"...Inter are under a lot of pressure right now because they are so slow to win in the Champions League..."

In the hotel room where I stayed, the Italian TV program was playing on the TV, which was analyzing the upcoming Champions League match.

.......In view of the current situation of Inter Milan, some Inter Milan fan organizations have already called on everyone to come and cheer for the team. This match against Liverpool is very important......When May Acha will turn into hell for the visiting team..."

Ancelotti turned off the TV.

This is what worries him a lot.

Because of the previous two rounds of invincibility, Inter Milan will definitely attach great importance to this game, and there is no possibility of underestimating the enemy.

Secondly, playing in such a terrible stadium will also bring some psychological shadows to the players, which will more or less affect the performance of the players.

So Ancelotti believes that as long as he can draw with Inter Milan in an away game, it is already a "victory" worthy of revelry.

There is no need for Liverpool to win all the games, so the pressure on the players is too great.

Ancelotti's concern was justified. When the next day came, the streets around the Meazza Stadium were full of Inter Milan fans from the afternoon.

Wearing blue and black jerseys, they gathered and waited for the start of the game.

It looked like the entire Madrid Inter fans were there.

When the Inter Milan bus was one kilometer away from the stadium, it had to slow down, because the fans were already swarming onto the road

These fans are waving their arms and scarves to the bus, expressing their support for Inter Milan in this way.

They stood up when the team needed their support the most.

The Inter Milan club can no longer ask the fans to do more.

Milan TV sent back the scene, and the host at the back said excitedly: "Look at this scene! I thought it was the final! With the support of such fans, why should the team not win?""!"

Under the leadership of Mancini, Inter Milan has the momentum of revival. In Serie A, they are currently ranked first in the league.

This season, Inter Milan, which is strong and strong, has plans in the Champions League.

Unexpectedly, after only two rounds in the group stage, Inter Milan did not win a game

The qualifying situation has become precarious.

Later, Liverpool's bus also arrived at the stadium, and they also saw the turbulent crowd of Inter Milan fans on the way.

This is what the Inter Milan fans waited for them deliberately, just to show them, put pressure on them, and let them know that this away game is not easy!

When the Liverpool bus appeared, these Inter Milan fans waved their Inter Milan scarves one after another, shouting deafeningly.

Trying to create some pressure on the Liverpool fans.

The Liverpool players in the car were indeed taken aback when they saw this scene.

It's just a group match, they didn't expect the fans of Inter Milan to be so grand...

Ancelotti couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene.

Inter Milan's fans are so united, which is not a good thing for Liverpool.

There is still more than half an hour before the start of the game, and there are basically no people at the entrances outside the stadium.

It's not that there are no people coming to this game, on the contrary, it is precisely because everyone is paying too much attention to this game, so the fans of Inter Milan have already entered the stadium half an hour before the start of the game …

The Meazza Stadium also took into account the particularity of this game, opened a few more entrances than usual, and conducted ticket checks in advance.

In order to avoid that when the game starts, there are still people entering the arena one after another, looking for their seats.

Inter Milan has to create a very scary home atmosphere, and the work has been done very meticulously.

When the players on both sides were waiting in the channel, ready to go out, the shouts outside were so deafening that it was almost impossible to chat normally.

(Nuo Hao Zhao) But in this game, no one is interested in chatting.

When the players of both sides finally walked out of the pitch, a huge flag covered the southern stand of San Siro, and the players could see it just by turning their heads slightly.

On the flag is the team emblem of Inter Milan, and above the team emblem is a sentence: "Victory belongs to Inter Milan!"

The theme song of the UEFA Champions League was played live. In the theme song, there were the shouts of Inter Milan fans, almost loud enough to suppress the music.

This is the second time that Inter Milan fans have given Liverpool a bad start, and then tell them who is home here.

When Su Han came out, he turned around and looked around. .

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