Soccer: National Football League Dismissal, Rewarding Ronaldo Template!

Chapter 195: I Have Reserved This Champion In Advance!

The news that Zidane left the press conference in anger quickly spread throughout European football.

The media hyped this up like crazy. Because this is the biggest news before the Champions League final.

While hyping, they also fiercely criticized Zidane for being defiant.

"If it wasn't for our media, how could Zidane be where he is today?"

"Does he think he is still the No. 1 midfielder of the world team? He is just an ordinary head coach now. Leading Real Madrid to the league championship is not an achievement at all. With Real Madrid's lineup, even if a tie is tied to the coach It’s not surprising that the dog won the championship.”

Many media criticized Zidane outrageously, but whether they really think so is hard to say.

What they did was just to make things bigger.

Su Han also noticed the opponent's situation.

He just pouted at Zidane's nervous approach.

He knew what Zidane was going to do.

Zidane didn't suddenly have a brain twitch and offend the media.

He just wants to draw all the attention to himself before the Champions League final.

In this way, his players will have to bear much less pressure.

Bearing pressure is originally the job of the head coach, but Zidane can bear more pressure than the average head coach.

The same is true for Su Han. The reason why he keeps inciting the war of words is because he wants to transfer the pressure on himself.

Zidane performed so passionately that he took the pressure on himself.

How can Su Han stay behind?

He also made an appearance.

Su Han didn't comment on Zidane's performance. He didn't even say a word in front of the media, and he attracted the media's attention to him.

A week before the game, Su Han went to a tattoo parlor.

How could the owner of the tattoo parlor not know what Su Han was doing here?

Tattoos of course.

But tattoos are also exquisite.

The request he made surprised the owner of the tattoo shop, who stood there silent for a long time.

Seeing that the other party didn't make a sound, Su Han asked, "What's the matter? Don't you think it's too difficult?"

Only then did the owner of the tattoo shop come to his senses, and then shook his head quickly, "No, no, it's so rare to get a champion cup tattoo. I just...are you wishing yourself good luck, Carpenter?"

Su Han shrugged and spread his hands, "No, this is a victory speech."

The owner of the tattoo parlor, who is himself a Liverpool fan, was instantly excited when he heard what Su Han said.

Because he knows that Su Han never breaks his promise!

So this time, he can really look forward to Liverpool defending the Champions League!

The owner of the tattoo parlor tattooed a new Champions League trophy on Su Han's arm with full energy and the most pious attitude.

So he has three Champions League trophy tattoos.

Below each trophy is the time of the season in which the championship was won.

2011-2012 is tattooed under the first trophy. The second one is 2013-2014. This newly tattooed third trophy below is 2014-2015

A day later, Su Han rolled his sleeves up to his shoulders and sweated profusely on the training ground thinking about the pages of the newspaper (ada).

The photographer is not trying to tell everyone how hard Liverpool's top star is training.

Instead, I want to tell everyone to pay attention to Su Han's arm.

For the convenience of readers, a small photo is attached next to this photo.

In the photo is the same arm of Su Han, and the focus is on the tattoo on the arm.

In the small photo, the tattoo features two European Champions Cups.

In the latest photos, you can clearly see that Su Han has a Champions League trophy on his arm, and the number below the trophy clearly tells you which Champions League trophy it is.

It's this season!

"It seems that Su Han is bound to win the Champions League this season!"

"Su Han declares his attitude towards the game with a tattoo!"

"Su Han can't wait to get his third championship trophy tattooed on his body. If it doesn't work out in the end, what I want to know is, is Su Han going to wash off this tattoo?"

The media made various speculations and comments on the intention of his tattoo. Some people said it was a kind of self-confidence, while others said it was arrogance. Su Han's approach was disrespectful to the final opponent.

How can anyone declare victory in advance before the game even starts?

Whether it is praise Su Han or criticize Su Han, the topic of discussion is Su Han.

As for Su Han's teammates, no one paid much attention to them.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word, just a tattoo, so he asked the media to help him finish what he wanted to say, and also focused their eyes on himself

In this way, his purpose is achieved.

The team can prepare for the game in a relatively relaxed environment without interference.

This can be seen from the fact that the media interviewed Su Han. All kinds of tricky and weird questions were thrown at Su Han.

These are questions that other Liverpool players find difficult to answer.

But Su Han handles it with ease. If he really encountered a problem that was difficult to deal with, Su Han would simply play tricks.

Anyway, it was the media begging him to be interviewed, not him begging the media to interview him.

Su Han is qualified to put on airs in front of the media, but the media is not qualified to pick and choose.

In such an environment, Liverpool prepared "quietly".

The Champions League final is getting closer and closer to them. .

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