When Guardiola walked out of Rosell's office, he didn't feel relieved.

His brow was still furrowed.

For him, it takes more courage to stay, because he has to bear more pressure, more criticism and blame.

But he must stay, withstand this huge pressure, stay and prove himself again.

It's hard work, and one day I will spit this breath in the faces of Liverpool and Su Han!

The fate of Barcelona and Guardiola has nothing to do with Su Han.

After playing that Champions League semi-final, Liverpool went into the league.

They still have one final goal in the league, which is to win the championship with unbeaten results in the season.

So Ancelotti did not use the full reserve team, he only used half.

Half the reserve team plus half the first team players.

Many of these first-team players are substitutes.

The suspense in the Champions League semi-finals was only lost, which made Ancelotti's pressure in the Champions League much less. He can also safely and boldly carry out rotations and let the main players rest.

Even though Liverpool played with half reserve team and half first team substitute lineup, the game was played with ease.

Liverpool's opponent Portsmouth is not strong, and they have no intention of fighting against Liverpool, which is stronger than them. Even if Liverpool has such a lineup, they can deal with it.

In the end, Liverpool turned away from home and defeated the home team Portsmouth with a score of four to one.

Su Han scored two goals in this game.

These two goals brought his league goals this season to sixty-three, surpassing last season's sixty-two goals, and he broke his own record.

Breaking other people's records, creating a record of his own, and then constantly refreshing this record is already a routine for Su Han.

And his total number of goals in all competitions this season has reached 131, greatly improving his record of 105 goals last season.

The media either exclaimed or lamented.

"Every step of Su Han is creating new history. His opponent is not Messi, nor Cristiano Ronaldo, but... himself! On the way to the pinnacle of world football, only he alone

After the league is over, there will be the Champions League semi-finals in the middle of the week.

But this game has made everyone lose interest.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the media's coverage of this game is declining.

This shows that the fans, audience and readers are not interested in this game, so the media is unwilling to waste a lot of resources on reporting this game.

So the media before the game was calm.

Even the Catalan media stopped saying such stupid things as "this game is whether Guardiola can keep his handsome position".

Everyone knows that Guardiola cannot make a comeback in this game.

Think back to the UEFA Champions League semi-finals in the 2009-2010 season, Barcelona ran into Inter Milan led by Zidane.

In the first round of that game, Barcelona also played away first, which should be considered a good schedule for them.

As a result, in the first game, Barcelona lost one to three away.

This score is enough to push Barcelona into desperation.

When they returned to Barcelona, ​​the Catalan media put out such enthusiastic slogans as "Action, Defend Barcelona!"

Call on the fans to go to the stadium, use various means to put pressure on Inter Milan, and support Barcelona.

Let Barcelona complete this big reversal.

Although in the end they were eliminated.

But at least the score of 1 to 3 can still make everyone feel that there is a possibility of reversal, and they can also have fighting spirit to call on everyone to participate.

The current score of zero to six is ​​really shocking.

None of the Catalan media said anything about defending Camp Nou and completing a major reversal.

This is simply not possible.

Don't even think about it, it's best not to struggle to the death and just accept your fate.

The whole of Barcelona resigned to their fate.

No one jumped out before the game and said they were going to beat Liverpool and make it to the final.

Both the players and the coaches were silent this time.

The past week has been dark for them.

Not only did they lose to Liverpool in the Champions League semi-finals in the middle of the week with a score of 0-6, they were directly eliminated.

In the league at the weekend, they also lost 1-3 away to Real Madrid.

From two points ahead to one point behind, they were overtaken by Real Madrid in the final sprint of the league!

Next, as long as Real Madrid does not make mistakes, they will win the La Liga title this season!

And Real Madrid still has hope of reaching the Champions League final.

They have a chance to be the double winners this season.

How can Barcelona suffer so much when the archenemy lives so well?

They are all so miserable, Su Han wants to add salt to their wounds.

When he arrived in Barcelona with the team, he was interviewed by reporters at the airport.

He said:

"I'm a professional player, and I'm a sportsman. So even if there is no suspense in this game, I will still go all out."

"A lot of people talk about 'fair play', but I don't think they really understand the meaning of fair play. Fair play is definitely not about watching you get unlucky, and I will show mercy. Fair play should be no matter what the opponent is, You have to go all out and show your best form. This is the spirit of fairness!"

"Any negative game is not a fair game! We advanced to the final early, that's right. But for the hundreds of millions of TV viewers who watched this game, and for the tens of thousands of fans who paid for tickets to watch the game live at Camp Nou , we must have the responsibility to dedicate a wonderful game for them! Only in this way can we be worthy of football and help the development and promotion of football in the world!"

When he said this, his face was upright and awe-inspiring. Those who don't know his details will definitely be moved by him.

But none of the reporters present was an idiot, and everyone knew what he meant by saying this--wasn't he trying to find all kinds of excuses and reasons to continue humiliating


Look at his excuses.

What "for the billions of TV viewers"

"Site fans who pay for tickets"

"Worthy of football"

"Contribute to the development and promotion of football"

It's all bullshit!

Ninety percent of the Camp Nou fans wished for him to die, and wished that Liverpool would kick into their own goal as soon as the game started, ten or eight.

How could one want to see Liverpool go all out?

In addition, football is already the world's largest sport, and there is no need to rely on him and this game to promote and spread it around the world.

Damn, it's not so disgusting!

What Su Han said at the airport not only made Barcelona fans vomit blood, but also embarrassed UEFA.

It's no secret in European football that Platini likes Barcelona.

As he starts to run for the presidency of FIFA, maybe Barcelona will be very popular in the world by then.

Maybe this Barcelona team will really create a new era beyond the predecessors of Dream Team 1 and Dream Team 2.

But Liverpool and Su Han turned out to shatter their dreams.

If there is a vote on who UEFA least wants to see, then Liverpool and Su Han must be elected with a high number of votes.

Platini was filled with grief and indignation at the thought of awarding Liverpool in the final this season.

Perhaps another reason why he desperately ran for FIFA president is to escape from this position as soon as possible and get rid of this embarrassment?

And Su Han's high-sounding words at the airport sounded like scolding to those who had ghosts in their hearts.

This is why UEFA feels uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Su Han is slapping them in the face by misinterpreting the meaning of fair play in this way.

Because under Platini's leadership, UEFA has become less and less fair.

Platini also did not expect that Liverpool would break out such a strong fighting power at home.

When Su Han said that he (Dede) would completely end the suspense of the semi-finals in the first round, he, like many people, took it as a joke.

Well now, Barcelona and himself have become a joke.

If I had known earlier, he would definitely have made some arrangements to avoid this kind of thing from happening.

Although it is not as blatant as when Barcelona played Chelsea at Stamford Bridge, at least it can save Liverpool from winning a few goals.

In this way, Barcelona, ​​which has returned to its home court, still has the hope of a comeback.

It won't be like it is now, and it will be completely over.

Even the Barcelona players themselves don't believe they can win tickets to the final.

He missed the best chance, and now he has no chance or need to make another shot.

He can't let Barcelona chase seven goals in a row at home and complete the most incredible reversal in history, right?

If he did, he would wager that not only would he be out of running for FIFA, but his career in politics would be over as well.

Although he really likes Barcelona very much, it is not worth sacrificing his political life for them...

He can only write down the account of being slapped by Liverpool for the time being, and then see if he has a chance to get it back next winter season.

If it doesn't work next season, then next season.

This bad breath is always going to come out!.

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