Barcelona fans are horrified by their thoughts.

Liverpool fans were also horrified by what they found.

Because they found that Liverpool did not intend to restrain their defense.

So they and the Barcelona fans thought of going together, and they also thought of Su Han's rhetoric.


it is true?

This year, the thoughts of Liverpool fans flashed out, and then they were fixed, occupying all their minds.

They are different from Barcelona fans. The more they think about it, the happier they are, and the more they think about it, the more they feel that this is a good thing.

Completely ending the suspense in the first round means a big victory!

Beat Barcelona by a big score at home!

This is something I haven't seen in many years!

Since Pep Guardiola's first time in charge of Barcelona, ​​​​Barcelona has not been beaten by an opponent by a big score-at least a big score. …

Five balls difference, right?

It is true that Barcelona has not been beaten by an opponent by four goals.

In the Champions League final last season, Liverpool scored four goals against Barcelona, ​​but Barcelona also scored two goals, so the difference is still only two goals.

Even Real Madrid did not beat Barcelona by four goals in so many 747 encounters.

Will we be lucky enough to witness it this time?

The more they thought about it, the more excited they became, and they were so excited that they swayed.

In the end, they couldn't suppress their inner emotions anymore. The excitement seemed to rush out of their throats as soon as they opened their mouths.

So there was a huge chant at Anfield of "Liverpool! Go one more! Go one more! Go one more!"

Such shouts continued, quickly spreading from one stand to the entire stand kp, Centennial Glory, Anfield Road, the main stand of the stadium...

Such cries were heard in all the stands.

Soon the shout became the only voice in the stadium.

Su Han, who was running around the field to catch up with his teammates, heard this voice, without raising his head, he directly raised his right hand and touched it into a fist.

He kept this posture and ran a few steps.

Then the "one more" chants from the stands died away, replaced by enough cheers from the Liverpool fans to knock the ceiling over.

Everyone knows what that action means!

He heard the cries of the fans, and then he planned to grant their wishes.

That means a third ball is coming too!

The cheers of the Liverpool fans made the faces of other Barcelona fans change, and it also made the Barcelona players on the field a little uneasy.

When they played against Liverpool last time, they didn't even know what this action meant.

At that time in the Champions League final, after Liverpool conceded the ball, the fans collectively chanted Su Han's name, and then Su Han raised his right hand, then clenched into a fist, and the fans gave out huge cheers.

At that time, people in Barcelona were still wondering that Liverpool was a bunch of psychopaths, and there was nothing to cheer about conceding the ball.

Later they learned the true meaning of this action.

That's Su Han interacting with the fans, and every time he does that, the Liverpool team cheers up, doubles up and scores goals...

Under Su Han's action, he almost never misses. Respond to every request and be sure to succeed.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, as long as he makes a promise, he will definitely do it.

Just because they already know this, the faces of Barcelona people are not very good-looking now.

Even head coach Pep Guardiola frowned.

After Su Han made that move, it was clear that Liverpool's attack was even stronger.

this is damn....

It stands to reason that when Liverpool attack fiercely, there will naturally be a lot of space behind them. As long as they seize and fight a counterattack, they may be able to break the current situation.

(adcc) In fact, Liverpool does have a lot of space behind it, but Barcelona's attack just can't make it...

This makes Guardiola very painful.

Liverpool's offensive is too strong, as long as Barcelona dare to press up, they will be the first to be hit by Liverpool mercilessly behind them.

If you drop another ball...

This game is completely out of play!

Liverpool's attack became fiercer, but the goals did not come quickly again.

Barcelona's performance is also improving.

After all, they are one of the three most powerful teams in football today.

There is still such a little self-adjustment ability.

They didn't expect that Liverpool would continue to attack after scoring a goal, and they were a little uneasy after losing the ball, so they were seized by Liverpool.

I have to say that Barcelona's luck is not very good.

But after conceding the second goal, Liverpool continued to attack, which in turn prompted Barcelona to quickly wake up.

They realized that this game was different from the usual games, and they also realized that Liverpool and Chipps were different.

This game can no longer be treated with ordinary thinking and methods.

Special times call for special things.

After figuring it out, they first settled down in their hearts.

Two goals behind is not the end for Barcelona.

As long as a goal can be scored, the opponent's lead will become a goal, so that the morale of the opponent will be low, and it will give Barcelona an opportunity to take advantage of it.

So first of all, you can't lose the ball, and secondly, you need to score goals.

They know that it is not easy for them to send the football forward now. Liverpool's oppressive pressing is indeed very effective.

Then they can use another way to deal with it, that is, try to control the football at their feet.

This is actually the tactic that Guardiola arranged before the game, but the Barcelona players did not implement this bed at all because they were not prepared for Liverpool's press.

Now that they have calmed down, it is possible to implement this tactic.

Controlling football under one's feet does not mean controlling football under one's feet.

Barcelona used their excellent long-distance passing and running receptions to keep as much football in their favor as possible.

Even if the opportunity to pass the ball forward is not good, it can prevent Liverpool from attacking directly.

They have been using this method to deal with Liverpool.

The scene finally achieved a certain balance, and Liverpool did not continue to score.

The Barcelona fans in the stands also regained some confidence.

Some optimistic people have even begun to look forward to things like Barcelona launching a counterattack and then scoring goals. .

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