Su Han ran to the corner flag area with open arms, then dived and slid on the ground.

His teammates followed suit, gliding on the turf with him.

Then everyone hugged on the ground like this.

Liverpool fans cheered in the stands.

The Everton fans were dead silent, all silent.

The same is true on both sides of the bench.

Ancelotti led his men, jumped out from the coach's bench, raised his arms and shouted frantically, celebrating the goal.

Being able to take the lead in the first half greatly boosted one's own confidence, and at the same time dealt a heavy blow to the opponent-do you want to enter the intermission with a draw?

No way!

Just next door, is Everton's dead bench and coach's dugout.

Moyes thought of his previous worry again.

In his opinion, his worry has become a reality, but he still doesn't know how the other party did it...

He became more and more agitated.

The first half was about to end, but his team fell behind.

How to tie the score in the second half?

There was really nothing he could do.

Not long after Su Han's goal, the first half was over.

Liverpool got a ball and they took the lead in the game.

That's the result they wanted, albeit with fewer goals in the lead.

But it's always ahead. And as long as they take the lead, Liverpool will have a hundred ways to deal with Everton, making the other party miserable.

They are not worried about scoring at this time, and then immediately entering the intermission, which will interrupt their state.

Liverpool fans were still cheering and singing as the players left the field. Although they were only one goal ahead, they seemed to have seen the smile of the goddess of victory now.

The half-time break was only fifteen minutes long, which was too long for some people, such as those Liverpool fans (adba) who were looking forward to the victory.

They can't wait to start the second half of the game immediately, and then end the game immediately, and then Liverpool won the championship.

In this way, Liverpool won six championships this season, only one short of seven championships!

For others, it's extremely short-lived.

For example, Everton's coach David Moyes.

He knew halftime was his last chance.

So he racked his brains thinking about what he should do to plug that loophole.

But he doesn't even know what the loophole is.

He couldn't figure out what to do.

Poor Moyes now feels that the 15-minute intermission is simply too short!

So unreasonable, so unscientific!

Fifteen minutes passed in a flash, and he still didn't find a solution.

His dejected expression can be seen by everyone.

So the Everton players are even more convinced that the head coach has lost confidence in them.

Although they are only one goal behind now, in the eyes of the head coach, they seem to be ten goals behind.

Such thoughts impacted the fighting spirit of the Everton players, and eventually emptied all their confidence.

Then, they returned to the court with deep self-doubt and broken emotions.

The Everton players were the last to come out and they kept the Liverpool players on the pitch for three minutes.

But this is not the trick that Kempes used in the Argentina World Cup final --- playing a few minutes late on purpose to kill the morale and confidence of the opponent Dutch team, leaving him in no state.

Argentina was full of fighting spirit back then, can the dejected Everton team be compared with it now?

Not at all!

From the moment these Everton players walked out of the tunnel with their heads down, they were doomed to failure.

The second half of the FA Cup was a torture for Everton fans.

It stands to reason that it is only one goal behind, which is not too bad a situation.

They also expect the team to work hard in the second half, equalize the score, and bring the two sides back to the same starting line.

Unexpectedly, more than ten minutes into the second half of the game, Everton's players did not show the slightest intention to fight Liverpool desperately. Their offense was limp, their defense absent-minded.

This kind of performance has not conceded a goal for more than ten minutes, which is simply a miracle on earth.

But Everton's good luck ends here.

In the 20th minute of the second half, they scored.

It was Su Han who scored the goal.

This time it was not a header, but a long shot.

Now Liverpool are leading 2-0, and the game has completely lost its suspense.

Leading by two goals is not much, but with Everton's current situation, even if they are behind by one goal, they will not be able to get back, let alone two goals behind.

Liverpool completely took the initiative.

So what caused all this to happen?

If you think about it carefully, you will find that it started when the referee Zhimus got injured.

After changing a referee, the penalty scale is stricter than before, but for Liverpool, this is exactly what they want.

The previous penalty scale was too loose, conniving at Everton's rough defense.

Now under stricter law enforcement, Everton has restrained, and Liverpool is also at ease.

In this way, the strength gap between the two sides and the huge gap in morale are all reflected.

In the end, it was no surprise that Liverpool took the initiative completely. .

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