"Let's go, the bones of the suspected children have been found!"

Xu Luo hung up the phone, and the expression on his face changed.

He didn't expect such a coincidental event, a torrential rain last night actually caused a landslide, and nine skeletons were washed out, and many people saw it.

This means that the nine children must have died.

This is also to confirm his guess.

But he was not happy in his heart.

According to his analysis and reasoning, regardless of whether the murderer was He Yedong or He Dong, after so many years, there is no evidence that can prove that the murderer killed nine children and buried them.

No matter how powerful his reasoning is, at most he will lock up the murderer, but he will never be able to bring people to justice! .

Of course, if it were someone else, he might be helpless and could only watch the sinner get away with it, but as a dark enforcer, he can do it himself without evidence!

But this time, he would never have done so unless he had to.

If the dark enforcer appears in the fishing township to kill people, it will really be where he goes, and where this dark enforcer will kill.

To say that he Xu Luo has a conflict with the dark enforcer, this can still be understood, otherwise it would be too strange and strange.

So he can't act as a dark law enforcer, otherwise the suspicion that he has just washed away in the case in Guangyue Prefecture will come back to his body.

And this case is also about the gambling contract between him and Qin Zhi's father Qin Zhen, what is the dark enforcer's action?

So this case can only be solved by him Xu Luo!

And in his original plan, he locked the murderer in advance, lured the snake out of the hole, and secretly observed, so that the murderer messed up and exposed the location of the bones, which can be regarded as the most direct evidence.

If the murderer is cautious and not in a hurry to make a move, he will also analyze and reason the location of the bones in advance, and then secretly install a surveillance camera or the like, and wait for the rabbit!

But he didn't expect that the bones would be exposed due to the weather and environment!

This is not a benefit, but a big disadvantage!

But the matter has come to this point, and the plan can't catch up with the changes, Xu Luo can only take Qin Zhi's three daughters over to see the situation at the scene.

"Send a message and let Wang He and Xu Hao rush over too, there is no need to continue monitoring!" Xu Luo said to Liang Tian.

Don't even think about waiting for the rabbit and luring the snake out of the hole, then gather all your forces and organize a new investigation route!

"Yes.!" Liang Tian felt that Xu Luo seemed to be a little irritable, so he obediently took out his mobile phone, edited the text message, and sent!

And next to him, the middle-aged man, that is, He Dong, actually heard the conversation between Xu Luo and several people throughout the whole process, looking at their departing backs, he put down the butcher knife in his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking!


Fishing village on the hill.

A large earthen bag was already full of people, and several of the families of the missing children who got the news came as soon as possible and cried on the innermost floor!

Now they don't know which child the skeleton belongs to, so they can only cry around, just cry.

The director of the mirror investigation institute is also a local heat, and he has already arrived with a bunch of mirror inspection envoys, outside the pit, to maintain order!

"How many bones are here!?"

"Nine of them!"

"It's not a coincidence, is it!?"

"Definitely not!"

"So those nine children were killed and buried here four years ago?"

", who did it!"

A group of townspeople from the fishing towns stood outside and whispered, gathering to make a noise.

All the people with the surname He in the fishing township have a little blood relationship, and these nine children are involved in seven families, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they have a relationship with the whole town, so talk about the people who care!

Xu Luo and the four of them were in the slaughterhouse at the foot of the mountain, so they quickly arrived here.

Seeing so many people gathered here, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Zeng Liming, who was already at the scene, greeted him and took the initiative to speak: "Inspector Xu Jing, you are here, there are nine skeletons here, it must be those nine children!" "

"I see!" Xu Luo nodded, and asked instead, "Why did so many people gather here so quickly!" "

"This is a Xi that the residents of the fishing village have cultivated!" Zeng Liming naturally knew what was going on, so he talked about things like the easy landslides in Yuxiang Mountain after the rain.

"Got it!" Xu Luo nodded.

Then he didn't say anything, but motioned for Qin Zhi to come forward to confirm the identity of each child, and at the same time, it was also convenient for each child's parents to claim them.

The parents of the children were also very cooperative and got out of the way.

Xu Luo distributed gloves to several mirror envoys, and asked them to open a white cloth in pairs, and put a skeleton on each white cloth!

Speaking of which, none of the bones overlapped each other, and they were all complete, so it was easier to lift and put them away.

Then two people carried the bones and lowered them into an open space below!

According to Xu Luo's suggestion, Qin Zhi took samples of each skeleton and prepared to verify their DNA. As for the DNA of the parents of the missing children, it is stored in the case bank, which is a special part of Great Xia, and every adult DNA database is stored.

"This forensic doctor, I don't need it here!"

When Qin Zhi got to the middle, He Yedong and He Fang, who were kneeling in front of this skeleton and weeping silently, stopped him.

"This is the peace blessing I hung on our child, and I can already prove his identity!" He Fang took off a jade pendant on the neck of the skeleton in front of him, carefully put it on his chest, and cried even more miserably!

When she cried, the other parents cried too.

Qin Zhi frowned, and said in a somewhat stiff tone: "This is the process!" "

"Forensic doctor, I really don't need it!" He Yedong hugged He Fang and also cried and said: "I know that DNA will take a lot of time, don't waste this time!" "

"Nine children disappeared together, and of course they are all together now!"

"As long as you have verified the identities of the other eight children, and then there is this jade pendant in charge, our child can't be wrong!"

He Yedong didn't say this.

There are a total of nine skeletons here, and if the identity of the other eight skeletons is confirmed, then the last one can naturally be determined.

DNA is not so easy to do, and with the best and latest technology, it can take two hours at the earliest

"I..." Qin wanted to say something, but Xu Luo stopped her.

"It's good to save time, you just listen to their opinions as parents, there will be no mistakes with the elimination method and the relic identification method!"

"Okay!" Seeing Xu Luo speak, Qin Zhi's brows gradually stretched, and she didn't insist on anything.

Then she extracted the DNA of the other eight children, then walked to the back of the trunk of the off-road vehicle, took out a small box, opened it, and began to operate!

What followed was a long waiting time, and Liang Tian accompanied Qin Zhi to retrieve database information through the computer.

Xu Luo took Lin Qin and the two of them around the surroundings, not knowing what they were observing.

The surrounding crowd not only did not leave, but gathered more and more.

Some people went to the neighborhood to observe the road, some people went to the neighborhood to hold on to the graves of their ancestors, and some people ran to see the mound where the bones were originally buried!

Lin Qin whispered beside Xu Luo (Li's), "Are we going to do it?" "

"No, this time the darkness is not suitable for a shot!"

"So do you know who the killer is?"

"The current situation, it's hard to say!"

"I think there's something wrong with the place where this skeleton is buried!"


"These nine bones must not have been buried here at the beginning, otherwise it would not have been impossible to find them back then, they should have been moved later!"

"Yes, that's what happened, so I'd like to find the first, and even a few other places where the corpses are hidden."

"The murderer this time is very powerful!"

At this moment, Qin Zhi, who was next to the skeleton and didn't know what to detect, beckoned to Xu.

"What's wrong?" Xu Luo came to Qin Zhi's side and asked.

"Next, just culture the cells, and then do the DN check when the time is up!"

"I'm looking for you because I found something."

Qin Zhi leaned over to Xu Luo's side and whispered, "There is something wrong with the bones of these nine children!" "

"What's the problem?"

"Except for one of their corpses, the other eight are not naturally corrupted!"

"What!?" _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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