The FA Cup final precedes the Champions League final.

In Liverpool's internal training during this period, the Liverpool first team played the role of Everton. They imitated Everton's tactics and ravaged the Liverpool reserve team in the game.

Although the reserve team loses more and wins less.

But their hearts are burning, full of hope and optimism.

Because they know that Everton is far inferior to the strength of Liverpool's first team. They are fighting Liverpool's first team, not Everton.

Regardless of how many losses they have won against the first team, as long as they have been preparing according to this standard and intensity of training, when they meet Everton in the final, which is far inferior to Liverpool's first team, they will You can handle it with ease.

Every reserve team player has this thought in their mind. How can Everton be compared to our first team?

Even without Su Han, our first team is a hundred times better than them!

If Everton knew that a group of people from the reserve team dared to underestimate them, I'm afraid they would be furious and vowed to wipe them out in the final~!

Well now...

Everton was very calm and low-key before the start of the final.

Everton's final ranking this season is eighth. If Liverpool didn't win the League Cup, if Everton didn't make it to the FA Cup final, this ranking would make them nothing this season.

It is different now, before the FA Cup final, they have already qualified for the Europa League next season.

Although not as good as the Champions League. But for a mid-range team like Everton, being able to guarantee the qualification to participate in European competitions every year is already a great success. Both competitively and financially.

But this is not a reason for Everton to keep a low profile.

It's not that they don't take this final seriously. You must know that the FA Cup final has nothing to do with qualifying for the European War, but with honor.

This championship trophy is what everyone dreams of.

This season Liverpool has shown everyone their strong dominance. But there are always some people who want to take advantage of the fire and dig Liverpool's corner.

Everton is one of them.

Everton's low profile is mainly because manager Moyes doesn't want his team to be dragged into an endless war of words by that bitch Su Han.

You know, this is the Merseyside derby in the FA Cup final...

Although the Merseyside Derby has existed in name only in recent years, it still has a reputation.

The same city derby is always going to be a bit of a war of words.

Not to mention the controversial scene in the last derby-the referee James' various controversial judgments made Liverpool finally draw with Everton at home, and there was a lot of trouble.

The aftermath has continued to the present.

In fact, Moyes knew in his heart that Everton was taken care of by the referee in that game.

This is irrefutable. But he didn't want to admit it.

After that game, he remained silent, did not comment on the referee, nor did he comment on Liverpool's angry reaction.

No matter how the media teased him, he kept silent, making the media think he was boring.

This low-key style continued until the FA Cup final.

The reason why he kept a low profile was because of the last derby, he just didn't want to give people the opportunity to talk about that game, so he took the initiative to avoid talking about it and kept silent.

In a war of words, Everton will definitely not be able to beat Liverpool.

First off, there was absolutely no match for the sharp-toothed Su Han on Everton's side when it came to spitting at each other.

The end of the verbal battle with Su Han is that Su Han will completely KO, become the laughing stock of others, lose face, and lose the morale of his own side.

0...asking for flowers...

Secondly, spitting at each other will also affect Everton's preparations.

They don't have two lineups like Liverpool, the reserve team prepares for the FA Cup final, and the first team plays the Champions League final.

And also won the championship four rounds ahead of schedule, had four warm-up matches, and a month of preparation time.

In the last round of their league, they are still competing with Tottenham Hotspur for seventh place in the league.

After a long season, the team was already exhausted.

It would be unwise to put all your energy into arguing with Su Han instead of taking advantage of this opportunity to recuperate.


In the end, the low-key purpose is to not attract Liverpool's attention, so that Liverpool will not pay attention to them, and will not take them seriously.

In this way, Everton may still have some hope.

Liverpool's reserves are strong.

This kind of Liverpool has almost no weaknesses, so we can only hope that after an extremely brilliant season, the Liverpool reserve team will have some arrogance and underestimate the enemy - originally Liverpool played against Everton At that time, they had a huge psychological advantage, because they had nine wins and one draw in the past ten games." Remaining unbeaten is the only opportunity for Everton to take advantage of.

In short, it is really meaningless for Everton to have a war of words with Liverpool.

Even if they used their words to win against Su Han, so what?

Can they win the championship?

In the final analysis, a football match is a movement of the feet, and what you say can't change the fact that the winner depends on the feet in the end.

Word wars are useless to the Everton team, so naturally they should not fight them.

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