In this way, the two teams set foot on the turf of Wembley Stadium through the player tunnel with completely different moods.

In the stands, fans from both sides roared and the tsunami pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

Listening to the deafening shouts, the Liverpool players looked up and down with excitement.

We all watched the Champions League final on TV.

In the Champions League final, when the two teams played, it was nothing more than that.

Wembley is also the venue for the Champions League final.

Such a feeling, such an atmosphere, and such a pitch...

"Isn't this our Champions League final!

Amidst the shouts of the fans, they held their heads high.

This scene made the Everton players next to them feel surprised—how could the mental outlook of the group of reserve team players next to them go up to a new level after walking out of the passage in such a short time?

Among those who are watching these reserve team players, there is also Everton coach Moyes, who came out early and stood in front of the coach's bench.

When he saw those reserve team players walking onto the court with their heads held high and their chests full of confidence, his brows frowned even tighter.

He kept repeating in his mind.

That's right!

That's right!

They must have some secret weapon!

They must have found something wrong!

They know what to do, and the reason they are so unscrupulous must be that something is wrong with us...

But hell!

What the hell is wrong with us?!

Who will tell me!

What the hell is wrong with us that makes the Liverpool reserves so confident!

He roared in his heart.

No one can answer his question.

Because there is no such question at all, and if there is no question, how can there be an answer?

Moyes fell into an inexplicable agitation.

In his opinion, the confident smiles on the faces of the Liverpool reserve team players are also a kind of tricky smile that is about to succeed.

Especially the leader Su Han, that is no longer a sly smile, but a mockery of himself!

He's laughing at his own incompetence!

After the game started, Moyes' anxiety became more serious.

He is always worried that his problems will become a breakthrough for Liverpool. This emotion has always affected him, leaving him with no time to care about him.

He worried that the team would concede the ball first, maybe in five minutes, maybe in ten minutes, maybe in fifteen minutes.

And there was nothing he could do about it.

But what he feared didn't happen.

Twenty minutes into the FA Cup final, the score was still zero to zero, and the two sides tied.

It's not to say how tenacious Everton's performance is, nor how weak Liverpool's offense is.

The reason for this tie is because...  

The referee's penalty scale.

The referee James of this game is the referee who caused great controversy this season. When he was in the Merseyside Derby, he made many judgments that were obviously biased towards Everton.

Later, when the FA decided to let him enforce the FA Cup final decision, it caused some controversy.

However, the FA's reasons are also impeccable.

As the leader of England's young generation of referees, Jameson is naturally eligible for the FA Cup. Although he made a mistake in the Merseyside derby, he was also punished by stopping the rest of the league for the rest of the season. Will suffice.

You can't ask the Football Association to ban the referee they focus on training for life, right?

Who can see that the FA asked James to enforce the FA Cup final to comfort, or to compensate, the young referee who was suspended by them until the end of the season.

Some media said that they were deliberately targeting Liverpool, and the FA also had something to say.

"When we made this decision, the FA Cup semi-final hadn't started yet, and we didn't know that Liverpool could reach the FA Cup final. So all doubts about the FA Cup against Liverpool are unreasonable` ~!"

Literally understood, there is nothing wrong with what the Football Association said.

They are not prophets who can predict the future, so at the time they did not know whether Liverpool could make it to the final, so it is wrong to say that they targeted Liverpool.

No matter how strong the Liverpool reserve team is, the football is round, who knows what will happen then?

What if Liverpool are knocked out?

No matter how small this probability is, it still exists, even if it is only 0.001%, it cannot be ignored.

So the FA's explanation is perfect, even if everyone knows what's going on in their hearts, there is no way to blame them.

James' penalty scale in this game is very loose.

The loose law enforcement standards ensure the smooth progress of the game, and it stands to reason that this should be a good thing.

However, specific issues need to be analyzed in detail.

Lax enforcement is not good in all cases.

For example, when the Everton players move a lot...

This time James did not obviously favor a certain team.

He didn't make as many decisions in favor of Everton as he did in the last game, and he didn't make many decisions against Liverpool.

This time, whether it was Liverpool invading Everton or Everton invading Liverpool, James' penalty scale was very loose, and he could let the game go smoothly without blowing.

It seems like it's kind of fair.

But anyone who has watched the game, as long as the IQ is not negative, knows that there is a big problem.

Because Everton is on the defensive, they defend a lot, and they need to make big moves and foul a lot.

Therefore, in fact, this loose penalty scale is more beneficial to Everton, and Liverpool has fewer opportunities to enjoy it.

As a result, Liverpool's offense was repeatedly interrupted by Everton's rude defense, but the referee James did not say anything.

Of course, Liverpool players can also use rude actions to fight back.

It's just that Everton is more advantageous after all.

No one noticed it at first.

Everton's players made a behind-the-back tackle on Wilson, knocking Wilson to the ground with the ball.

At that time, there was a lot of exclamation in the stands of the stadium [even the commentator shouted ""This is an action that should be awarded for a foul!"

The Everton player who fouled was also frightened after the foul. As a professional player, he knew very well what this action meant.

So he quickly jumped up to defend himself, saying that what he shoveled was a football, not an intentional foul.

In fact, this excuse is very far-fetched, anyone can see how ruthless his kick was just now.

The problem is that James really believes his defense!

Although he blew a foul, he did not show a yellow card or a red card, and he just verbally warned the player a few words.

If this is the first penalty in this game, and it still doesn't explain the problem, then next, when the commentators all said that the action was a foul, every time he called a foul, the commentators said that the foul that should be given a card was just a verbal warning At that time, everyone suddenly realized.

In this game, James' penalty scale is very wide, very lenient.

Of course, not all of James' penalties are so lenient. Sometimes he should play a card or have to play a card.

But that is only occasionally, and does not affect his overall penalty scale.

Otherwise, everyone would not think that James' penalty in this game is very lenient.

You must know that even acting requires acting skills. If you are too naked, you will always leave too many excuses for others.

This thing is like a layer of window paper, everyone knows it, but it is not easy to pierce.

Everyone knows the reason why James' penalty scale is so loose in this game, but as long as he does some cover-ups, it's hard for everyone to tell.

But some people don't care that much. .

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