Although no whistle sounded, the football was kicked out by Liverpool players.

The opposing player falls to the ground and can be ignored.

But the referee is like this, it is really unreasonable to ignore it.

Most of the Liverpool reserve team players are relatively kind, so the Liverpool players who received the ferry from Su Han immediately kicked the football out.

After Su Han landed, he looked back at the referee James, who was lying on the ground, with a frightened expression on his face, and then he jumped up, waving his arms to the field, signaling the stretcher to come up!

Looking at him like this, it is completely unexpected that he actually did it on purpose.

What he showed was just an ordinary player panicked by accident.

Only Su Han knew that he did this because he didn't want to leave some people with a clue. You know, Yin people also pay attention to acting skills. For the first time, James was suspended until the end of the season because of his poor acting skills.

He realized this in this game, so his acting skills have improved.

But it's still too clumsy to be seen at a glance.

Can I be as stupid as James.

He knows that because of Liverpool's great success, it has caused dissatisfaction among many people.

It is inevitable for 03 to have a big tree attracting the wind, but it would be too stupid not to be able to leave "criminal evidence" for the enemy.

There are those who deliberately want to weaken Liverpool, but they have been lacking excuses.

Liverpool is not like Manchester United. Since the establishment of the Premier League, Manchester United has quickly become the overlord. After more than 20 years of operation, Manchester United is the power of Manchester United in English football.

In England, there is such a common remonstrance-the United are indeed taken care of more than other teams.

Not as good as the well-known England referee Webber, who is a supporter of Manchester United.

Liverpool has been depraved for many years, and its foundation is rotten. Naturally, it has no ability to compare with Manchester United.

People who don't like Manchester United can't beat Manchester United, but they can still attack Liverpool.

Seeing Su Han like this, those who were still in a daze suddenly realized, and Everton's team doctor rushed up immediately.

Liverpool's team doctor is also a supporter of Liverpool after all, and has a deep sense of dislike for James, so the reaction speed is naturally slower.

In fact, after the initial surprise, they all felt very relieved after seeing Su Han knock James away!

That's why they didn't rush to treat James.

Anyway, now that medical methods are so rich and developed, James must not die.

After Everton's team doctor came up, he quickly checked James' injury.

There was a hole in the socket of his left eye, and blood gushed out of it.

At the same time, he also experienced short-term shock.

However, under the treatment of the team doctor, he has already woken up.

After waking up, he was in a trance, unable to concentrate, and his vision was blurred.

None of this is good news.

Because it means that he will not be able to continue to enforce the game.  …

When the Everton team doctor was examining James, Su Han also squatted beside him with concern, waiting for him and paying attention to the results.

After hearing the result, Shen lowered his head.

In the eyes of outsiders, Su Han is quite a conscientious kid. He felt so guilty after bumping into the referee.

Actually it has nothing to do with him...

This was just an accident, an accident that no one wants to encounter.

No one knew, but Su Han, who lowered his head, was grinning.

After spending so much effort, if I can't drive you down, I won't be called Su Han anymore!

Then he got up and walked out of the crowd.

At this time, the expression on his face had returned to normal.

No one knew how happy and relieved he was.

Those who offend me will always be punished.

If you don't believe me, just look back and see who I have spared all these years!

James' face was covered in blood, which was a little scary.

When people see it, they think they are not watching a football match, but watching news pictures of wars in the Middle East.

He was carried off on a stretcher. He was pale and lay motionless on the stretcher.

Even if the Everton team doctor didn't say anything, everyone knows that it is very unlikely that James will continue to officiate this game...

The officials of the Football Association on the rostrum finally remembered this time, and did not behave too badly in front of everyone, otherwise it would cause many people to speculate.

They were sitting in their respective seats cursing Su Han crazily in their hearts.

All kinds of vicious words were added to Su Han's head without restraint.

Because of Su Han's collision, they shattered their most anticipated future......

If it weren't for the lack of evidence, they would almost really think that Su Han did it on purpose.

Just look at his performance after knocking James down, he is so concerned and anxious...  

I don't want to pretend either.

They are confused.

James, who was lying on the sidelines, finally woke up. He has not forgotten his mission.

He struggled to get back on the field and officiate the game.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone.

The commentator also sighed, "James is really a serious and dedicated referee!

It's all hurt like this, and I still want to return to the court!

That's admirable!"

James, who was stopped by Everton's team doctor, yelled frantically in his heart, "What are you doing to stop me! Do you know that you can only win when I am on the court! You idiots!!"

Everton's team doctor couldn't hear the roar in James' heart, so he did his best to prevent James from returning to the court to enforce the law.

With James' current physical condition, it is indeed impossible to continue to enforce the game.

As for James, he can't speak out what's in his heart directly. If that happens, he will really be finished...

It has to be said that his mind is indeed sober now.

Everton's team doctor insisted that James not be allowed to play again.

After the fourth official came over to check James' situation, he also agreed with the results of the Everton team doctor.

He must make a decision as soon as possible.

The absence of the referee due to injury is not like the players being injured. With one player missing, the game can continue.

Without the referee, how can we play this game?

So since he was injured, the game has stopped and everyone is waiting for the final result.

Either James returns to the court, or someone replaces him.

In the end, the fourth official made a decision-to substitute James for the law enforcement game.

James was furious about this decision, but he had no way to tell his referee partner, because it was really not a glorious thing.

He can only use practical actions to prove that he can do it.

So he struggled to get off the stretcher.

"I'm fine, I don't have any problems, I feel fine! Just a simple hemostasis and that's it. Believe it or not....

After speaking, he tried to run to show them to prove that there was nothing wrong with his body.

But just after running two steps, he turned to the left and fell to the ground!

It caused the people around to scream again.

Well, needless to say, James really can't continue to enforce this game...

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