were eliminated.

Many Real Madrid fans in Latin America are almost in mourning.

Of course.

There were also Barcelona fans celebrating.

In short.

Europe is now a well-deserved football center.

The media in Banya Country turned into trolls the next day.

There are players who criticize Real Madrid for not working hard enough, having a bad attitude, and not fighting hard enough.

There are sprays Mourinho conservative tactics, so Liverpool can take advantage of the opportunity.

Of course.

The most is still spraying Ramos.

Many media believe that it was Ramos's mistake that ruined Real Madrid's good situation.

And in the eyes of other European media.

They don't have the heart to criticize Real Madrid.

Instead, they are singing praises for Liverpool, especially Su Han.

Liverpool can beat Real Madrid away, which is quite remarkable.

It's that stadium after all.

Even Guardiola's Barcelona, ​​were not able to retreat.

But let Liverpool to win.

And Su Han, who scored a hat-trick in the game, undoubtedly became the number one contributor to Liverpool's victory.

Many media reports have focused on praising Su Han's performance.

Some media headlines are directly: Su Han captures the Bernabeu!

"々...Liverpool faced the incomparably powerful Real Madrid away with most of their main team injured. Few people were optimistic about them before the game. Although Liverpool had Su Han, Real Madrid also had Cristiano Ronaldo. But who would have thought that even so, Real Madrid could not stop Su Han, Su Han proved to the world in this game that he is the strongest striker in the world!! Cristia Ronaldo's brilliance was completely blown away by him cover up...~

(Zhao Mo's) "Su Han is the best center in the world. There is no doubt about it - after all, neither Cristiano Ronaldo nor Messi is a center in the true sense. Many teams will do whatever it takes to get Su Han. , but Liverpool can't let such a key player go, especially when Liverpool need to fight for the title on multiple lines!"

"Seventeen goals! Seventeen goals!! Playing eight games, scoring seventeen goals, averaging more than two goals per game, this is Su Han! Can you imagine, because of his Existence, has already rolled the Champions League scorer list to this level..."

"Messi has 14 Champions League goals, and Real Madrid, who have been eliminated, Cristiano Ronaldo's Champions League goals this season are stuck at 11 goals, and now only Messi and Su Han are left to compete...

The media are stunned.

Because of the existence of people like Su Han and Messi.

Champions League scorer list.

It's already tingling to the point of tingling my scalp. …

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