Surprised not only the two commentators, but also Arsenal coach Arsene Wenger on the sidelines.

He really didn't expect Cody, who should be the Achilles' heel of Liverpool's defense, to be so eye-catching, continuously disrupting Arsenal's offense...

This is really evil.

Because of Cody's outstanding performance in the first half, Liverpool seemed relatively relaxed in defense, with ease.

The score was also fixed at 1:0.

The two sides entered the intermission with this score.

Ancelotti rarely praised Cody during the half-time break-he used to praise the performance of the players very well, especially during the half-time break of the game, he didn't even praise individual players at all, because he was worried about the players After being praised as "Three One Three", they were very happy.

But this time, he broke the convention and praised Cody.

This surprised other Liverpool players.

Ancelotti's praise is from the heart, he really thinks Cody's performance is good.

But after the praise, his expression returned to seriousness.

"The test in the second half was even greater, because Walcott hadn't exerted his strength in the first half. You will be tested more in the second half, Donna." Ancelotti said to Cody.

"But it's okay, remember what we practice in training, play well with your team-mates, even Walcott has nothing to fear."

Sterling suddenly yelled loudly from the side: "That's right, Donna! What's there to be afraid of, Walcott? You face Sue every day in training!"

Everyone laughed.

Someone even turned to look at Su Han.

Su Han, who was lying on the gun, rolled his eyes...

Even Ancelotti couldn't hold back, a smile appeared on his face, and the atmosphere in the locker room instantly became much more relaxed and joyful.

Cody felt the kindness of everyone encouraging him and laughed too.

After laughing, Ancelotti said to Cody: "Sterling is right, Donna. You face Sue every day in training!"

He repeated Sterling's words.

Yes, who is better, Su Han or Walcott?

Su Han, of course.

is scarier?

Also Su Han!

Cody himself has personal experience in this regard.

Especially these days, in order to practice what to do when the defense faces a speedy breakthrough player, Su Han, Sterling, Martin Peter Rove and others have imitated Glicman and Mandzukic to be the opponents of the defenders.

As a left central defender, Cody had to face him again and again in training.

Every time when Su Han dribbled the ball towards him, Cody could feel a sense of danger of being pounced on by a tiger. This feeling made him sweat a few times when he played against Su Han, and felt very tired.

In fact, it's not that he's physically tired. His physical fitness isn't so bad that he can't do it after a few rounds. It's mainly because of the pressure, nervousness, fear, and worry.

There is also the reason for Su Han, Su Han did not regard this as training at all during the training, he showed the state in the real game during the training "It's completely a murderous feeling that you want to tear your opponent at any time.

He was so serious and serious that he gave Cody the illusion that this was not a practice but a real game...

But when he really faced Van Persie and others in the game, he felt that compared with Su Han, they were simply too...

Be kind.

Except for being a little nervous when he first played, he is now very calm.

Yes, I was abused by the Soviet Union [Van Persie, Walcott, etc., what are you afraid of?

In the Arsenal locker room, Wenger was giving instructions to Walcott face to face: "In the first half you were a little quiet, in the second half you have to be more active, use your speed to break through their left defense. Cody likes to attack, It's just right for you... and he has a yellow card, he's going to have to be careful in defense..."

Walcott nodded again and again, and finally said: "Don't worry, boss, I won't let you down!"

"Very good!" Wenger nodded vigorously.

He is really optimistic about "Little Tiger" Walcott. He was dug from Southampton because he knew Walcott was a talented player.

At that time, there was a Welsh teenager named Jia Reiss Bell in the same dormitory with Walcott. Wenger finally chose Walcott. He firmly believed that Walcott's future achievements would not be lower than Henry's.

This game will be a chance to prove it.

The second half of the game restarted after a 15-minute intermission. The two sides switched sides to fight again, and no one made any substitution adjustments.

However, in terms of tactics, some fine-tuning has been made.

In the second half, Walcott's chances to get the ball increased significantly, and his right flank became an important corridor for Arsenal's attack.

Cody saw this scene on the court, and thought what the boss said was really good, Walcott will definitely be reused by Arsenal to deal with Liverpool at 0.6, in this case, he will also be severely tested in the game... ...

But when he thought of Su Han who was aggressive in training, Godot suddenly felt that the upcoming test would not be so severe...

He even had some expectation in his heart, looking forward to Walcott's arrival, so that he could see how big the gap between this person and Su Han was.

come on......

He cast his eyes on Walcott in the distance, stared at him, and repeated silently in his heart.

It's like praying.

Then he saw the football being passed to Walcott's feet.

He was immediately refreshed——————— What he was looking forward to finally came!.

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